11 years ago
[Event]is quietly entering the house trying hard not to alert anyone especially Gilbert of his presences. He looked disheveled and flushed.
latest #141
11 years ago
flicks on the lamp. He's waiting in the arm chair, having faced it towards the door. "Well, well, well, someone had a fun night."
11 years ago
looks startled and should have known but had been hoping that Gilbert would have just gone to bed. He runs a hand through his hair, face a darker red at being caught. "It was a good launch." He says simply.
11 years ago
grins at that. "Oh, I bet it was. Just so you know, Kiku's not going to be calling anyone mommy, okay? Or...Daddy."
11 years ago
's lips thin. "Shouldn't you be in bed?" He brings up a little irritated. He wasn't a criminal for going out once and a while.
11 years ago
isn't calling him one. "Nah. Late lecture tomorrow. Sooo, anyone I know?"
11 years ago
should have known his luck would have been this bad. "Beer?" He offers as he heads to the kitchen and as a means of changing the subject.
11 years ago
reaches behind the couch, and holds up a bottle. Oh, he was so prepared. "Got it. Now spill."
11 years ago
's lips thin even more if that were even possible. "It's really none of your business...." He goes and grabs his own taking a seat on the couch opposite of him combing his hand through his hair again.
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow "Isn't this your job? Teaching me the proper way to court and 'don't put out on the first date, Gilbert!' and all that stuff?" Which was hilarious, as he was...kind of the campus slut. Oh_
11 years ago
_well! Lucky him~
11 years ago
flushes at that. "Who said I had sex...." He takes a good drink from his beer.
11 years ago
raises both eyebrows. "Because you have sex hair, and you look like you just got laid."
Ludwig wonders
11 years ago
what that may look like exactly. "I was just running my hand through my hair a lot." He had no excuse for the other look unfortunately.
11 years ago
stares at him. "You stopped being able to get away with lying, when I was fourteen."
11 years ago
knows this but he had hoped. "It was probably nothing serious." He finally says.
11 years ago
shrugs. "Fine. Older brother getting some is weird anyways. Don't need details. I get it."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "You were the one who asked."
11 years ago
pouts at him. "Cause I wanna knooow, Tell meeeeee."
11 years ago
is so confused now. "You just said you didn't want to know."
11 years ago
doesn't want to admit he was just being childish. "West..."
11 years ago
quirks a brow. "Gilbert...your older brother doesn't share this toe of information with his younger one."
11 years ago
doesn't think this is fair "Why not? Siblings share this crap! At least tell me the gender. Come ooon."
11 years ago
looks like he'll be firm in not telling him but caves a little bit. "They were a he. Happy."
11 years ago
cackles happily, clapping his hands together. "Runs in the family, huh? Soon Kiku will be bringing home boyfriends of his own." And he'd be waiting with a broadsword. "Tsk, West. Putting out on the first _
11 years ago
_date. This is the first date, right?"
11 years ago was and wasn't. "Not really?" He wasn't sure what it would be considered. Everything had moved along so quickly. He had been taken off guard.
11 years ago
crosses his arms. "So you met someone, and didn't tell me?"
11 years ago
didn't think it was important. "I didn't think it was something you were even interested or needed to know. It's nothing serious right now anyway."
11 years ago
hums. "Well if it does get serious..." All teasing aside, he really did want his brother to be happy.
Ludwig feels
11 years ago
really embarrassed that he's having this talk with his younger brother. "If it does? I'll have him over for dinner..."
11 years ago
grins at that. He is the younger brother, it's only fair that he gives this guy a little bit of hell.
11 years ago
did not want to imagine what kind of hell he'd give him. Although, thinking of William, he had a feeling the man could easily handle Gilbert.
11 years ago
hasn't met anyone that could. Well...West, but he did tend to be a handful even for his brother. [Is William the one that caught Gil and Alfred?]
11 years ago
11 years ago
(( Not sure, he might have been? Ask Lorraine, haha))
11 years ago
((As in yes, I am confirming what Elizaveta said! ))
11 years ago
Continues to sip at his beer. "Satisfied?"
11 years ago
[xDDD Geez guys]
11 years ago
hums. "Nein. But I think that's all I'm going to get, aren't I?"
11 years ago
gives him a bit of a cheeky smile. "Ja, of course." He'd never tell him that he fucked William on his office desk.
11 years ago
would burn that desk to the ground, he actually used that desk sometimes! "Bah. You're no fun."
11 years ago
thinks it would be odd to share such intimidate details with not only his brother but someone he raised. "I'm sure you'll live. Was Kiku good?"
Gilbert thinks
11 years ago
it makes West more...his brother, and less his parental figure. "He tried to put me to bed, and then the little booger passed out. He follows too many of your rules."
11 years ago
laughs. "Why am I not surprised. I'm sure you humoured him well." Never thought about it that way. He was always so wrapped up in being a parent it was hard to get out of the mind set.
11 years ago
grins. "Don't I always? Sometimes I think he really is the uncle, and I'm the one that needs to be babysat." Regardless of everything, he is grateful for West, and appreciates all he does.
11 years ago
smiles at that comment. " don't?" He's of course teasing. It's been a while since they were able to be this relaxed around each other, he finds.
11 years ago
rolls his eyes, but he's still grinning. "Cute, West. Adorable."
11 years ago
laughs. "Am I wrong then?"
11 years ago
scoffs. "I totally don't need to be babysat. I can handle shit on my own." West had raised him well enough.
11 years ago
knows this. "And you've proven it." He agrees.
11 years ago
preens at that. He 's weird about needing West's approval. "Hells yea I have. But I think you trained Kiku too well. He even made us clean up the blanket fort before bed. Where did I go wrong?"
11 years ago
's lip quirks at that. "Apparently Kiku is more like his father."
11 years ago
whines softly. "But uncles are way cooler!"
11 years ago
places his beer bottle down. "Ja, but uncles aren't there as much as fathers unfortunately."
11 years ago
grumbles at that. "Yea, but...I mean, I live here too! I just have school, and..." Parties, and hook ups, and oh he was a horrible uncle. "Stuff."
11 years ago
hums, knowing he had made his point.
11 years ago
sticks his tongue out at the other.
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Very mature, Gil."
11 years ago
grins. "Very."
11 years ago
rests his head back on the couch with a mild sigh.
11 years ago
nudges him. "Sooo. Did you have PG rated fun on your date? Or did you kinda skip to breaking headboards?"
11 years ago
flushes at the way that was phrased. "It wasn't PG by any means." He murmurs.
11 years ago
cackles at that, ruffling up his bruder's hair. "West! Aw, that's my bruder. I'm so proud of you!" He sniffs, wiping away a fake tear. "So proud."
11 years ago
's flush darkens as he pinches his nose at the exclamation. "You make it sound like you're the older brother, Gilbert."
Gilbert likes
11 years ago
to think he's more experienced in sleeping around if nothing else. "Nah. If I was the older brother, I'd be giving you the sex talk. Use condoms, and lots of lube!" He faux-lectures the other.
11 years ago
shakes his head and rolls his eyes. "Ja, thanks."
11 years ago
grins. "You are very welcome!"
11 years ago
[I assume Gil is old enough to have already received the sex talk from West?"]
11 years ago
(( Oh ja, for sure. ))
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Such an educational talk." There was clear sarcasm.
11 years ago
nods. "Not as educational as my sex talk. Remember how awesome and awkward as fuck that was?"
11 years ago
had tried to make it as scientific as possible for both of their sakes. However, he came out of that with heated cheeks for the next several hours. "Please, don't remind me."
11 years ago
appreciated the effort. He'd learned much better through...uh, experience. Not that West knew that. "Still got those diagrams?"
11 years ago
is embarrassed but he did. "....would it be weird if I said yes?"
11 years ago
......just laughs at him.
11 years ago
flushes a dark red.
11 years ago
eventually contains himself. "West...West, are you keeping them for when Kiku grows up?"
11 years ago
| Gott...was he that obvious? His cheeks only reddening. He doesn't answer though.
11 years ago
just...dies. He can't stop laughing, and it's starting to actually hurt.
11 years ago
glares at him from his seat on the couch.
11 years ago
forces himself to calm down, cause West looks kinda...pissed. "Oh, uh..sorry, West. I uh...okay, let's make a deal. We both give him the talk."
11 years ago
thinks that will traumatized Kiku but it might not be too bad of an idea. "...I'll have to think about it."
Gilbert gives
11 years ago
him a look. "Oh, come on. You're going to give him the diagrams without me running interference?"
11 years ago
‘s lips thin but he eventually caves. “Fine...we‘ll work something out.“
11 years ago
grins. "Awesome. I'm the favourite Uncle, I totally need to be part of this."
11 years ago
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. “You‘re the only uncle.“ He points out.
11 years ago
preens at that. "Even more of a reason!"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "We'll work something out closer to that time."
Gilbert gives
11 years ago
him a look. "You can say that...but I'm totally being part of this."
11 years ago
has a feeling Gilbert will remember. "We'll deal with it then." He repeats placing his empty beer down on the table.
11 years ago
sticks his tongue out at the other childishly.
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Maybe Kiku will be givin you
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Maybe Kiku will be giving you the talk."
11 years ago
sputters at that. "What? But I'm the older one!" Kiku would though. The kid already liked to tuck him in.
11 years ago
chuckles at the reaction. "You know he would."
11 years ago
sighs. "Ja....he grows up so fast."
11 years ago
wonders if he's doing something wrong if that's the case.
11 years ago
doesn't think so at all. West raised him too, and he never really grew up at all. He thinks Kiku's just excited to help.
11 years ago
hopes so. Kiku did like to help.
Gilbert thinks
11 years ago
Kiku is the cutest nephew anyone could ever ask for.
11 years ago
is happy that Gilbert took on to him so well. It makes him feel relieved.
11 years ago
doesn't know why he wouldn't. He's actually good with non-bratty kids~
11 years ago
is always uncertain about things such as those.
Gilbert wishes
11 years ago
West would talk to him when he feels like that. He's not a little kid anymore.
11 years ago
glances at him indecisively. He looks torn.
11 years ago
quirks an eyebrow at him, trying to look..patient.
11 years ago
can tell he's becoming a little impatient. He sighs giving in. "Do you think I'm a good father Gilbert?"
11 years ago
blinks. He was expecting a few different things, but certainly not that. "Of course I do! I think....I think you're a better father than a brother, sometimes. You take care of us, of me. You always have..."
11 years ago
flushes almost in embarrassment at his question. He isn't sure what to say but nods falling very quiet.
11 years ago
frowns a little. "Why? Why would you think you weren't?"
11 years ago
sighs. “It‘s because I‘ve hardly been there for the both of you. I work so much that I can‘t even spend proper time with either of you.
11 years ago
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "West, come on. All parentals work. Does Kiku seem like a kid starved for attention or affection? Did I seem that way growing up?" Well okay, he still acted starved for attention, but that was_
11 years ago
_because he's a little shit and a brat, no fault of West's. "We're happy. You care for us more than more parents give a shit about their kids."
11 years ago
sinks into the sofa looking perhaps younger than he'd look in a long time. "That is all I want...for the both of you to be happy..."
11 years ago
nudges him lightly. "Well we are...and we want you to be happy too. Even though I know I drive you a little crazy sometimes. That's what brothers are for, hm?"
11 years ago
laughs a little at that. "That is what brother's are for." He agrees.
11 years ago
nods. "Especially younger bratty ones, hm?"
11 years ago
smiles fondly. "Ja, especially those ones."
11 years ago
grins. He feels like maybe West feels a little better now. Hopefully. "Good, remember that when I'm driving you up the walls."
11 years ago
does actually. "I might have to, to keep from driving you through a wall." His lip quirks up clearly indicating he was joking.
11 years ago
cackles at that, nudging him. "Horrible, mean older brother. You love me, okay? Besides, I'm not that bad."
11 years ago
wraps an arm around his shoulders and messes his hair. "Ja, okay, you're right. You're not that bad." He teases.
11 years ago
whines, batting at his hand. "Weeeest~"
11 years ago
laughs. "Gilberttt,~" He mimics but poorly.
11 years ago
holds up a finger. "Aha! See? Mean. Mean older bruder, that's what you are~"
11 years ago
smiles almost mischievously. "That may be what I am." He agrees. "Now get your brother a blanket. He's sleeping on the couch for the rest of the night." What was left of it anyway.
11 years ago
furrows his brow a little at that. "Uh...why? What's wrong with your bed?"
11 years ago
quirks a brow. "Nothing. I'm just spent and honestly much too tired to make it up the stairs." He was very very tired.
11 years ago
hums at that. "Okay. But if I come downstairs in the morning, and you're curled up with your new boyfriend, I am allowed to take all the blackmail pictures I want."
11 years ago
flushes. He hardly called him his boyfriend. They hadn't even talked about that. "I'll be sleeping alone."
11 years ago
shrugs. "It still stands." He heads upstairs to go fetch some blankets and a pillow.
11 years ago
stretches himself out on the couch drifting in and out of sleep as he waits.
11 years ago
comes back down, and...well to him, it looks like West is already asleep. He sneaks towards the couch, draping a few blankets over him, and wonders how to get the pillow under his head without waking him.,..
11 years ago
blinks his eyes open and he stares at Gilbert groggily. His gaze slowly trails down to the blanket over him and he pulls the blanket tighter around him shifting a little.
Gilbert feels
11 years ago
a little less guilty now that West is kinda awake, and shifts his brother enough to tuck the pillow under his head. "Sleep, West."
11 years ago
hums before rolling onto his side glad for the pillow and passing out.
11 years ago
smiles a little, before heading upstairs to check on Kiku, and then head to sleep himself.
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