Gabriel thinks
11 years ago
his 'my brother is out there doing shit' senses are tingling.
latest #35
11 years ago
is having the same senses. Bl
Turkey thinks
11 years ago
they're oth just thinking to much on it.
11 years ago
thinks they both know their brothers well enough to trust this sixth sense.
11 years ago
sighs and stares at Ludwig. "You too?" He groans, huffing at the Turk. "You have a sister, dear God! You should know.. Ah, nevermind." He crosses his arms. "I don't think I even want to know..."
11 years ago
nods. "When it comes to your brother I know my brother is with him."
11 years ago
groans. "One of these days I swear I'll have him on a leash..." He groans, patting the other's shoulder. "Beer? Sadik, want to tag along?"
11 years ago
could always go for a beer. "I may do the same. That sounds great. I could use a beer."
11 years ago
nods. "Good, c'mon, I know a bar." He motions for the other, humming as he walks. "So, how have you been?"
11 years ago
follows, falling into step beside the other. "I've definitely been in need of a drink. How have you been?"
11 years ago
smiles. "In a complicated, messy love triangle I'd say...." He laughs dryly. "But other than that, better than on most days."
11 years ago
thinks that would be complicated. He had had something similar at one point. "I hope you get that sorted."
11 years ago
chuckles. "I.. I suppose it would've been easier if my brother wasn't Antonio, but anyway..." he shakes his head, passing by a bar. "That one, or another?"
11 years ago
studies both bars. "That one seems good."
11 years ago
smiles and walks in with him, humming happily. "Good, now you tell me what you've been up to!" He sits down by the counter, ordering two Super Bocks.
11 years ago
just wants a goo wheat beer. "Ah, where do you want me to start?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "From the beginning.. Or anything you feel like telling me, we haven't talked in a long time."
11 years ago
is usually a very private person. "Ah, well my brother has been helping me a lot with the workload." He begins lamely.
11 years ago
knows that. "Gilbert? Is he finally holding up alright and leaving that basement more often, then?"
11 years ago
nods. "Well, he did before but more discreetly."
11 years ago
nods. "Ah, I see... Huh, I'm certain he and my dear young brother will bring us quite the headache from now on." He smiles softly, nodding once their beers are served.
11 years ago
is glad for the beer. He pulls it closer and sighs. "More to deal with..."
11 years ago
shrugs. "Yes, as always." He hums, sipping his beer. "I also happen to have myself another... Ah, picunhice, and am dating Lovino."
11 years ago
quirks a brow at that. "I...I would have never guessed that. How did that come around?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "I have not the slightest idea, we... We got back at talking, and I'm not quite sure how but he's been awfully close lately, and I guess it just pulled me in." he hums. "We went out once, then, as a_
11 years ago
date sort of thing but I guess we're both still somehow too wrapped up in Antonio."
11 years ago
nods in understanding. "I see." He says as he takes a drink from his beer. "I hope it works out for the both of you." Although, he still found Romano unbearable.
11 years ago
laughs. "I ... Think we'll end up dragging Toni into the mess but I have no idea. So far, it's been working."
11 years ago
feels bad that his distaste for Romano was so evident. He didn't like messy scenarios and yet he had gotten in one with Elizaveta and Gilbert not to long ago. "Sounds unwanted really. Are you sure
11 years ago
you want that possibility hanging over your head?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "I don't think so... Ah, I honestly have no idea. Suppose I might as well keep single."
11 years ago
sips his beer. "Think about it and then decide."
11 years ago
nods. "Yes, yes." He pauses, then smiles widely. "You sound quite experienced in that, Ludwig...."
11 years ago
'S eyes widen and his cheeks flush. "Not at all..."
11 years ago
laughs softly. "But you do... What a mature guy." He hums, sipping his beer. "Alright, I'm joking!"
11 years ago
had turned a little redder. His ears taking on the colour too. "I've been told mature."
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