11 years ago
[Event]blinks around the room. The guards had all left one by one and hadn't come back. She frowns and sits up a little, wincing. Maybe this was her chance to escape...
latest #267
11 years ago
quietly walked down the hall, still sporting the heels and dress. He was going to keep this up until they were in safe territory.
11 years ago
groans and tries to undo the knots tying her legs together. She couldn't quite get a good grip on them.
11 years ago
got to where she was and frowned at her condition, before shaking his head. "Nej, nej. Here..." He got to her and knelt down, undoing the knots carefully.
11 years ago
blinks at him before staring. What in the world was he wearing...?
11 years ago
brushed the hair back behind his ear as he got her free. He held out his hand to her after. "Come on. Let's go."
11 years ago
took his hand and pulls herself up with some difficulty, her legs stiff. "I-Idiot..."
11 years ago
put an arm around her waist lightly. "Save it for later, sweetie. I want to get ye outta here." He started walking out the way he came, not wanting to get held back.
11 years ago
leans against him to help support herself, wrapping an arm around his back. She was glad that he came to help her even though she was worried about it.
11 years ago
walked as easily as he could while in the heels, spotting the exit and moving a bit faster. "We'll be outta here soon, then it won't be long till we're home."
11 years ago
glances around as they walk. It seemed that there was no one else around and she didn't see any signs of fighting. She stays close to him, doing her best to keep up.
11 years ago
smiled at that and took the chance to get out. He started then to go to an area where a car was waiting for them. "Are ye okay?"
11 years ago
blinks up at him and hesitates before nodding. "J-ja... I didn' tell em anything."
11 years ago
nods. "I didn't think ye would." He helped her into the car. "Ye're great to this family..."
11 years ago
settles into the seat and takes a few deep breaths. "Hurts to talk..."
11 years ago
got into the car with her and started driving back to their territory. "Then just rest. Ye're safe now, and I'm gonna get ye home."
11 years ago
nods slowly and visibly relaxes for the first time. She was still worried about what would happen or what they may have done to get her out of there.
11 years ago
hummed quietly as he made sure to drive carefully, not wanting to jostle her too much. "We'll go see Dorthe tomorrow, or somethin'. Tonight I wanna get ye fixed up. And ye need the rest."
11 years ago
frowns faintly. She was most worried about how Dorthe would react...
11 years ago
didn't think she'd react too badly. He was here to get the other to safety, after all. If Dorthe was upset, she'd have done it herself.
11 years ago
worried that Dorthe would be angry with her. She watches the buildings pass as he drives.
11 years ago
parked the car not long after and got out, going around to help her out. "I'ma make sure ye get to yer apartment, kay?" He helped walk her to the door. "I'll be as quiet as I can so yer landlord doesn't notice"
11 years ago
leans against him as they walk. "Thanks..." She was sure she'd be in trouble if the landlady found out. A few other women had been kicked out for fighting before and she certainly looked like she had been.
11 years ago
would act like Dorthe again and try his best to get things sorted out so Trudie could get to her room. For now though, he just hoped for the best. He quietly walked in once the door was open, and heade for
11 years ago
her room while walking as soundlessly as he could.
11 years ago
sticks to his side, waking with him casually. When they reach the staircase, she breaths a little easier. They hadn't been spotted.
11 years ago
breathed himself, not realising he had been holding his breath. He helped her up to her room. "Can ye unlock the door, or want me to?"
11 years ago
puts a hand in her pocket and frowns slightly. "...I don' have my key."
11 years ago
frowned at that. "Do ye have a spare anywhere...?"
11 years ago
nods slowly and turns to the wall, moving a painting a little so a key drops to the ground.
11 years ago
helped her lean against the wall while he knelt to grab the key and unlock her door. He got her in soon after and closed the door behind them, not wanting anyone to see or disturb them.
11 years ago
slumps down onto the couch and closes her eyes, relieved to be back home.
11 years ago
sighs quietly as he got out of the heels. "I don't know how the hell ye guys wear these. They're terrible. Though, my posture is great now."
11 years ago
glances over at him and smirks faintly. "Why the dress?"
11 years ago
shrugs as he fixed up his hair to look like normal again. "I had to pretend I was Dorthe to get ye outta there without any issues."
11 years ago
stares at him for a while before bringing a hand to her mouth to muffle a small laugh.
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Ja, so funny. Be glad ye're out without too much damage." He walked over to her after. "Do ye have a first aid kit around?"
11 years ago
nods and starts to stand up to help him find it.
11 years ago
shakes his head and forces her to sit. "Tell me. I don't want ye walkin' round like this."
11 years ago
sighs faintly. "I think it's under the sink..."
11 years ago
went to go check it out, and was glad to find it. "Do ye want water? Or somethin' to eat?"
11 years ago
nods slowly. "Some water, please."
11 years ago
got her a glass of water and brought it over, bringing the first aid kit with him. "Where does it hurt?"
11 years ago
sits up a little. "I think my nose may be broken and my ribs hurt..."
11 years ago
crouched in front of her and looked at her nose. "Do ye wanna bother goin' to a hospital? Or just trust my skills?"
11 years ago
blinks at him. "I trust you."
11 years ago
nods. "This'll hurt a bit, but ye'll feel better in the end..." He was as careful as he could, and did his best to realign her nose. He knew it'd hurt, but kept going so it' heal correctly. "Do ye mind liftin'
11 years ago
yer shirt so I can see what needs attention...?" He didn't know how she'd react to that.
11 years ago
closes her eyes as he treats her nose. It hurt but she did her best to keep from showing that. She had been through a lot, this little bit wasn't enough to complain about. Her eyes open when he asks about her-
11 years ago
shirt but she untucks it from her skirt and lifts it completely off so it wouldn't be in the way. Her skin showed some large newly forming bruises and old scars.
11 years ago
took a few minutes to look her over, though not in a perverted way. He got up and found a bit of vinegar. He put it onto a cloth and lightly dabbed it on the bruises.
11 years ago
trusted him. She closes her eyes again, trying to ignore the pain.
11 years ago
"This'll help reduce the look of the bruises, but it'll still hurt. Just try and take it easy for a few days." He finished working on her and went to get a blanket to put over her so she stayed warm.
11 years ago
pulls the blanket around himself and sips at some water. "Thank you..."
11 years ago
smiles a bit as he cleaned up. "Is there anythin' I can get ye?"
11 years ago
shakes her head slowly. "You've done enough already."
11 years ago
nods at that. "All right." He glanced around. "... I don't expect ye have any clothes for me, eh? I'd quite like to get outta this dress."
11 years ago
tilts her head. "I have some other dresses..."
11 years ago
made a quiet sound. "I'd prefer to just not wear a dress. But I guess it can't be helped." He ran a hand through his hair. "Do ye wanna sleep now?"
11 years ago
glances at her wardrobe. "I may have a robe that might fit you. It's pretty plain." She settles back to lay on the couch. "I am tired..."
11 years ago
went to go check in her wardrobe, needing something different than this. "I can help ye to yer bed, then. Ye should rest up for tomorrow."
11 years ago
sits up and holds the blanket close around herself.
11 years ago
found the robe and changed into it, finding it much better than the dress. He kept his stuff to the side as he went over to her and held out his hand. "Here. I can be yer support to yer bed."
11 years ago
takes his hand and pulls herself up carefully, starting to walk towards the bed.
11 years ago
put his arm lightly around her waist and helped her to the bedroom. He got her to the bed and smiled a bit. "Anythin' ye need for ye to fall asleep?"
11 years ago
lays down and adjust the blankets, glancing up at him. "No, this is fine, thanks..."
11 years ago
smiles at that. "Perfect. I'll let ye sleep, then..." He fixed the blankets a bit more around her. "Godnat, Trudie."
11 years ago
watches him. "Are you going to leave when I sleep?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Of course not. I don't trust the Italians. I'm goin' to stay until we see Dorthe tomorrow."
11 years ago
nods her head slowly and settles down in the sheets. "Okay. Godnat."
11 years ago
watched her a bit just to make sure she was okay before leaving, and pulling the curtain closed. He went to the couch and laid down on it, but didn't plan on sleeping.
11 years ago
didn't have any trouble falling asleep.
11 years ago
didn't expect her to have troubles. He just closed his eyes and listened to anything that might catch his attention, being weary of any sounds or attack from the Italians.
11 years ago
sleeps soundly, starting to have bad dreams and whimpering quietly.
11 years ago
heard her and got up slowly, goign to check on her. He wasn't sure if anything was wrong, but he peeked behind the curtain to watch her a bit.
11 years ago
fidgets a little before calming back down, her face staying stoic.
11 years ago
decided to just stand outside the curtain, ready to go comfort her if she needed it. He wanted her to get a good rest, and not worry about anything.
11 years ago
sleeps a bit more before whimpering again and frowning.
11 years ago
glanced in and frowned. He walked quietly to her bedside and sat down on the edge. "Ye're okay, Trudie..." He lightly brushed some hair from her face.
11 years ago
gasps, waking with a start and tries to push his hand away before realizing who it was. She calms when she figures out that it's him and pulls her hands back to herself.
11 years ago
frowns. "Sorry. I didn't mean to wake ye. Are ye okay though?"
11 years ago
nods and settles down, taking a few deep breaths. "I am fine..."
11 years ago
stroked her hair lightly. "Don't worry. I'll be here all night."
11 years ago
blinks up at him and nods slowly. "I... thanks."
11 years ago
smiles and stopped stroking her hair. "I'll just be on the other side of the curtain if ye want anythin'." He went to get up and head out again.
11 years ago
watches him. "If you get hungry, you can grab anything you like from the kitchen."
11 years ago
shrugs as he pulled the curtain back. "It's okay. My only concern right now is ye. I'll eat tomorrow or somethin'."
11 years ago
rolls her eyes. "I will be fine. I will not die if you eat dinner."
11 years ago
chuckles. "Still. Just try to get some sleep..." He left the bedroom and went back to relax on the couch.
11 years ago
sighs quietly and closes her eyes, trying to fall asleep again.
11 years ago
thought she looked rather tired, but also conflicted...
11 years ago
didn't really know what to think about everything that had happened. She figured she'd just sleep for now and sort everything out after.
11 years ago
would help her sort things out if he could help. He just wanted her to rest. She had been through a lot, and it worried him...
11 years ago
would feel a bit better once she slept and maybe ate a little.
11 years ago
would get her something light to eat when she woke up next. He didn't want her to have a full meal in case it was too much for her...
11 years ago
didn't think she could handle eating too much right now. She sleeps a while longer before waking up with a small groan.
11 years ago
checked up on her again, frowning. "Is there anythin' I can get ye?"
11 years ago
sits up, keeping the blankets close. "Some water, if you don't mind..."
11 years ago
nods. "Do ye want anythin' to eat while I'm at it?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "Ja... maybe something light."
11 years ago
went to go check what was in her fridge. He made her a few small open faced sandwiches, and got some water. He brought it all in and put the food on the nightstand while handing the water to her.
11 years ago
takes the water and drinks slowly. "Thank you."
11 years ago
sighs quietly. "They really did a number on ye, didn't they?"
11 years ago
glances at him, shaking her head slowly. "Maybe but they didn't kill me."
11 years ago
smiles. "Ja. That's key..." He sat on the edge of the bed again. "Dorthe would have been upset."
11 years ago
watches him. "Did you sneak in or make a bargain with them?"
11 years ago
hums. "I just acted as Dorthe and said I'd keep an eye on the Nordic family. Since it wasn't Dorthe that actually said it, it means nothin'. They should keep to themselves for a while though..."
11 years ago
...hides a smile behind her hand. "That was it?"
11 years ago
nods. "I said nothin' that'd give us away. Besides, I used to impersonate Dorthe when I was younger. It's only natural that can be a perfect double."
11 years ago
"They are foolish. The other families have given them too much respect up until now."
11 years ago
nods at that. "Which is why I didn't budge. Dorthe's done well to keep us goin'... it's obvious we're the ones in power here. Even if the other familys don't like it."
11 years ago
nods. "The fact that they didn't kill me shows they are weak."
11 years ago
chuckles. "Ja. If I was in charge of a hostage, they'd be dead within minutes... I show no mercy."
11 years ago
pulls her food off the table and starts to eat slowly. "I've never really felt a need to take a hostage. At least not until their spy showed up."
11 years ago
shrugs. "Dorhte's not let me have a hostage since the first time I accidentally killed one... I guess it's for their safety."
11 years ago
watches him. "You seem to really like killing people.'
11 years ago
hums as he looked up a bit. "I do."
11 years ago
focuses on eating her food now, not really knowing what to say to that.
11 years ago
just smirked as he thought about it. "So why did ye choose this life?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "Better than anything else. It was either this or get married to someone and have kids."
11 years ago
hums. "I guess that's a freedom I have then. I'm never judged by my parents. Well, I never was anyways."
11 years ago
"Why did you choose this?"
11 years ago
smiles as he looked to her. "I was born into it. My parents knew Dorthe's parents, and were the best of friends. Once they were killed, it was only natural I was looked after."
11 years ago
nods slowly and finishes her food, setting the plate aside. "If you don't mind my asking, how old were you when they passed?"
11 years ago
leaned back a little on the bed. "It was my 9th birthday. So I knew the basics of what was goin' on."
11 years ago
frowns faintly and drinks some water.
11 years ago
hums. "I never had too much think to think 'bout it. But it did help the Nordic family a lot."
11 years ago
sighs. "You really didn't have a choice, did you?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "I helped in gettin' a lot of people killed and captured, so it was kind of fun. No one suspects a lonely child..."
11 years ago
frowns again. She really didn't like the idea that he was used that way...
11 years ago
thought of it as helping the family. It also meant that he always had attention, since people wanted to check up on him.
11 years ago
thought it was sad. She finishes her water and sets it aside.
11 years ago
looks to her and smiles a bit. "Ye ready to try sleepin' again?"
11 years ago
nods slowly. "You should get some sleep, too."
11 years ago
shrugs. "Only when it's mornin'. It's only a few hours away, so it's okay."
11 years ago
sighs faintly. "And if the Italians show up and you are tired and hungry, how much use will you be then?"
11 years ago
chuckles. "It's amazin' how I dig into my reserves for emergencies. I just don't want to get distracted."
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "You are easily distracted?"
11 years ago
nods. "Have ye not noticed? Unless I'm killin' someone, I'm very distracted. I jump from task to task, which is why Dorthe can't keep me in one spot for too long."
11 years ago
shrugs. "I guess I've only ever seen you focused."
11 years ago
smiles and nods. "Mhmm. Like now. It's my duty to watch over ye until mornin'."
11 years ago
"And that is not a task that necessarily involves killing people."
11 years ago
shrugs. "But it means a lot to Dorthe, as well as I. So I'ma focus."
11 years ago
nods slowly. "Well... thank you."
11 years ago
smiles a bit. "No problem. Just try to rest when ye're ready."
11 years ago
glances at him and nods again, settling down a little in the bed.
11 years ago
smirked a bit. "Would ye be happier if I joined ye?"
11 years ago
blinks at him before shrugging. "If you want to, I wouldn't mind."
11 years ago
joined her soon after, taking the robe off and hanging it up near him. He got under the sheets and got comfortable, not wanting to admit that he liked the comfort.
11 years ago
watches him as he took off the robe, looking away when he turned around. She lays back down and looks towards him, keeping a straight face. "I'm sure it'll be easier to keep me safe from here."
11 years ago
nods at that as he closed his eyes. "Mhmm. I should have thought of this earlier. This way I can surprise anyone."
11 years ago
closes her eyes as well. "This will be the last place they look for us."
11 years ago
smirks. "I guess they wouldn't think we'd be sleepin' together, so that's true."
11 years ago
smiles faintly and starts to fall asleep. "Probably..."
11 years ago
managed to not fall asleep, but it was hard. He had a job to do after all still. "Godnat, Trudie..."
11 years ago
moves closer to him. "Godnat, Soren..."
11 years ago
looked over to her and shifted a bit, figuring she liked the warmth he brought.
11 years ago
liked laying next to him, she found it comforting to have someone next to her.
11 years ago
liked having someone as well. It helped reassure that he wasn't alone, even if this was just for business.
11 years ago
sleeps soundly next to him.
11 years ago
closed his eyes again as he breathed quietly, keep his ears trained for any foreign sound. He did care quite a bit for Trudie, but he convinced himself it was business only.
11 years ago
liked having a guy she could trust and be herself around. She was very thankful that he had helped her as much as he had and figured he'd gone beyond what was required for his job.
Søren was
11 years ago
glad she trusted him, it meant a lot. He just wanted to make sure important people in the family were taken care of, and he saw her as important.
11 years ago
didn't think she was important at all and had no idea if she would be of any use to the family anymore.
11 years ago
would still consider her apart of the family, even if Dorthe kicked her out. To him, she was apart of his personal family, and that family was very limited.
11 years ago
would be really flattered to know that. She would try to stay in contact with him if she was kicked out though she knew being kicked out was usually accompanied by being killed.
11 years ago
didn't know if he had the heart to go against Dorthe's orders if he were to try and help her escape. They both meant a lot to him.
11 years ago
wouldn't expect him to go against Dorthe. She would be loyal to the family and would find something to do to help out.
11 years ago
still hoped she'd be a welcomed part of the family. He wanted everything to go well...
11 years ago
hoped it would go well, too. She never really knew what to expect from Dorthe.
11 years ago
did most of the time, but she did throw a few curve balls now and again... For now, he just hoped for the best for her.
11 years ago
would work to prove her dedication if she had to. She would make sure everything worked out for the best of the family.
Søren was
11 years ago
glad to have her as a sister of the family. He pinched himself a few times to keep himself awake.
11 years ago
wouldn't mind if he slept, she figured he would need it. She was a light sleeper and would probably notice an intruder quicker than him anyways.
11 years ago
started to fall asleep regardless after a while. It was too comfortable for him to not sleep here after all.
11 years ago
would be happy to know. She didn't want him losing out on sleep.
Søren was
11 years ago
more of a night person anyway. He slept till the early morning, still waking up before the sun rose.
11 years ago
kept sleeping next to him. She had moved a little closer to him during the night.
11 years ago
noticed when he felt her warmth. He lightly put an arm around her, not wanting to get up just yet.
11 years ago
notices the arm and slowly opens her eyes, blinking at him.
11 years ago
hums a bit as he kept his eyes closed. "Ye're comfy..." He yawned quietly, not wanting to move yet.
11 years ago
watches him for a bit longer before resting against him, her finger idly tracing the muscles on his torso. "Hm..."
11 years ago
smiled at the feeling of her finger on his chest. "M'really glad... that ye're okay..."
11 years ago
blinks at him. "For Dorthe's sake or your sake?"
11 years ago
frowned a little at that. "Both..." He opened his eyes a little as he looked to her. "But mostly mine."
11 years ago
stares at him for a bit before resting her forehead on his chest to hide her smile. "I will be more careful from now on, it won't happen again."
11 years ago
stroked her hair lightly. "Tak... I was worried the moment Dorthe told me ye were taken..."
11 years ago
"I am sorry for making you worry." She frowns faintly and drapes her arm over him.
11 years ago
felt more reassured by that. He liked how warm she was, and just... he was glad she was safe.
11 years ago
"You shouldn't have rescued me in the first place... but I am glad that you did. Thank you..."
11 years ago
shrugs. "Dorthe asked me to, and I think she liked me in drag. Besides..." He pulled her closer towards him. "I didn't wanna lose someone like ye."
11 years ago
hums faintly. "I was surprised to see you wearing a dress."
11 years ago
chuckles a bit. "I like to feel that I was successful. They seemed to fall for it... so either I'm very good, or their boss is an idiot."
11 years ago
laughs under her breath. "Probably both."
11 years ago
hums as he nuzzled her head a bit. "Probably... this is why we're superior..."
11 years ago
leans against him. "It didn't take much to show that."
11 years ago
smiled at that. "I'm glad ye're with us... so glad..." He squeezed her a bit tighter, honestly glad she was in his arms.
11 years ago
blinks up at him and the hint of a smile crosses her face. "I will do my best to stay then."
11 years ago
hums at that, glad she would be serious. "I guess I should go now..."
11 years ago
sits up, the blanket falling off her shoulders. "I should probably go speak to Dorthe soon."
11 years ago
nods a bit as he watched the blanket fall, unable to really move his eyes from her. "Mhm. I can bring ye to her if ye want."
11 years ago
notices his gaze and starts to cover herself again before deciding against it and moving to get out of bed. "If you are going that way anyways, I would appreciate it."
11 years ago
shook his head and nodded as he sat up, letting the sheets pool around his waist. "... Fanden."
11 years ago
glances back at him, hiding a smile behind her hand.
11 years ago
groaned quietly as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed. "I have no clothes. Proper clothes."
11 years ago
...might have laughed at that. "You can borrow one of my dresses, I wouldn't mind."
11 years ago
pouts a bit. "I'd have to go full out then. I don't want to look like a man in a dress."
11 years ago
shrugs a little. "I could probably help you with that."
11 years ago
nods a little. "If ye can make me look convincin', sure. And it's only till I get ye safely to Dorthe... I wanna wear my normal clothes again."
11 years ago
hums faintly and moves to her closet. "I think I can find something that will work."
11 years ago
watched her move. "Doesn't have to be too fancy. I don't wanna risk ruinin' it." He kept his eyes on her, at first just wanting to protect her but now it was obviously something more.
11 years ago
pulls out a loose shirt for herself and pulls it on before picking out a loose, casual dress for him.
11 years ago
finally stopped watching her when he saw the dress. He sighed and took it, putting it on and flattening it down on himself.
11 years ago
gestures for him to sit at her vanity. "I'll get your hair straightened out again."
11 years ago
sighed but figured it couldn't be helped and sat down, getting comfortable. He guessed he'd be there for a while.
11 years ago
starts to comb through his hair. She wouldn't take too long but it would take some time and some product to make it look feminine.
11 years ago
pouted a bit, knowing he'd need a good shower to make his hair normal again. "How long with this take?"
11 years ago
brushes out his hair. "Not long. Does your hair ever lay straight?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Nej. Never. It's whatever way it likes."
11 years ago
sighs faintly and uses some product to flatten it out a little, starting to style it into a bob.
11 years ago
just pouted more, finding this tedious. "I can't wait to shower later..."
11 years ago
finishes up his hair and takes a step back to make sure it looked alright. "So I'm guessing no make up?"
11 years ago
sighs as he looked to her. "Do ye think I need it?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "I don't think you do but it will help you look less like a man."
11 years ago
ran a hand through his newly done hair. "A little will help then. Just so I don't look manly."
11 years ago
nods slowly and picks up some foundation, hesitating before sitting on his knee so she could get a better angle.
11 years ago
made sure to lean back so she had a bit more space. It was distracting him from being focused, though.
11 years ago
leans up to his face and applies some makeup to his face to make his features appear softer.
11 years ago
quickly closed his eyes, thinking it was easier this way. And he'd not be side tracked by looking at her features up close.
11 years ago
finishes his make up and sets it aside but doesn't move to stand.
11 years ago
slowly opens his eyes once she was done. He didn't question why she hadn't moved, but thought it was a bit unexpected.
11 years ago
watches him closely before blinking and standing up. She had really liked sitting on his knee.
11 years ago
bit his lip faintly, hoping it wasn't too noticeable. He stayed sat a few moments longer before smiling and standing up. He twirled and looked to her. "So, how do I look?"
11 years ago
watched him and nodded. "You look like a woman."
11 years ago
smirks. "All right. Let's get ye somewhere close to Dorthe so I can go home and change. I kinda miss bein' a male."
11 years ago
nods and brushes out her hair a little. "Alright."
11 years ago
Got up and headed for the door, putting his heels on normally. "I don't know how women can live in these."
11 years ago
hums under her breath and slips on her own shoes. "Practice. They're comfortable if you get used to them."
11 years ago
shrugs. "My feet don't hurt, but my back does..." He stepped out of the apartment and glanced around.
11 years ago
steps out and closes the door behind them before heading down the stairs.
11 years ago
followed behind her, acting as graceful as he could. As long as he didn't talk too much he'd pull this off without anyone turning their heads.
11 years ago
walks to the first floor and passes the landlady, giving her a curt nod. The landlady just walks upstairs past them, not giving Soren a second glance.
Søren was
11 years ago
glad he wasn't suspected. He sighed when he got outside and looked up to the sky. "How do ye feel?"
11 years ago
pauses to take a few deep breaths. "F-fine."
11 years ago
frowns as he looked to her. "Do ye want some help? I can always be a support for ye."
11 years ago
shakes her head. "I need to stand on my own."
11 years ago
nods. "Well... if ye need it, m'here. I can be by yer side for now."
11 years ago
nods slowly and starts to walk again. "Thank you."
11 years ago
smiled a little as he watched her and kept walking.
11 years ago
walks to the car and glances back at him.
11 years ago
chuckles a bit. "Let's see if I can almost not kill myself this time..." He unlocked the car and opened the door for her before getting into his side and trying to get comfortable.
11 years ago
hesitates before sitting down and responding with a straight face. "What kind of death trap have I just gotten myself into?"
11 years ago
hummed and started driving off to a normal meetup spot. "I'm fine normally. In heels it's a bit more of a challenge though."
11 years ago
"Just don't use your heel and it's like a man's shoe." She had never driven before...
11 years ago
nods a bit at that. "I've tried doin' that most of the time. It's not normal that I drive in heels, though..."
11 years ago
"Maybe you should practice more, then."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Ja, 'cause that's somethin' I want to become a professional in." He slowed down after a while, stopping the car an looking to her. "I can help ye inside if ye want. Other than that, I'm gonna
11 years ago
head on home."
11 years ago
glances at him. "I will be fine going in on my own." She hesitates before leaning up and kissing his cheek. "Thank you."
11 years ago
blushed at that and looked down, smiling. "Wasn't a problem... I just wanted ye safe and sound."
11 years ago
nods slowly and starts to get out of the car. "You have saved my life twice now. I will do my best to repay that."
11 years ago
chuckles a bit. "Just keep alive. That's all I want...."
11 years ago
nods and waves casually as she shuts the door and starts to walk away.
11 years ago
waved to her and watched as she walked off, sighing quietly. He started driving back to his place, putting his hand over his cheek. It still felt warm from her kiss...
11 years ago
felt a little embarrassed about it. She didn't normally show any kind of affection like that. She had kissed people before, but never just because she felt like it.
11 years ago
wasn't used to affection like that. He knew it'd be stuck in his mind for quiet a while.
11 years ago
speaks with a few of Dorthe's bodyguards and takes a seat while she waits for her. She was worried about how things would turn out and wanted to make sure she did it while she had the chance. She closes her-
11 years ago
eyes and leans back in her chair.
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