11 years ago
[event] calls Ludwig, wondering if he was up for a quiet night in with a film. He felt it might be nice to just have a quiet night in to get to know each other.
latest #102
Ludwig was
11 years ago
at home working on a small leak under the sink. He fumbles with the phone a little breathless. "Hallo?"
11 years ago
grins when he hears how Ludwig answers the phone, 'You sound busy... maybe I should call back later?'
11 years ago
places down the wrench he was using. "Ah, nein...I mean no. I have time." He says as he carefully comes out from under the sink. "How are you?"
11 years ago
nods, 'Good thanks. Well, I guess there is a minor problem that I'm trying to fix...'
11 years ago
quirks a brow at that but knows that he can't see it. "Anything I can help you with?" He gets up and goes to wash his hands as he cradles his phone between his ear and shoulder.
William thinks
11 years ago
about this, 'Yes and no. It's really something only I can fix but it involves you.'
Ludwig is
11 years ago
very interested now. "Oh? Well, I think I'd have to know what it is regardless."
11 years ago
laughs, 'I just wanted to see you again is all... I've been thinking about you for the last couple of hours now...' He doesn't tell him what he's been thinking about, mainly because it involved his anatomy_
11 years ago
final. 'I was wondering if you were free anytime soon for a quiet night in?'
11 years ago
flushes at the bluntness of his statement. He was glad Will couldn't see it. "I'm free this evening or tomorrow evening. Kiku's out on a school trip."
11 years ago
blinks... 'Seriously? I thought we would have to plan a wee bit ahead because you had a kid... but tonight works. How does Chinese food sound? You can pick the film.'
11 years ago
chuckles. "You were lucky in your timing otherwise we would have had to wait. Ja, chinese food sounds great. What kind of film mood are you in?"
William thinks
11 years ago
about this, 'I've been studying all day... so something which you don't have to think too hard about?'
Ludwig thinks
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their best bet would be an action movie but he honestly didn't know that many English ones. "I'm assuming we want it in a language we both understand. I'll see what I can do."
11 years ago
hums, 'I can deal with subtitles.' He wouldn't mind too much if it was a decent film. 'I'll see you at mine around 7 then?'
Ludwig is
11 years ago
thinking of films now. "Ja, see you then." He replies before hanging up.
William has
11 years ago
a couple of menus waiting for them on the coffee table by the time 7 comes along. The books that had once been there had been shoves off to the side against a wall. Ludwig's visit was a much welcomed_
11 years ago
11 years ago
had distracted himself with work most of the time so the day would go by faster. He's at Will's door with a DVD in his hands as he knocks on the door.
11 years ago
had managed to study once he knew that Ludwig was his reward. He answers the door with a smile. It seemed that each time they met Will got more and more casual. Today he's in a pair of beach shorts and a tank_
11 years ago
top, channeling his Aussie side. He glances at the film before looking up at Ludwig. 'What did you bring?' he asks, stepping aside.
Ludwig likes
11 years ago
the look on him, he isn't too dressed up himself opting for a light sweater and pants. He steps inside smiling lightly at the Aussie. "This one." He says holding it up. It had been recommended but he wasn't
11 years ago
sure how good it really was.
11 years ago
glances at the cover, vaguely recalling having heard good things about it. He hums, 'Looks alright actually.' He lets Ludwig take off his shoes before leading him to the kitchen, 'Would you like a beer?'
11 years ago
takes his shoes off and places them to the side neatly. He perks up at the mention of beer. "Ja, that would be great, thanks." He says as he heads to the living room to set up the movie.
11 years ago
takes out his decent beers, pouring them both a glass before heading to the living room. He settles on the couch, placing their beers on the table in favour of looking through the menus. 'If we order now, the_
11 years ago
food should arrive half-way through the film?'
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
that's not bad of an idea. "Do you know what you want?"
11 years ago
nods, 'Chicken curry and fried rice... Oh, and fried wontons.' Really healthy...
11 years ago
figured it wasn't going to be a healthy night. "Chow mein and some lemon chicken...and why not throw in a green onion cake."
11 years ago
nods, reaching over for the landline to order from his favourite chinese. 'What's a green onion cake?' he asks, punching in the number. He puts the receiver to his ear, waiting for an answer.
11 years ago
isn't even sure how to explain it. "Essentially it's batter with chopped up green onions in it...that has been deep fried."
11 years ago
... might have to steal a bite. He orders for them both, letting the place know his address before hanging up. 'Sounds interesting... You probably don't have them often, right?'
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Hardly. I'm cooking most of the time. But Gilbert does get us to order once in a while."
11 years ago
can tell just from looking at him that they don't have take-out often. He moves on the couch to give Ludwig room, dvd remote in hand.
11 years ago
takes as eat getting comfortable, arm spread over the top of the couch.
11 years ago
settles into the spot Ludwig leaves, going through the menu screen. Before he presses play however he turns for a kiss, keeping it fairly chaste. 'I just realised I hadn't said hello properly,' he explains,_
11 years ago
with a wink.
11 years ago
flushes at the kiss but settles around Will letting his arm drape around the Aussies's shoulder and pulling him closer against him with a hum. "I can certainly get used to that."
11 years ago
smiles as he settles in beside the man, a hand going to rest on his thigh. 'You better.' Will is quite an affectionate person.
11 years ago
had dealt with one other very affectionate person so he wasn't that much of a stranger to this.
11 years ago
lets the remote rest on the arm of the chair, head settling on Ludwig's chest as he watches the screen. It was exactly what he had asked for. Something he didn't need to think too much about.
Ludwig was
11 years ago
glad the film turned out to be exactly that. He finds himself quite comfortable and is only jostled out of his peacefulness when he hears the apartment buzzer go off. He blinks glancing over the couch. "Should
11 years ago
I get that?"
11 years ago
shakes his head, knowing if Ludwig got that he would pay for it. He sits up, picking up his wallet as he heads to the door. 'I'll get it.'
11 years ago
re-positions himself with Will's absences as he puts the film on pause waiting for him to return. He could already smell the food.
11 years ago
turns up with the food, disappearing only momentarily to grab plates. When he returns he seats himself beside Ludwig, handing him a plate. 'Dig in.'
Ludwig is
11 years ago
glad for his return and smiles when he's passed a plate. He places it on his lap as he opens each container of food checking for the lemon chicken.
11 years ago
finds his fried rice and curry, mixing it up. He offers Ludwig some, popping a wonton into his mouth. 'Tastes good.'
11 years ago
tries some of his and offers him a piece of green onion cake. "It's been a while but good as usual."
11 years ago
Tries a piece, humming in consideration as he tries a bit. 'Tastes alright, actually.' He settles on his end of the couch with his plate, tucking in.
11 years ago
quirks a brow curious at what he would say before nodding. Tastes good was a good sign. He presses play and sits back to eat and watch the rest of the movie.
11 years ago
Finishes his plate easily, waiting until Ludwig is done with his food before moving to fit himself into his side again.
11 years ago
doesn't take too much longer and wraps his arm back around him shifting to get comfortable as well as they finish watching the movie.
11 years ago
soon starts to get slightly bored, hand sliding up Ludwig's thigh.His fingers tease along his inner thigh, expression innocent and on the screen, as though he's paying attention to the film.
11 years ago
shifts his gaze falling on the hand unsure how to respond. His gaze falls on Will's innocent face and he can't help but roll his eyes. "Bored?"
11 years ago
turns to face him, trying to hide his amused expression. 'A little... Are you enjoying it?' He will watch it if he is enjoying it.
11 years ago
doesn't want to give it away that he is. "Hard to enjoying something when someone is distracting me from it." His lip curves up a bit at that.
11 years ago
watches his expression for a moment before retracting his hand and settling into his side again. 'I can wait until the film is finished.'
11 years ago
reaches over and grabs his hand. "It's fine. I was just teasing." He says.
11 years ago
Pretends to consider it before his hand returns to Ludwig's thigh. His head turns to catch Ludwig's lips in a kiss.
11 years ago
turns his head and kisses him back shifting to spread his legs apart a bit more.
11 years ago
Takes that as an invitation to explore his inner thighs some more, hands sliding up teasingly slow. He keeps the kiss PG for now, knowing they have time to do this.
11 years ago
likes the slow pace things were going. He lets out a small sigh at Will's curious hand. However, he doesn't make any move to explore himself. He was curious and so remained still mostly.
11 years ago
slips into his lap, hands sliding into his hair. He groans into Ludwig's mouth, tongue running over his bottom lip.
11 years ago
sucks on his tongue as he wraps an arm around the Aussie's waist pulling him hard against him with a grunt.
11 years ago
smirks into the kiss, tightening his grip on Ludwig's hair and tilting his head for better access. He grinds into his hips, kiss becoming harsher and needier with each movement.
11 years ago
jerks his hips up at the grind and continues to kiss him back roughly.
11 years ago
runs his hands down over his shoulders and across his shoulders before gripping his forearms. He pulls back for breath, hips stilling as he looks the other in the eye.
Ludwig loves
11 years ago
the way Will touches him. He's staring up at the man in hazy confusion shifting his hips a bit under him, waiting to see what the other wanted too do. Not wanting to force anything.
William was
11 years ago
perhaps looking to tease him a little. He appreciates that Ludwig is being patient with him, cheeks turning a little red in embarrassment. He catches his lips in a slightly tamer kiss than before, hands moving_
11 years ago
to spread over his chest.
11 years ago
kisses him back with equal passion. "You're very energetic tonight..." He murmurs against his lips leaning forward to kiss him again.
11 years ago
hums in agreement, 'You're my reward after studying all day,' he confesses, melting into the second kiss as his thumbs trace his collar bone. 'I want to enjoy it.'
11 years ago
chuckles at the word reward. "Well, what do you want me to do so you enjoy it fully?" He asks as he trails kisses along his jaw occasionally nipping at the skin.
11 years ago
's breath hitches with each nip, eyes shutting in pleasure. 'Maybe you can show me how good you are with your mouth,' he suggests, hands gripping onto his shirt. His cheeks are red as he peaks an eye open to_
11 years ago
see the man's reaction.
11 years ago
smiles lightly against his skin as he continues to trail his lips down his neck. "You want me to suck you off?" He murmurs biting and sucking at a spot. "Anything else?"
11 years ago
squirms when Ludwig crosses a sensitive point, gasping in his hold. The man was making it hard to think. His toes curl as he takes a deep breath, eyes scrunching tight. 'Hah... then I want to be tied to the_
11 years ago
headboard while you fuck the living daylights out of me,' he confesses in a rush.
11 years ago
smirks against his skin. "You liked that idea, hmmm." He could feel himself getting hard at the thought alone. Ludwig flips them over so he has Will on his back laying across the couch as he pushes up his
11 years ago
shirt his lips trailing a path to his nipples. He takes one into his mouth as he works on it sucking and licking it hard.
11 years ago
Can feel the smirk, the action bringing a small flush to his cheeks. He makes a sound of surprise as he's flipped over, arching into the talented mouth on him. He'd never let anyone tie him up before and the_
11 years ago
Idea of letting someone who he has only dated a few times sends a thrill down his spine. He chuckles once he's gathered his bearings, eyes shutting. The mouth on his nipple was distracting.
11 years ago
was working Will's pants loose as he plants open mouth kisses down the middle of his stomach and a well toned one at that.
11 years ago
Smiles, arching into his mouth. He enjoyed exercising so it wasn't had to maintain, although Ludwig was definitely of a heftier build than him. He lifts his hips to help Ludwig tug his shorts down. He went_
11 years ago
Without boxers tonight. A hand slips into Ludwig's hair, needing something tangible to grab onto.
11 years ago
Discards the shorts before he's taking a hold of the base of Will's shaft and pressing his lips to the head taking it in slowly.
11 years ago
Inhales sharply, tugging lightly on Ludwig's hair. He has to resist the urge to jerk his hips into the warm welcoming mouth. 'Christ....' He groans, head tilting back in frustration. It was such a slow,
11 years ago
Excruciating pace that left him craving more.
11 years ago
begins to bob his head up and down when he has him nearly fully in mouth. His hand is working at the base and the other fondling his balls.
William has
11 years ago
to remember to breath after Ludwig has started. He bites back a groan as he is thoroughly paid attention to. 'So good, fuck...' he gasps, toes curled against the sheets and thighs tensed.
Ludwig wonders
11 years ago
how long it will take to get him off. He continues nonetheless twirlibg his tongue around the shaft.
11 years ago
Tugs on his hair as a warning, already close to the edge. 'Hnnn.... Close.'
11 years ago
smirks around Will's cock and he speeds up the pace with both his bobs and his hand movements.
11 years ago
's back arches as he cums hard into Ludwig's mouth, groaning out his name as he does.
11 years ago
swallows as he slowly pulls his mouth off of Will. He wipes at his mouth as he admires the naked man in front of him.
11 years ago
Flushes when he realises he's monopolising the man's attention, trying to come to his senses through the haze of having just cum hard. 'Hah.... Haha. That was good.'
11 years ago
was really hard now and it was evident through his jeans. "Do you still want me to tie you to your headboard." He asks hoping that Will hadn't changed his mind.
11 years ago
((I just realised.... this isn't a private plurk xD ))
11 years ago
((Opppssss, would you like to start one? Or do you think it's too late? ))
11 years ago
(( Just noticed you did. ))
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