Gensa Jameson is
10 years ago
watching Terra Nova. I'm sad they cancelled this show. It was such a good show. Isn't that how it always goes though? Good, interesting show comes on the air then gets cancelled 1-2 seasons later? Hate that.
SHAYnyXmasStar says
10 years ago
I saw 2 episodes and was sad about wasted time, bcs i didn't like the show at all. lol
™☆Livvvvy☆™ says
10 years ago
There are a few shows they did that too, sucks really you get interested and then because of ratings they take the show away
Gensa Jameson says
10 years ago
Lol it's not for everyone, but there was a number of people who really liked it. It was on the top 10 most watched cancelled shows list.
Gensa Jameson says
10 years ago
Sometimes it's not even about ratings. It's about funding or whatever else or contracts with the networks.