11 years ago
felt like she had been gone forever, so she had gone to see her friend, Angel! Though the house looked different.. She was sure this was the right address, so she knocked on the door anyway.
latest #80
11 years ago
took a little while but eventually got to the door and opened it. He raised his brow as he looked down to her. He didn't say anything. He noticed how short she was though.
11 years ago
stared at his chest blinking slowly, she looked up in shock. "O-oh.. U-uh, I'm sorry. I was looking for my friend, Angel.. But I guess I..have the wrong house." She was shocked at how tall he was.
11 years ago
narrowed his eyes at her. "Why do you want to talk to her?" He had no idea what kind of people Angel interacted with.
11 years ago
cringed back, almost shrinking in on herself more. "I-I'm a friend from Canada.. Do you know her?" She was kind of hopeful.
11 years ago
nods a bit. "I know of her. But she doesn't live here." He tried to be a bit nicer, knowing she was from Canada but his intimidating look overpowered it some times.
11 years ago
kept looking from her feet, and playing with the edge of her oversized sweater. "O-oh.. Could you give me direction to where she lives now...?" She frowned, realizing something. "I'm Madeleine Williams also."
11 years ago
narrowed his eyes a little at her. He nodded a bit and opened the door for her to come in. "It'll take me a while to find her address."
11 years ago
looked at him, to the door. "Ah, thank you very much." She stepped in and took her shoes off out of general respect. "What's your name anyway? If that's alright to ask."
11 years ago
closed the door behind her and headed to the living room after. "Nikolaas." He found a small book where he had his addresses in and started going through it.
11 years ago
stood at the door, rocking on her heels a little as she waited. Tugging at her sweater a little, biting her lip nervously. "It's nice to meet you, Nikolaas."
11 years ago
took his time going through it as he kept glancing to her. "How do you know Angel?"
11 years ago
"I-I'm just a friend... I helped her out a few years back when she was in trouble." She put on a smile, hoping that sounded convincing enough.
11 years ago
nodded a little. "How many years back are we talking?"
11 years ago
raised an eyebrow. "U-um.. not too long ago.." She looked away, obviously lying,
11 years ago
11 years ago
could tell that she was. "Give me the date."
11 years ago
shifted awkwardly. "I.. Um.. Why do you need to um know?" She was very nervous right now.
11 years ago
looked to her again. "You're not getting the address until I know the date."
11 years ago
"U-um.. You know what.. I have her number... I'll just.. call her.." She turned to start getting her shoes on. She didn't think she could explain this to a human at all.
11 years ago
looked over to her. "Williams." He said simply, wanting her to stay.
11 years ago
squeaked and looked back at him. "Y-es?"
11 years ago
sighs as he stepped closer to her. "Do you happen to know a Matthew Williams?"
11 years ago
shook her head. "No.. I don't.. The name sounds familiar though." She held one of her boots in her hand.
11 years ago
frowns at that. "Oh..." He nodded and went to open the door for her. "Try this address." He handed her a small note with another one of his addresses on it, assuming Angel could be there.
11 years ago
frowned a little bit. "Why do you ask, Nikolaas?" She took the paper. "Thank you very much."
11 years ago
sighed. "He's a close friend of mine. I've not heard from him in a while... I just wanted to make sure he was okay."
11 years ago
nodded, frowning, she felt badly about him being so worried. "I'm sorry.. I'm sure he's fine." She smiled after, playing with her gradient hair, twirling it around her fingers.
11 years ago
for some reason couldn't take his eyes off her. He just kept watching as she played with her hair.
11 years ago
noticed him watching her, she blinked for a moment before staring at him. "O-oh? Do I have something on my face? Or in my hair?!" She touched her face and then started to touch her hair just in case.
11 years ago
made a quiet sound and shook his head. "Nee." He scratched the side of his cheek. "... Good luck in finding her. I've not seen her around lately."
11 years ago
laughed a little awkwardly, nodding. "Thank you, again. You should come to Canada sometime if you can afford it, try and find Matthew."She finished getting her boots on turning she put a hand on the door. "Bye"
11 years ago
kept a bit of distance from her. "Will you at least give me the date, now?"
11 years ago
tensed, biting her lip. "Ah.. May 5th.." She didn't want to say the year.
11 years ago
narrowed his eyes a bit as he put his hand against the door to keep it closed. "And year?"
11 years ago
squeaked a little. "Why does the year matter?" She tried to play it off as nothing.
11 years ago
huffs. "Because the year could mean everything. Now tell me."
11 years ago
bit her lip and mumbled. "1945."
11 years ago
nods as he slowly brought his hand off the door. "I knew it. You have the same eyes."
11 years ago
looked exceedingly confused. "W..what?" She had no idea what he meant. "The same eyes?"
11 years ago
nods again. "The same as Matthew. You're Canada, aren't you?"
11 years ago
"A-ah n-no no I'm not...!" She bit her lip and looked away then back to him. "Yeah.. I am..." She still didn't understand.
11 years ago
held out his hand. "Nikolaas Van der Meer, Netherlands. I apologise for my earlier manners."
11 years ago
just stopped and stared at him. "Netherlands...?" She stared shocked. She took his hand, but pulled him down, looking at him in the eyes. "You have her eyes..!" She was shocked. "It's nice to meet you then.."
11 years ago
made a sound and blushed a bit. He rubbed his forehead to show his scar a bit. "This was from the Dutch revolution."
11 years ago
nodded, reaching up to touch the scar. "Is it still sensitive?" She knew it was from before she was around.
11 years ago
flinched a bit before nodding. "It is..." He was surprised even himself for allowing her to touch it. He was never this open with people he just met.
11 years ago
nodded. "That was long before I was around, eh?" She pulled her hand back and smiled a bit, knowing that was probably a pretty big thing. "Sorry if that hurt at all, also."
11 years ago
shakes his head. "It's fine..." He brushed his hair up like normal again. "Have you met any other nations?"
11 years ago
shook her head. "Mnmm, I just came to find Angel, but," She laughed a little. "Seems like fate lead me to you to meet other nations."
11 years ago
nods as he headed to the kitchen. "Come in, I'll make some tea and explain."
11 years ago
nods a little, quickly taking her boots off. Padding after him she made it to the kitchen. "Okay, thank you, Nikolaas."
11 years ago
listened to her voice, missing the accent. He started making them some tea, glad to see her stay.
11 years ago
didn't consider her way of speaking an accent, she liked his though, it was nice and very familiar, even if his voice actually wasn't. "You're.. really tall." She groaned a little. "You already knew that, eh?"
11 years ago
smirked and nodded. "Ja. Dutch are known for being tall. And most have broad shoulders."
11 years ago
looked at his shouldersand flushed, nodding. "Oh yeah.. right, broad men." She looked away when she noticed his smirk.
11 years ago
put the tea for her on the table. "I'm not sure if you take it the same as Matthew, but if not I can add more sugar, or less next time."
11 years ago
took a sip of her tea. "I guess Canadians like their tea more sugar than actual tea." She laughed at her horrible joke. "This is sweet, but I actually like it even sweeter, sadly."
11 years ago
took note of that as he sat across from her, drinking his own tea. "I knew you were the female version of Canada.."
11 years ago
nodded a little bit. "I hate to say it.. But I had no idea that you were the male version of Netherlands." She touched the tip of her hair lightly. "Sorry."
11 years ago
shook his head. "If I'm the first male nation for you to see, I don't need an apology. It's a slight shock for everyone at first." He sipped his tea some more.
11 years ago
hums about that, nodding slowly. "That's true... I was really worried before, I'm not going to lie. I was so confused about why you wanted the year so badly!"
11 years ago
continued to drink his tea quietly. "Truth is, I'm not sure where Angelien lives. We've not talked much. Mostly kept out of each others space."
11 years ago
nods a little bit. "So were you just stalling for time then...? Beeecause you wanted me to stay?" She questioned him, wondering if he was saying what she thought he was saying.
11 years ago
made a quiet sound an looked away. "I just wanted to make sure you were Canada."
11 years ago
smiled widely from that. "Which still means you wanted me to stay." She laughed a bit. "Okay, no I'm sorry, that was really rude. But I'm glad that I learned you were Netherlands."
11 years ago
nods a bit as he looked to her again. "You can leave after your tea. I just wanted to make sure I knew who you were."
11 years ago
nods again. "Okay. I'll see if I can find Angel when I leave." She bit her lip a little and nodding, that did sound weird though. "Yeah, you have a point..."
11 years ago
finished off his tea soon after, looking down into it. "You can leave once you're done your tea."
11 years ago
nodded slowly. "I know... You just said that..." She started to smile and laugh a little, finishing her tea. "I'll leave now, it's okay." She smiled more.
11 years ago
blushed a little and looked down, nodding a little embarrsed.
11 years ago
"Thank you, Nikolaas." She hummed, going to wash her mug quickly.
11 years ago
shook his head and got up, taking it from her. "I can do it."
11 years ago
shook her head, holding her mug close. "No no I got it!"
11 years ago
huffed. "Nee, I must clean it. I don't like people touching my kitchen."
11 years ago
frowned and puffed out her cheeks immaturely. "Fine.." she handed him the mug.
11 years ago
nods and went to wash it, being meticulous about his actions.
11 years ago
watched him very curiously. "You're so much a like it's scary..." She blinked. "You're both so meticulous with your kitchens."
11 years ago
shrugs. "I'm OCD about it. If it's not spotless, I get restless... I can't help it."
11 years ago
nods. "And that's completely fine! Why would there be anything wrong with having any sort of OCD?" She didn't think there was anything weird about that.
11 years ago
glanced to her. "Most people don't like it. I just don't like people touching my kitchen and getting it dirty, but they don't seem to understand..."
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