Gilbert has
11 years ago
spoken to a million and one people, and he's managed to claim a good chunk of West's work for himself. That was much harder than it should have been. He knew there was still a divide between East and West_
latest #156
11 years ago
_but holy shit.
11 years ago
had noticed a decrease in his workload and found it odd considering the circumstances. He's actually out in the yard for once grooming the dogs. That hasn't happened in a while.
Gilbert is
11 years ago
holed up in his room with paperwork, but he can see them through the window. He's happy that West is taking some time for himself...finally.
11 years ago
finishes up on them and decides to check up on Gilbert...because he's not stupid. Something is clearly amiss. He makes it to his brother's door and knocks on it.
11 years ago
....shoves West's half under his bed, going back to one of his own...he didn't even know what this was. "Come in~"
11 years ago
opens the door slowly and peeks in before entering completely. "Gilbert...." He wasn't sure how to word it exactly. "You know you didn't have too..."
Gilbert is
11 years ago
going to play dumb as a rock. "I know. But it's basically my duty to finish the milk, and put the empty carton back."
11 years ago
hadn't noticed that but now that he knows...he's not very pleased with it. "Don't play dumb. You know exactly what I'm talking about."
11 years ago
sighs, and turns to actually look at him. "West. Right at this moment, and maybe five minutes ago. Were you relaxed in comparison to the last...few months? Years? Decades?"
11 years ago
pauses taken aback by the deliverance of his brother's question. "...ah...ja..."
Gilbert has
11 years ago
made his point. "Then yes. I really had to. I don't particularly like paperwork, but it won't be the death of me. I can handle this, West. It's fine."
Ludwig has
11 years ago
tensed up again. It wasn't Gilbert's responsibility, that was the problem. It was nice but he'd rather not stress out his brother too. "I was handling it fine, Gilbert...there was just one night...I..."
11 years ago
waves him off. "No, West. It's fine. I'm telling you it is. I won't get stressed out, so it's not extra trouble for me. I have to do my own anyways, I don't mind doing a little extra. Take a day, go...go_
11 years ago
_see Eliza. Go on a date." His eyes flicker back to the paperwork. It's weird knowing that West and Eliza are...well, official or whatever. But he's happy for them.
11 years ago
pauses at that. He should have just stayed away from Elizaveta...and now he feels guilty. He remains quiet before making his way back to the door. "I'll be outside with the dogs." Is all he says before making
11 years ago
his way up the stairs and outside.
11 years ago
doesn't want him to feel guilty. He wants his brother to be happy. He bangs his head against the desk a few times, unsure what to do to...fix this. He felt like he was emotionally...fucked. He didn't know how_
11 years ago
_to do this. This was why Eliza was better off with West. He scrawls his signature on another piece of paper, and getting up to shove his head through the window. "West..." fuck.
11 years ago
had been playing fetch with the dogs when he hears Gilbert. He stops glancing over his shoulder to spot the other man. "...ja?"
11 years ago
hesitates. He doesn't want to fuck this up. "I...I'm happy for you guys. Seriously. I just want you two to be happy."
11 years ago
subconsciously tenses again. "...Gilbert, are you actually happy? Or are you just saying that?"
11 years ago
doesn't know. He's miserable, but also happy? But he's not going to tell West that. "I'm happy. You two are good for each other, and you make each other happy, and that's all I need or want." As long as they _
11 years ago
_were happy...he would make do.
11 years ago
grows quiet. He hated seeing his brother like this. He's almost tempted to go break it off. "What do you want for dinner?" He asks instead changing the topic.
11 years ago
would kill him if he went and did that. "Uh...I dunno. Something good? What haven't we had in a long time?"
11 years ago
would take that over this. "Bratwurst?"
11 years ago
told West to go get Eliza back, didn't he? Or at least that he would step back. He's fine. He'll get over it. "Yes! Oh, that sounds fucking awesome." Mmm Bratwurst... "I miss Oktoberfest..."
11 years ago
smiles lightly at that. "It's around the corner." He says as he formulates a quick plan to the grocery store and the butchers.
11 years ago
knoooows. "But not fast enough."
11 years ago
couldn't agree more. "Did you want to come to the grocery store with me?"
11 years ago
grins. "Jaaa! Of course!" They could get ice cream, and chocolate, and whipped cream...
11 years ago
[skype isn't sending you my messages ll ]
11 years ago
* ;; ]
11 years ago
smiles lightly. "Meet me in the car in five minutes then." He says as he gets up an heads back inside.
11 years ago
(( I'm not on Skype. ;-; ))
11 years ago
[oooh that's why xD ]
11 years ago
sighs a few more forms, before collecting all his shit and running down to the car.
11 years ago
was waiting in the car with a Rammstein CD in at a high volume.
11 years ago
fucking loves his brother. He hops into the car, cheering. "Go, go, go~~"
11 years ago
reverses and speeds off towards the grocery store.
11 years ago
grins. "Good pick, West!"
11 years ago
likes it too. The track for 'Pussy' comes on. "Glad you approve."
Gilbert is
11 years ago
totally rocking out right now. "Sooo much. Oh! Oh! We...we need to go to a concert!:
11 years ago
could not agree more. He had heard tha t they would be touring Europe again. "I hear they'll be in Munich in October
11 years ago
and Berlin in September. Take your pick."
Gilbert wonders
11 years ago
how the hell West knows these things before he does. "Both!"
11 years ago
Thinks that's a great plan. "I'll see what I can do." Which translated too this was really going to happen.
11 years ago
cheers! "Aw, West. You're the best! The greatest, I swear to fucking god."
11 years ago
flushes at the compliment clearing his throat a bit as he pulls into the parking lot of the grocery store.
11 years ago
slips out of the car, cheering to himself, and humming guitar solos.
11 years ago
gets out too and locks the door. He grabs a basket and heads in. He knew whst he needed.
11 years ago
hops alongside him, glancing around. "Hey, hey look! Cookies on sale!:
11 years ago
forgets how much of a kid Gilbert can be in a grocery store. “We‘re not here for cookied.“ He says simply.
11 years ago
isn't a kid! If all the delicious shit is on sale, he can't be blamed. "Weeell, we need dessert. What about ice cream?"
11 years ago
isn't too against ice cream. "What kind of ice cream were you thinking?"
11 years ago
grins at that "Fuerst Pueckler Eis~!"
11 years ago
's lip curves up. "Ja, alright. Go get it."
11 years ago
cheers, and races off down one of the aisles. He almost knocks over a kid, but apologizes hastily as he makes a left turn towards the frozen section.
11 years ago
has gone off to pick up the rest of the ingredients minus the meat.
11 years ago
comes back with two large buckets, poking around to find West. Instead he's almost knocked down three displays, and startled a woman giving out free samples.
11 years ago
can hear the chaos behind him and almost had half a mind to hide so they don't think Gilbert is with him.
11 years ago
would be hurt!...and then cling to him, and speak loud enough that everyone knew. "West!" He finally spots him, and heads over to dump his Eis in the cart.
11 years ago
flushes lightly at all the stares. "Gilbert, be careful and keep it down."
11 years ago
scoffs. "Keep it down? West, we're in a public space, not a...a church."
11 years ago
gives him a stern look. "I didn't say whisper just be respectful of the others around you."
Gilbert has
11 years ago
no idea why West is so upset. "What? What's with that look?"
11 years ago
is not upset. "I'm just saying. It may be public but we still need to be aware."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Ja, ja, okay West." Aware of what? He was in a grocery store.
11 years ago
heads to the cash register. The line was decently short.
11 years ago
...ruffles West's hair, messing it up a fair bit before starting to cash out the groceries.
11 years ago
makes a noise of displeasure trying to fix it while pulling out his wallet to pay. He manages to get the transaction through but his hair was less than salvageable.
Gilbert is
11 years ago
quite pleased with himself. "You should have your hair messy more often."
11 years ago
flushes. "It makes me look like a kid." He's loading the groceries into the car.
11 years ago
grins. "Firstly, you are a kid. Secondly, look at your body."
11 years ago
gives him a strange look. "That was very contradicting." He gets into the car.
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Okay, well you're a kid to me. Secondly, to people that don't know you, no child is that built."
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
Gilbert will always view him as a kid in that case. “Gilbert you do realise I haven‘t been a kid for more than one hundred years. I‘ll give the last one to you though.“ He starts the car and drives in
11 years ago
the direction of the butcher.
Gilbert will
11 years ago
. "Jaa, but remember when you had like...the chubbiest cheeks, and baby fat," He pinches West's cheek. "And you used to follow me around everywhere, and you were the cutest fucking kid ever. Mein Gott, you _
11 years ago
_were cute."
11 years ago
'a face turns a beat red and he awkwardly tries to slap Gilbert's hand away from his cheek. "Gilbert..."
11 years ago
(( I feel Ludwig needs to turn into a kid soon. ))
11 years ago
11 years ago
grins, messing up his hair a little more. "You were...and always so...determined. Aw man, you adored me back then. Remember I used to carry you around on my shoulders?"
11 years ago
smiles at that. "Ja, I remember." He still adored Gilbert. He was just embarrassed to say it out loud.
11 years ago
(( How free are you? We could start something soon? ))
11 years ago
[I have to go do crap in like...10 minutes v.v]
11 years ago
[but we can start and I'll get back to it when I can?]
11 years ago
(( I meant this week, haha? Not now. xD I have to go to bed in a few minutes. ))
11 years ago
would be surprised -and probably overjoyed- to know that. "Now you could probably piggyback me. Didn't I tell you that you weren't allowed to grow up? You should listen to your bruder, you know." He teases.
11 years ago
parks the car in the only open spot near the butchers. "You know I don't listen very well." His voice grows quiet. "I wanted to be as strong as you then." His cheeks flush at the admittance.
11 years ago
smiles at that. "You did grow up strong, West. We might not fight the same wars we used to..." In Europe, anyways. "But you're just as strong as I was, and look at you now hm? Taking care of your older brother_
11 years ago
_." Because he knew that he would be...gone, without West. "You do know how proud I am, right?"
11 years ago
doesn't want to ask to hear it but sometimes he needs the reassurance. "Well, I can't take all the credit. It was a lot of know that too, ja? If you hadn't been there for a lot of what happened during
11 years ago
my life....I wouldn't be here today. Don't forget that either Gilbert. Because I notice that you forget that you were and always will be important to me."
11 years ago
falls silent for a moment. It's not that he forgets, it's feels like West just doesn't need him anymore. But hearing that he's important to West is something he does need, even if he doesn't like_
11 years ago
_to admit it. "Come on, West. Your my little bruder...I'll always be here for you. I'd never let know? Without backup, or someone to fall back on..."
11 years ago
stares at the steering wheel for a while. "I know...I just sometimes can't help remember those few times that I thought I had lost you..." He had been such a mess during the divide of East and West.
11 years ago
shuts his eyes for a moment. Gott, that time with Ivan had been absolute hell, and there had been a million and one times where he'd thought...for sure. For sure he'd vanish like Vati. He still felt that way, _
11 years ago
_like he was living on borrowed time, or that one day he wouldn't wake up, or get to finish a sentence, and he'd just be...gone. "But you didn't, and I'm here."
11 years ago
nods at that and tries to smile but it doesn't quite meet his gaze. " know, for everything."
11 years ago
frowns a little at that. "Hey. None of that. You have nothing to be sorry for. Shit happens, and you have to roll with it to survive. If I happen to get the short end every so often, so be it. I'd take that_
11 years ago
_willingly and happily, if it meant you ended up okay."
11 years ago
nods again and slips out of his seat. "I'll go get the bratwursts...I'll be right back." He doesn't say anything more and closes the door heading into the butcher. He hated that his brother would sacrifice
11 years ago
everything for him. It just wasn't fair.
11 years ago
just nods. He leans back into the seat, propping his feet up on the dash and sighs. He was really bad at this, wasn't he?
11 years ago
|It doesn't take him long and he's back in the car with a bag full of different types of meat. He sits quietly for a second before starting the car. "Was there anything else we needed?" He asks softly, unsure
11 years ago
if maybe Gilbert had thought of something else while he was gone fetching the meat.
Gilbert was
11 years ago
thinking of stuff, it just didn't have much to do with meat. "Mmm, nah. We still have tons of beer, right?"
11 years ago
nods as he shifts the car into reverse and soon they are heading home. He decides to play the radio instead.
11 years ago
hums along to the radio, gazing outside.
11 years ago
pulls up in their driveway and turns off the vehicle when he's parked it. He gets out and goes to grab the groceries.
11 years ago
takes the groceries from West's hands, heading up to the door. "Where are my doggy kisses?" He addresses the dogs, grinning as they come to greet him.
11 years ago
grabs the last bag seeing as Gilbert has taken nearly all of them and follows after also being greeted by three wagging tails.
11 years ago
sets the bags on the counter, greeting them all with scratches behind the ears.
11 years ago
, unfortunately, can't give them too much attention and leaves them to Gilbert as he starts working on dinner. He had washed the potatoes and sat down peeling them.
Gilbert will
11 years ago
give them enough attention for the both of them.
11 years ago
knows this and so isn't too preoccupied. He's already slicing the potatoes and sprinkling seasoning on them.
Gilbert is
11 years ago
excited. He's so excited about West's cooking, oooh gott, it's been so long.
11 years ago
has slipped them into the oven and is now working on cooking the bratwursts. He was in the zone.
11 years ago
can tell. It smells fucking delicious. For now, he's rolling around with the dogs.
11 years ago
Glances over and can't help the laugh that escapes. He's setting the table. The food was nearly ready.
Gilbert likes
11 years ago
playing with them! He pounces Blackie, cackling as the other two jump him as well.
11 years ago
can only see a large dog pile in his periphery. He sets all the food down an especially the Mustard for the bratwursts and takes a Seat waiting amused.
11 years ago
peeks up when he sees West already seated. "Dinner guys! Go play~" He extracts himself, dusting off as much fur as he can, before plopping down in his seat. "Smells awesome."
11 years ago
frowns lightly. "Go wash your hands Gilbert. They've been out in the yard nearly all day."
11 years ago
figures he's using cutlery, so it shouldn't matter. But he trudges over to the sink anyways, scrubbing his hands.
Ludwig is
11 years ago
pleased that he listened. He waits for him to come back before starting on the meal.
11 years ago
plops back down in his seat, ready to stuff his face.
11 years ago
places the first bratwurst on his plate before dishing out the potatoes and the rest of the food. "I made extra just in case."
11 years ago
groans at the sight of the food. "Gott, you know I love you, right?"
11 years ago
chuckles lightly. "Ja, I know." That he knew very well.
11 years ago
starts to promptly shove as much food in his mouth as was possible.
11 years ago
had mastered the technique of ignoring Gilbert's horrible table manners. He knows he's no saint at the table but he was sure nothing compared to his brother...
Gilbert is
11 years ago
hungry! Geez, he can't be faulted for liking West's amazing cooking.
11 years ago
would have flushed if he had known that was the reason.
11 years ago
should probably tell him more often, but he figured it was obvious!
11 years ago
knew that Gilbert liked it but didn't know what extent.
Gilbert is
11 years ago
pretty sure West's food is his favourite food. It didn't even matter what he made.
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
that Gilbert thinks to highly of his cooking skills. He's sure his brother likes Italy's food better, or at least that's what it seemed.
11 years ago
does like little Italy's food, but not better!
11 years ago
appreciates makes him feel special.
11 years ago
figured West knew he was the person most special to him.
11 years ago
tried to remember as much as possible.
Gilbert is
11 years ago
glad. There's no one more important to him than West. He finishes his food, happy as anything. "I'm having seconds~!"
11 years ago
smiles at that. "I did make extra." He's a lot more pleases than he lets off.
11 years ago
groans happily, and starts to fill his plate. "You should like....have a restaurant side business or something. I mean, if work wasn't so time consuming as it was."
11 years ago
quirks a brow at that. "You'd be my only costumer."
11 years ago
scoffs. "No way! I mean. Look at it this way, you've been cooking longer than human chef, right? So your food is obviously amazing to not just me."
11 years ago
can't help but still be amused. "That's a good point but unless no one ever needs me work wise I'd never have time."
11 years ago
hums. "Well I mean...I could handle it for you."
11 years ago
laughs. "No, I'd never make you do that. And besides, I do like my work regardless of the fact That it can stress me."
11 years ago
makes a face at that. "Work sucks, West. Stress sucks even more."
11 years ago
reaches over and pats his shoulder sympathetically. "Remember when I would spend time in your study pretending to work while you were actually working."
11 years ago
grins a little at that. "Ja, you were so damn cute. Dunno why you wanted to even pretend to work. Guess you didn't realise how horrible it was back then." Aw, the days of West following him around like a puppy.
11 years ago
had followed him around extensively when he wasn't in Roderich's care. "I wanted to be like you, obviously." His work had consisted of drawings of dogs.
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