oh yeah this is Val, I just needed to protest my horrible treatment under the hands of a dictator who shall not be named.

but anyway let's start with this panel that basically sums up Barry's entire life

his face here is ridiculous

Barry you're pathetic

Barry pls

fetal position, poor guy
being Flash is suffering, clearly
well when you're the fastest man on earth

you should all know this is for his murder trial


in case anyone was wondering if you could actually catch bullets with your teeth

wtf silver age

barry's got swag

Not silver age but this amused me way more than it should have
Climb up my rainbow Barry

sadly I don't remember where this is from

this needs to be on his profile somewhere
its a point we wish to make
you can even do that to baby Hal if he gets in
barry is graceful when he plummets

of course then Hal will probably retaliate

wtf is even going on here
The bear is shaking him down for cash
also barry has really high standards for himself

yes, because riding plesiosaurs is a totally normal thing

being good at subterfuge is overrated
no I will never let it die
Tony is just going to go :|
the greatest moment of his career

wtf is my standard response to most silver age things
they are silver age for a reason
sob I love silver age so much though

and then this made me really sad/mad FUCK YOU DC

but anyway that one time Barry streaked through Central City naked and really lived up to his name

captain obvious

disney princess barry allen

and we'll finish with some more bling
okay I feel better about life now
(nobody ask me what's going on in that last panel)
I have to do a reread today
I have to attempt to read too after this test..
250 issues of Flash and then like 250 issues of JLA
wait what are you reading Tea

you both
how's your burned app coming
If I pretend I don't see it then am I exempt?
I suppose I did tell her I would revive it
when she threatened not to sleep
there's nothing that says you can't kill it again if need be
well there's nothing that says I can't kill it
ok good luck with your reading I shall go take this test and maybe cry
And you got my plurk name wrong
Ps only Ollie gets away with punching Hal
I can't tell who any of you are on my phone though...
look this is me prepping myself for my inevitable demise
Because challenge accepted
superman mostly but I will take anyone else :|a
/flips the bird at everyone
I'll make an open log with that as the starter
oh my god hal can you not
barry is going to arrive on the turtle and the first thing he's going to have to do is field complaints about hal
His intro post can be saying sorry about hal