Addictedtoyarn says
11 years ago
parenting is much easier when you don't fucking nitpick EVERYTHING! Let them wash dishes at their own speed. Let them sing songs however they want. Just back the fuck off and it all becomes much easier.
latest #7
momtofamilyof5 says
11 years ago
So hard to remember that sometimes. Yesterday Maggie washed dishes & it took so long I sent Arlington in to help. But you're so right. And it's the only way they learn and get better at it!!
Sandy_06 says
11 years ago
I totally agree, but I sometimes have to be really strong to hold back and not try to interfere.
Addictedtoyarn says
11 years ago
It's hard for me to understand Natasha because it is so easy for me to be hands off. I know I need to have some empathy and be patient blah blah blah but I just get so tired of hearing her correct the children.
Sandy_06 says
11 years ago
it can't be good for the children and their selfeesteem to be corrected all the time. Maybe try to explain it to her calmly.
Sandy_06 says
11 years ago
Thinking how I would feel being corrected and pushed helps me to be patient with the kids.
Sandy_06 says
11 years ago
typo, sorry meant self-esteem
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