11 years ago
[Poly]-Hei apocolypse thingee. Is this just an inner post happening? Or can there be 'outer' posts for reactions/smaller happenings in relation to it?
latest #12
purkle archer
11 years ago
there can be reaction posts
Oh sure there can
11 years ago
Oh I was so hoping so. Piglet needs a thread.
11 years ago
I wonder how long the event of the atmospheric stuff will last. :|a
It's in the POLY-tldr post
11 years ago
*fails * thanks. I need to learn how to read better. Or have info stick.
/fluffs the tired nyte
11 years ago
so tired. 6 hours sleep! And that was just last night. I get all my energy at night so am not sleepy... but I have to work : P
11 years ago
sleep soon yes. after post. yes.
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