11 years ago
Whoops, forgot plurk existed. EDIT: RP ramblings. Mute??
11 years ago
Hahaaa, I have no idea what's going on outside of SC anymore. Used to be more in touch with stuff, but there's just too much to catch up on.
11 years ago
Speaking of SC... I've been barely scraping through AC lately. I should step it up.
11 years ago
Though it's a miracle I've lasted this long; I've never been in the same RP for more than a year. Actually, I guess I should say every RP I've been in I've at least been there for a year, but I always seem to
11 years ago
drop right then. I don't want to drop SC though, it's fun
11 years ago
aaaaah, why is it that I think I can keep characters IC while I'm RPing them, but I can't manage to somehow develop them. It was like that for my previous characters too, which is mostly why I dropped