11 years ago
sends Eliza a cake, with a 'Congrats, Jailbird' piped in icing.
latest #169
11 years ago
cackles to himself. He sends back a picture of a very disgruntled Gilbird.
11 years ago
squints at it, and sends her a text. 'maybe you should stick to that make-up stuff. It suits you better than this look'
11 years ago
pauses, staring at the staircase. 'You left a thing with teeth in my room?"
11 years ago
swallows. He might...he might crash on the couch tonight. Or get West to do a sweep of his room >>;; 'You're a mean mean person. I want my cake back'
11 years ago
.... 'aha! Reverse psychology! How do you know I didn't do something to the cake?'
11 years ago
did buy it at a store. He frowns at his screen for a moment. "Gilbird, what do you think?" He chirps back, and Gilbert sends back 'So you should definitely eat it, right?' more reverse psychology? Kinda?
11 years ago
...doesn't know what to do. He didn't actually do anything to it. Should he try and make her think he did? Or give up? "Uh...West doesn't like cake." aha!
11 years ago
...lets's his head drop down onto the table. "Ow...Gilbird, I think I lost this one. She's too crafty." he sends back. "Fine, but I'm only caring for one food poisoning patient."
11 years ago
makes a small noise in the back of his throat. He sends a 'you suck' to Eliza, and then one to West 'I need you to do something for me.'
Gilbert is
11 years ago
trying not to pout, and sends back '</3!!'
11 years ago
huffs. He's even gotten her favourite BT
11 years ago
...kicks at nothing. "Good! Enjoy it!"
11 years ago
...'I sent you a cake, how am I a jerk??' he's always a jerk though, he knows that much.
11 years ago
... 'I sent you a cake to..." to make fun of her. "Congratulate you! Now West has picked us both up from the police station."
11 years ago
'Nah uh!' it was meant to be...teasing, not mean. "Fine! No more cakes for you, jerk!'
11 years ago
huffs. "You said if I wasn't being a jerk, and I'm always a jerk which you know. So that was a trap of an offer!'
11 years ago
....'I'll be over in an hour" he patiently tells the dogs where he's going -they give him angry looks if he doesn't- packs up his shit, and heads out through the door.
11 years ago
eventually lets himself in...through the window. It was easier than breaking in through the front door.
11 years ago
scampers up, poking around until he sees her. "We meet again!" He's been watching a lot of movies lately >>;;
11 years ago
perks up "Ja! Please~" He heads into the kitchen for plates and cutlery -and maybe a beer-.
11 years ago
comes back with his arms full. "Caaake~"
11 years ago
grins, setting everything down. "You love it."
11 years ago
sticks his tongue out at her, holding his piece of cake close. "You love that too." He shoves a rather large piece in his mouth, moaning obscenely. Oh yes, good pick.
11 years ago
nods, too busy stuffing his face to give a proper answer. Sooo good.
11 years ago
eventually -regrettably - has to slow down. He squints at her, tilting his head to see what she's reading.
11 years ago
scrunches his nose at that. 'The hell are you reading those for?" His mouth is still a little full, but his language is mostly understandable.
11 years ago
pokes the cover. It's very typical, the shirtless guy with West's physique -he teases him whenever they walk past a book store- and the swooning woman. "That. That book. That thing you're holding in your hand _
11 years ago
_right now."
11 years ago
opens his mouth, and then just...shoves a piece of cake into it. He can't really say she's had quite an eventful love life herself, now can he? He actually likes being here and spending time with her, and _
11 years ago
_would rather not get kicked out. So he shrugs.
11 years ago
hums. "Okay." He can't really argue with that logic. "Are you stressed?"
11 years ago
pauses a little at that. "Hey, uh...I know you talk to West often and stuff. Can you just..." Geez. "He stresses a lot, and I can't always get him to take a break, so..."
11 years ago
nods. "We, a team effort...and an Italy-free zone. I'm going to start taking on more of his paperwork and meetings and shit. They don't like me as much, but too bad."
11 years ago
sighs. "Me too, Eliza. Seriously, it's just..." He wants to pull at his hair. "We need to fix this before it gets bad. You guys should just...go out and stuff. Together. Have fun."
11 years ago
had no clue they spent those days together. He's more out of the loop than he thought...but at least they're okay. "Well that's good. I'll handle the work side of it."
11 years ago
opens his mouth to say...something, anything, and can't manage to get any words out. He nods, trying to smile for them...he's happy. He is, he told West to go for it, and he did. This was better. "I..uh. I'm_
11 years ago
_happy..for you guys. Good. Great. You two are amazing for each other...awesome even. Congrats." He should stop talking. He needed to just...stop talking.
11 years ago
shakes his head. "No, West deserves you, and you deserve West. If this is what he wants, and what you do...then what the hell am I going to do, huh? both deserve each other. It's better this_
11 years ago
11 years ago
hugs her back, probably a little tighter than he should be. But fuck, a very very large selfish part of him just...wants her all to himself, despite West. But a bigger part knows he doesn't deserve her, and_
11 years ago
_that West does. "Just help me take care of him, okay?"
11 years ago
sighs slightly. "Danke." He presses a quick kiss to her temple, more out of old habit than anything, before pulling back. "I just worry about him, and with reason."
11 years ago
nods. "Ja, effort and all." Hell, if Roderich was around, he'd even get him to help. Pop by and take West's mind off of work, anything.
11 years ago
hums. "That's true. I know that West is all grown up, and he can take care of himself...but I still worry."
11 years ago
sighs. "Yea. But he'll be okay."
11 years ago
smiles a little. "If it were up to West, he'd take care of all the worries in the world."
Gilbert gives
11 years ago
her an amused look. "I thought you didn't hold grudges."
11 years ago
nods. "Right. Hatred. Didn't think you still hated anyone."
11 years ago
hums. "Well...whatever. Didn't say you weren't allowed to hate anyone." He sure as hell still hated Ivan with every fibre of his bring. "
Gilbert gives
11 years ago
her a look, more playful than anything. "I know you do. Seeing me rendered speechless must be awesome for you."
11 years ago
bats at her. "Kinda? Not very? Clearly I haven't been doing my job."
11 years ago
grins. "There we go."
11 years ago
shrugs happily. "Whatever, you like me anyways."
11 years ago
nudges her. "Lovably obnoxious."
11 years ago
blows a raspberry against her cheek. "Awesome!"
11 years ago
cackles. "Awesome!"
11 years ago
hums at that. "What's 'not an idiot'?"
11 years ago
....grins at her.
Gilbert gives
11 years ago
her his best innocent look.
11 years ago
perks up, and accepts the cake happily, shoving it into his mouth.
Gilbert is
11 years ago
happy to be preoccupied, so long as it's with cake.
11 years ago
saves the last piece for her, and holds out the plate.
11 years ago
smiles a little at that. "You're welcome. See? I can be nice."
11 years ago
sticks his tongue out at her.
11 years ago
blinks, and averts his eyes to uh... check for more cake. It's weird, he still gets these urges to kiss her, but more than ever now...he can't. "I'm gonna go get another beer." He stands, and tries to_
11 years ago
_leave the room without looking like he's fleeing.
11 years ago
comes back with a beer for each of them, and a can of whipped cream. Perfect for cake. Also an excuse to take a little longer and collect himself.
11 years ago
grins a little at that. "Depends."
11 years ago
shrugs. "What's the magic...phrase?"
11 years ago
cackles. "I was hoping for a declaration of my awesome. But I'm in the mood for your snark, so~" He holds out a bottle for her.
11 years ago
plops down beside her. 'You're very welcome. I brought whipped cream too." He shakes the can, spraying the cream inside of his mouth. "mmmm"
11 years ago
shrugs. "It's better that way! I mean if you want some on your cake, I guess I can be persuaded to share~"
11 years ago
grins, spraying more into his mouth. Sooo good. "You're the best."
11 years ago
sprays a dollop onto her cheek. Keseseses
11 years ago
splutters at that, and sprays the whipped cream into her hair, and smears it all over her face.
11 years ago
laughs loudly, trying to avoid her fists. He thinks this is better than doing good, this is the fun that he misses.
Gilbert is
11 years ago
kinda used to her beating the crap out of him. He coughs when she knees him, and drags her down into a tight bear hug. Now she can't lash out, and he can take time to breathe.
11 years ago
yelps when she hits her target, but still holds on. "Jesus fuck, woman. Is your head made of granite?"
11 years ago
hesitates. He lets her go...but first licks the cream from her cheek, and bolts behind the couch >3
11 years ago
peeks up. "Why...aren't I so gross?"
11 years ago
ducks. "Hey!"
11 years ago
grins cheekily at her. "You love my ass."
11 years ago
flops onto the couch as she gets up. "You dooo~" He sing-songs to her.
11 years ago
grins. "You totally dooo, don't deny it."
11 years ago
gets comfy on the couch, splaying out. "Bring me soooome~"
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