11 years ago
[event] is calling Ludwig, having just found out his results.
latest #257
Ludwig was
11 years ago
luckily on break and answers his phone. "Hallo?"
11 years ago
grins when he hears the familiar voice. 'It took longer than I wanted to be able to talk to you again, but I got my results.' He sits on a bench outside the school office. 'Want to know how I did?'
Ludwig has
11 years ago
to take a moment to register who has called but it dawns on him and he shifts in his seat. "I do actually. It has been a while."
11 years ago
chuckles, 'I hope you haven't been having too much fun in my absence.' He pauses for dramatic effect before grinning, 'I got a A+ in the quiz you helped me with.'
11 years ago
snorts. "If you mean by fun work than I've been having loads of it." He grows quiet when the grade is about to be revealed and he can't help the small smile that comes across his features. "Ah, so you do owe me
11 years ago
a coffee in that case."
11 years ago
grins, 'Several if you think you're up to it.' He pauses before adding, 'The exam period for Med students has just finished so I should have some time in the next two weeks... when would be best for you?'
11 years ago
would have to check his schedule but wouldn't be opposed to it. Gilbert does say he doesn't get out enough. "I'm free evenings and most weekends."
11 years ago
hums, 'How about two days from now? We can meet around 7 at the library and grab a coffee close by?'
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
that's a perfect time. Gilbert should be home and Kiku would be put to sleep already. "That sounds good. I'll see you then."
11 years ago
smiles, 'Alright.' If it goes well they can maybe grab a bite to eat too...
11 years ago
adds, 'See you then.' And hangs up before Ludwig can change his mind.
11 years ago
wasn't going to but pockets his phone and writes down in his day planner the meet up so he doesn't forget.
11 years ago
adds the event to his phone, setting a reminder so that he doesn't forget.
11 years ago
had managed to get everything in order for today as he stands by the library ten minutes early for the meet up.
11 years ago
arrives five minutes early, looking a lot healthier and better for wear than the first time they met. He's in a pair of black dress trousers and a green shirt. When he spots the German he grins, making his way_
11 years ago
towards him.
11 years ago
notices the healthier complexion and he makes his way over to Will (at least half way since they seemed to be walking towards each other) before stopping. "Good to see you again William."
11 years ago
|'You too! How have you been?' He nods towards the direction he came and starts walking, wanting to take Ludwig to something other than a chain.
11 years ago
falls into step beside him. "I've been alright. I feel like it's safe to assume you're doing quite well considering your exams are over, ja?"
11 years ago
grins, 'Yeah. A ton better.' He rubs the back of his head, 'You telling me to go to sleep though contributed to that, I think though.... Ta.'
11 years ago
's lip quirks up. "As much as trying to get as much studying in is good, sleep is just as important and so is eating well."
11 years ago
hums, glancing over with a cheeky smile. 'I can't say I've been eating well...' he starts, 'Maybe we should grab a bit to eat after coffee, just to make sure that I have at least one proper meal this week.'
11 years ago
doesn't see why not. He hasn't had a proper meal since breakfast. "That sounds good. Any restaurant in particular?"
11 years ago
looks pleased, 'There's this brill Italian place near the coffee shop we're going to? Are you okay with Italian?'
Ludwig is
11 years ago
actually fine with Italian. "Ja, it's not my favourite but it is good." He could do with anything. He didn't want to be too picky anyway.
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow, 'Why don't you make a suggestion then? I'm open to new things.' He stops in #front of a coffee shop, opening the door for Ludwig.
11 years ago
thanks him as he steps inside and slowly edges in to glance at the menu. "I really am alright with Italian. There's no where near that I could suggest anyway."
11 years ago
Nods, letting the subject drop. 'If you're sure.' He's held back as he keeps the door open for an elderly couple, joining Ludwig a few moments later. 'See anything you like?' The shop had a lot of specials,_
11 years ago
Most of them sweet.
11 years ago
couldn‘t say he didn‘t enjoy a sweet drink. “Ja, actually the mocha looks good. You?“
11 years ago
Hums, looking over the menu. 'The gingerbread latte looks rather good... I think I mighty try that one.' He looks over the menu again, 'Yep. Are you still sold on the mocha?'
11 years ago
nods. “I‘m not too adventerous with my drinks.“ Well, besides his beer.
11 years ago
Smiles, ordering for them both and also getting a variety of biscuits. When they're told to find a seat, William turns to Ludwig to let him choose.
11 years ago
spots a good table by a window and glances at William before making his way over to it. “Thanks for the coffee. I really appreciate it by the way.“ He says thankfully as he takes a seat.
11 years ago
Follows him, taking a seat opposite him. 'No problem, it's my pleasure actually. I was wanting to get to know you better.' He shifts in his seat to get comfortable, 'You're an engineer right? What do you_
11 years ago
Specialise in?'
11 years ago
nods. "I specialise in mechanical engineering. What type of doctor did you want to be? Or were you hoping to become a surgeon?"
11 years ago
Hums, 'I'm hoping to be a surgeon. Maybe something to do with sports?'
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
that's an admirable goal. "Keep up the good work and you can certainly achieve it."
11 years ago
Laughs, 'Hopefully. Otherwise I'll have wasted a lot of time.' He hums, 'Mechanical engineering? What are you working on now?'
11 years ago
smiles lightly. "Actually, nothing. I just finished a project a few days ago. It was a landrover that was going to be sent to Mars on the next NASA mission."
11 years ago
Eyes widen. 'Really??' He looks really interested. 'Are you a freelancer? How did you get that project?'
Ludwig is
11 years ago
a little embarrassed now. It wasn`t that impressive. "I was working in Japan for a couple of years and I met one of the CEOs for NASA's robotics department. When I finished my job in Japan I got a phone call
11 years ago
from him and he made it very hard to say no."
11 years ago
Blinks, 'So you can speak Japanese as well then?' He is really impressed by now. 'So... You could override the robot, when it's up there, I you had to?'
11 years ago
11 years ago
can't speak Japanese very fluently unfortunately. "I can get by in Japanese. I'd hardly call that fluent." He admits. "As for the robot, ja, essentially, but there shouldn't be any glitches. I checked it over
11 years ago
many times." He wasn't trying to be arrogant but he did put a great deal of work in the project. "Tell me more about your future goals."
11 years ago
Smiles, 'Wasn't suggesting that. Just curious. It's kind of cool that you just take the rover for a joy ride, if it took your fancy.' He smiles at the question, 'I am actually thinking about volunteering abroad
11 years ago
For a year or so, helping with vaccinations and what not. It would be after my placement though.'
11 years ago
could but he wouldn't. "Do you know where you would want to go?"
11 years ago
Hums, 'Probably something in South East Asia. Kinda close to home?' He pauses, 'Do you miss Germany?'
11 years ago
nods. "I do actually but what can you do. You go where there is money. From that statement I can tell you also miss home. But you understand where I'm coming from I would hope."
11 years ago
Nods, 'Yep. And well,' he starts, grinning. 'NASA is kind of worth it, right?' He sits up when the waitress brims their drinks and cookies, thanking her. 'Dig in!'
Ludwig is
11 years ago
pleased when the coffee is brought up to them and pulls the mocha closer towards him as he waits for it to cool down a bit. He studies the cookies momentarily before taking one. "They are and the money helps
11 years ago
the family."
11 years ago
Blinks, looking momentarily surprised before asking. 'You have a family? What are they like?'
Ludwig hopes
11 years ago
that's not a problem. "I have a brother and son. My brother has been described as being the complete opposite of me in regards to personality. However, I don't completely agree with that. My son Kiku is
11 years ago
generally very shy but he is a smart kid." He smiles fondly.
11 years ago
Doesn't seem overly bothered by it. 'Kiku? That's Japanese right?' He looks interested if anything. 'You seem to love them very much.'
11 years ago
nods. "He is Japanese. I'm impressed, you know your names very well." He flushes at the next comment. "Ah..ja..."
11 years ago
Smiles, 'I had to study it at high school. No where near fluent though.' He wouldn't even try in front of Ludwig. He smiles with the blush, 'That's a good thing, mate.'
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
it's a good basis though, if he were ever to go to Japan. "Very true. What about your family? Are you here alone?"
11 years ago
Nods, 'Yep... My
11 years ago
Nods, 'Yeah. All my family is back in Australia, although my Dad's side is English...' He shrugs, 'He's actually the reason I want to become a surgeon.' He dips a biscuit into his coffee. 'Thy might come visit_
11 years ago
During the summer, depending on how the old man's knee is holding up.'
11 years ago
sips at his mocha. "That would be nice, having them visit I mean."
11 years ago
Grins, 'Hopefully! You know how family can be.' He ruffles his own hair, changing the subject. 'How's the coffee?'
11 years ago
knows very well how family can be. Gilbert tests his patience more than he should. "It's very good." He says taking another sip.
11 years ago
Looks pleased, 'I'm glad. I'd hate to thank you with a bad cup of coffee.'
11 years ago
chuckles. "It would be a poor way of thanking, that is true."
11 years ago
Grins, 'I would just have to thank you some other way.... It wouldn't be too hard to think of something , I'm sure.' He winks.
11 years ago
shifts in his seat a bit at the wink. "I'm sure you would be able to figure something out." He answers softly not sure if the underlying message was what he thinks it's supposed to be.
William gives
11 years ago
him a suggestive look, nodding in agreement. Soon he lets the topic drop though, sipping his latte. 'So, what did you call the rover?'
11 years ago
pauses for a second wiping some cream from his upper lip. "Nothing special. We called it Marsrover-II." He wasn't very creative with names.
11 years ago
Notices he's missed a bit, tapping the left hand corner of his own lips to let Ludwig know. 'At least no one will ask you what it's for?' He smiles, 'When is she going up?'
11 years ago
flushes and wipes at the rest of it. “October 1st.“ His face was still a little red.
11 years ago
Admires how much Ludwig suits that flush. He takes a second biscuit, 'Are you anxious about giving her up to the crew?'
11 years ago
shakes his head. “She runs on solar power. We‘re leaving her up there indefinitely.“
11 years ago
Nods, feeling slightly foolish now. He rubs the back of his head, cheeks stained a light pink. He finishes his coffee before asking, 'What's your next project then?'
11 years ago
doesn‘t think he should feel foolish. He had no idea. “I have to work on new pieces for the space arm. We‘ll be sending the pieces to Canada in January.“ He felt a little bad they were only talking
11 years ago
about him.
William thinks
11 years ago
working for NASA is far more exciting than being a med student. 'Ever since I've been little I've wanted to see a launch. I bet you've seen a few, huh?'
11 years ago
nods. “Two since I got here. Would you like to come see one with me. I‘m allowed a few guests.“ He offers.
11 years ago
Looks eager, although he feels as though he already owes the man quite a lot. 'I would love to, but I don't want to be a hassle.'
11 years ago
smiles. “No hassle. Just have to sign you in. We could even go to dinner afterwards.“
William likes
11 years ago
the sound of that, nodding eagerly. 'As long as dinner is my treat,' he compromises. 'Has Kiku seen any launches yet?'
11 years ago
flushes at the remainder. He was usually against skiping school but he had really wanted Kiku to see. “Ja, I took him out of school the first launch. The one you will see is later in the evening.“
11 years ago
Grins, 'Sounds like you're a pretty cool Dad.' He would have suggested Kiku should come, if it wasn't so late. 'How old is he?'
11 years ago
tries not to let his cheeks darken. "He's six." He had thought about it was better if he didn't ruin Kiku's schedule although Gilbert just might.
11 years ago
Nods, 'So it's a bit late for him.' He looks around the cafe, noticing that the server was starting to clean up. 'Want to move on to the restaurant?'
11 years ago
had just finished his drink and nods. "Doesn't sound like to bad of an idea." He slowly gets up waiting for William to do the same.
11 years ago
Follows suit, taking their dishes to the desk for the girl to giver her a bit of a hand. When he returns to Ludwig it's with a smile, 'so I know about your super cool job, but what are your hobbies?'
11 years ago
follows him out of the cafe. "Actually, if we're going to start on hobbies. I feel you should indulge me first. Tell me a few of yours."
11 years ago
Almost replies with, 'I asked first,' before catching himself. 'I usually try and surf every morning outside of exam period?' He starts, 'And I enjoy playing Cricket.'
11 years ago
would have found the quip mildly amusing. "Surfing and cricket. Interesting combination. I've always been curious about surfing."
11 years ago
Smiles, 'I could take you out one weekend, if you want?' He likes to try and keep his interests varied.
11 years ago
doesn't think he'd be very good at it but would give it a try. "I'll think on it but I'm sure we could both coordinate a weekend." He agrees. "Although, I warn you. It will be a pathetic sight."
11 years ago
Smiles, 'Well I know weekdays would be difficult with a kid.' He's quick to add, 'I'm sure you'll get the hang of it quickly.'
11 years ago
couldn't agree more, not that Kiku was a difficult kid at all. "I guess there's really only one way to find out." He says as he holds open the door to the restaurant for him.
William is
11 years ago
surprised he knew which one. He thanks him, stepping in with a smile. The place smelled amazing! 'What about yourself then? Hobbies?'
William asks
11 years ago
the waitress for a table for two and she's soon showing them both to a quieter part of the restaurant, letting them have their pick. William picks the table by the window.
11 years ago
smiles at the pick and follows taking a seat. "I like fixing up old cars and hiking."
11 years ago
Nods to show that he's listening, soon accepting a menu from the young waitress. Only when she's done taking their dunk orders can he properly reply. 'Hiking? Are there any good trails here?' He enjoyed a_
11 years ago
Proper hike. They were great hangover cures.
11 years ago
takes the menu half glancing through it. "A few a little out of town but it's not too far off."
11 years ago
Hums, 'You'll need to let me have a look at your maps some time, if it's not too much of a bother.' He looks through his own, spotting a few things he liked the look of. 'What kind of at are you working on now?
11 years ago
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Not a bother at all. I'm working on a 1983 BMW."
11 years ago
Whistles, obviously impressed. 'That's an impressive car. Must be expensive.'
11 years ago
smiles mischievously. "That is...unless you know where to look."
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow, 'Are we talking about a black market for German car parts?'
11 years ago
laughs. "No, there are auctions at car graveyards. It's just a lot of work to put into them."
11 years ago
turns red, rubbing at his cheek. He laughs good-heartedly though, 'You made it sound so mischeavious,
11 years ago
chuckles as he spots what he will order. "I wanted to see what you would think."
11 years ago
places down the menu to let the waitress know they're ready. 'I always jump to the most exciting conclusions.' He grins, 'Makes life exciting.'
11 years ago
can't disagree. "Unfortunately, I'm a very boring man." He liked to play most things safe.
11 years ago
grins, 'Opposites make for good friends.' He turns his attention to the waitress, letting Ludwig order first before he orders himself. 'What do you want to drink?'
11 years ago
glances down at the menu. "Would you like to share a wine. This one will be on me."
11 years ago
looks at the wine list. 'As long as we go dutch on the actual food?' he compromises, 'But a bottle of wine would be nice. What were you thinking of?'
William has
11 years ago
already spotted a few Australian whites that he wouldn't mind, although he knows Red tends to go better with Italian cuisine.
11 years ago
notices the wines William is eyeing. "Why don't you order the wine. You seem to be eyeing a few already." He smiles.
11 years ago
flushes at being so easy to read, picking a sweet Australian white wine. 'Does that sound okay?' he asks, worrying it might be a bit childish for Ludwig's tastes.
11 years ago
liked beer better so was never opposed to trying wine. "Sounds fine to me."
11 years ago
smiles thankfully, confirming the order with the waitress. He thanks her before she heads off. 'Not quite a French wine, but the price tag is a little less heart attack worthy.'
Ludwig is
11 years ago
actually quite surprised how comfortable he is with the other especially considering their only other interaction was when he helped him study. "Do you like white better than red?" He laughs at the
11 years ago
comment. "I may have a biased to German wine and Alsace area wine."
11 years ago
nods, 'I find white wine is crisper, and more refreshing.' He was used to drinking it on hot summer afternoons, 'Alsace wine... they're famous for red wines, right?' He seems pleased that the German is enjoying
11 years ago
enjoying himself.
11 years ago
nods at that. "I enjoy their white wines but yes, they have some very good red wines as well."
11 years ago
nods, 'Mulled wine is pretty good... that originated in Germany, right?'
11 years ago
isn't a wine connoisseur unfortunately but he thinks it is. "You've tried mulled wine...I'm going to be honest. I'm more of a beer type of drinker.
11 years ago
11 years ago
nods, 'At Christmas Markets.' He smiles, 'Ohh. Of course.' He grins, 'I can't say I'm surprised, given you're nationality and all.' He chuckles, 'Do you like Microbreweries?'
11 years ago
nods. "Of course. I actually haven't found one around here. But I feel as if I haven't really had time to look into it."
11 years ago
hums, 'I haven't heard of anything around here either. Maybe it's something we can look into together.' He smiles, catching Ludwig's eye. He winks, rather cheekily.
11 years ago
quirks a brow but doesn't hide that he would certainly be interested. "We could certainly look into it." The wine is brought out and poured for them and the waitress leaves the bottle at their table. He brings
11 years ago
the glass of wine to his nose taking in the aroma before lifting it up for a toast. "To a perfect score." He says.
11 years ago
looks pleased that the man doesn't seem repulsed, holding up his own glass. 'To a great tutor.' He clinks his glass against Ludwig's with a soft 'Prost.' It's the only German he knows.
11 years ago
smiles at that and returns by saying 'Prost' as well. He sips at the wine and finds it fairly pleasing.
William is
11 years ago
pleased with the wine, humming happily after the first sip. It was just what he thought it would be. 'Do you have any good beer gardens that you can recommend?'
11 years ago
frowns pensively at the question. "Do you mean back in Germany?"
11 years ago
shakes his head, 'No... I was hoping that there were some decent ones here?'
Ludwig gives
11 years ago
him a sympathetic smile. "I wish I knew of them. When I first arrived there was a mock Octoberfest. But ever since then I haven't had to much free time to look around." He feels really boring now.
11 years ago
sighs, 'It's alright. It was a long shot.' He smiles, 'They're aren't any decent Aussie Bars either... They all serve Fosters.' He wrinkles his nose in disgust.
11 years ago
chuckles. "Easy to tell you don't like that one very much."
11 years ago
laughs softly, 'Is it that obvious?' He sits back when their plates are placed on the table, eyes brightening. 'Looks good, thanks.' He flashes the waitress a bright smile.
11 years ago
's lip curves up. "Not at all." He replies sarcastically. However, when the food is brought out he remembers how hungry he is.
11 years ago
waits until they both have food in front of them before picking up his cutlery. 'Pleased with what you see?' he asks, nodding towards Ludwig's plate.
11 years ago
nods as he also picks up his cutlery. "It even smells great. After you."
11 years ago
doesn't need further prompting, eagerly starting his meal. He hums in approval, eyes shutting in pleasure. He had needed proper food for a while, 'Way better than noodles.'
11 years ago
smiles sympathetically at that as he also digs into the food. Whoever was the chef knew how to cook very well.
William is
11 years ago
quiet as he enjoys the meal, although something crosses his mind the more he thinks about his own student lifestyle. 'How did you find being a student?'
11 years ago
glances up from his food taking his time to chew and swallow before answering. "I found the work very time consuming." He also had to take care of Gilbert so even more consuming than he would have liked.
11 years ago
hums, 'You seem like the type to still eat well though and look after yourself, can you cook?' He continues with his meal, not wanting to let it get too cold.
11 years ago
nods. "I learned to cook from a young age. Can you?"
11 years ago
tilts his head, taking the time to swallow his food. 'I can cook on a BBQ and you know, basics. I won't be starving anytime soon.' He thinks about it before adding, 'My specialty is fairybread.'
Ludwig has
11 years ago
never had fairybread. "Isn't that difficult to make?"
11 years ago
shakes his head, 'It's white bread, margarine and sprinkles. It's popular at kid's parties back home.'
11 years ago
laughs at that realization. "Wrong bread. You must be quite popular at children's parties in that case." He pours them both another glass of wine.
11 years ago
thanks him, taking a sip of his wine. 'Ohh, I'm a riot at kid's parties. If you ever need a hand with Kiku's, just give me call.' He smiles, 'I can also make cocktail sausages on sticks and chips in a bowl.'
11 years ago
quirks a brow at the cocktail sausages on sticks. "I'll make sure to give you a call." He looks amused as he sips on his wine and finishes his food.
11 years ago
grins, 'I look forward to it. I can also bring a snake as an attraction. She's a beaut.' He finishes his food shortly after Ludwig, savouring the wine and the man's company. A thought does cross his mind_
11 years ago
however, 'You don't have to be home for Kiku, do you?'
11 years ago
isn't so sure about the snake. Kiku would probably be interested, but he could never be too sure. He shakes his head at the question. "Gilbert is babysitting him. It's fine."
11 years ago
nods, 'Cool. Must be handy? You don't have to worry about running back to let a babysitter go.' He sips his wine, leaning back in his chair.
11 years ago
knows it comes with it's drawbacks. "He owes me this much right now." He says not forgetting about that night he had gotten a call from campus security. "If you'll excuse me. I'll be right back." He says as he
11 years ago
gets up and pretends to head for the bathroom but actually goes to the waitress and asks her if he can discreetly pay their bill. She seems amused and in matters of minutes he's coming back and taking a
11 years ago
seat. "Want to take the wine home? I doubt I can drink any more and feel responsible enough to drive."
11 years ago
enjoys the view as Ludwig walks away, sipping his wine. When the man is out of view he takes the chance to clean up the table for the waitress, all the while finishing his glass. He smiles when Ludwig returns_
11 years ago
returns, gladly taking the offer. 'Well, only because I'm saving you from drunk driving.' He looks around, trying to spot the waitress for a check.
11 years ago
looks amused. "I paid. We can actually go whenever."
11 years ago
looks conflicted about this before finding the silver lining, 'You will have to let me return the favour another night then.' He eyes glint mischievously, 'Next time you can pick the restaurant and I'll pay.'
Ludwig has
11 years ago
to seriously think about this considering Will is only a student and needs to keep his money for himself. His brow quirks at the proposition regardless. "If that'll make you feel better." He says finishing off
11 years ago
his glass of wine.
11 years ago
smiles, 'It would make me feel better. It's a good excuse to see you again.'
11 years ago
flushes lightly at that trying to hide it as he turns around and pretends to cough. "Whenever you're ready, we can go."
11 years ago
nods, hiding his even bigger smile by standing up. 'Lets go then.' He had seen the flush and thought it rather suited him.
11 years ago
gets up as well and starts for the door. "Did you need a ride home?"
11 years ago
follows him out, considering the question. 'If you don't mind, I would really appreciate it.'
11 years ago
doesn't mind at all as he leads him to his car unlocking the door for him. "I don't mind. You'll just have to tell me where you live."
11 years ago
nods, 'I can do that.' He slips into the car with a thanks, careful to be considerate of the vehicle. 'It's near the fire station, if that helps any?' he adds when Ludwig is in the car.
11 years ago
buckles in and starts the car taking that into account. "That does help." He says as he reverses out of the parking lot and starts to head in that direction.
11 years ago
keeps an eye out, staying fairly quiet on the drive home. He doesn't like to speak to drivers unless spoken to. As they get closer however he starts to pipe up. 'It's on the next left, just past the fire_
11 years ago
11 years ago
nods as he takes the appropriate left and begins to slow down since there were many buildings. "This one?"
11 years ago
nods as Ludwig slows in front of an apartment building. 'Yeah, it's cheap cause of the noise.' He starts to unbuckle, shifting in his seat. 'Thanks for the lift'
11 years ago
11 years ago
shifts the car into park. "It was my pleasure." He replies glancing at the building for a few seconds before turning his gaze back to Will.
11 years ago
follows his gaze for a moment before glancing back. He considers it for a moment before asking, 'Do you want to come up for a coffee?'
11 years ago
takes a bit of time to answer but doesn't see the harm. "Ah...ja, why not. Can I park here?"
William has
11 years ago
to think about that, opening the door to check the lines. 'Yep, no yellow lines or anything.' He was fairly outside of the centre of town, after all.
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
that makes it easy and he turns off the car and steps out making sure to lock the doors as he falls into step beside William.
11 years ago
unlocks the door for them both, letting Ludwig in first. 'I'm on the third floor.' He leads the way up, unlocking his flat door and letting Ludwig in. 'I don't have any roommates, so don't worry.'
11 years ago
nods as he examines the area before stepping inside the flat. He takes off his shoes as he steps further in giving Will more room to get in.
11 years ago
takes off his shoes, flicking on his lights for Ludwig. 'The livingroom is just on your left.... how do you take your coffee?' The flat is modest, but well kept. The only real clutter seems to be textbooks_
11 years ago
dotted here and there. His surfboard is propped up against the wall and there's a cricket bat just to the side of the door.
11 years ago
can easily tell William is a student by his flat. "Two sugars and a bit of milk." He says. "Do you need any help?"
11 years ago
shakes his head, 'I'll be fine. Just make yourself comfy. There's probably a textbook to keep you occupied by the couch,' he jokes, disappearing into a door on the right. Presumably the kitchen. The sound of a_
11 years ago
kettle turning on and the light clatter of tins and cups confirms this.
11 years ago
snorts at that as he enters the living room. William was right there was a textbook by the couch. He decides it doesn't hurt and picks it up as he sits down flipping through the pages. This was the book he had
11 years ago
helped William study from.
11 years ago
had annotated the book quite a bit, lightly penciled notes and diagrams littering the pages. Some of it sounds like nonsense, mere words or comments. William doesn't leave Ludwig to entertain himself for long,_
11 years ago
soon appearing with two coffees in hand. His eyes fall on the book, causing him to grin. 'Recognise it?'
11 years ago
glances up when he hears him enter. "I do." He replies as he closes it and places it back where he had taken it.
11 years ago
hands Ludwig his coffee before taking the seat beside him. 'I can't even count the number of times I've fallen asleep reading that book.'
11 years ago
laughs. "Probably not too many times if you're retaining the information." He thanks him for the coffee and waits for it to cool off.
11 years ago
leans back on the couch, relaxing. 'I like to think that by sleeping on it some of the information seeps in,' he jokes, tapping his temple with a rueful smile.
11 years ago
chuckles. "It's a bit disappointing when you realise it isn't such an effective study method." He sips at his coffee pleased with the taste.
11 years ago
sips his own coffee before placing it to the side, giving it more time to cool. 'Did you figure that out the hard way?'
11 years ago
quirks a brow. "You could say that."
11 years ago
raises a brow in response, 'Oh?' He looks like he wants to hear more.
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
that's a story best for another time. When they know each other better. "Although, because of where I was sent for school when I was younger. I had developed a good study habit. So transitioning from high
11 years ago
school to university wasn't so bad."
11 years ago
nods, letting the topic drop. 'Lucky... My first year of University was a complete shock to the system.' He picks up his coffee again, sipping on it.
11 years ago
hums. "But you've made it this far, so it wasn't to bad of a shock."
11 years ago
nods, 'Yeah.' He looks pleased at that, trying to hide the smile behind his cup. 'I still have a while yet though.'
11 years ago
catches the corner of that smile and smiles as well. "You're almost done. A couple more years."
11 years ago
nods, the mere thought of it all being over gaining a happy sigh. 'Then I'll be an Intern,' he adds, laughing softly. 'And let loose on people.' He puts his cup down again, moving a coaster for Ludwig to use_
11 years ago
, if he so needed it.
Ludwig is
11 years ago
thankful for that and places his cup down. "Will you be an intern at this hospital?" The only hospital in their town unfortunately.
11 years ago
inches closer when he places the cup down, turning to face Ludwig better. 'Depends on my grades... It will be my first choice though...,' he replies, trailing off towards the end.
11 years ago
nods at that turning to meet the other's gaze. "Well, like I said before. If I have free time and you need help. Don't hesitate." He doesn't quite catch the implications of the trailing off.
11 years ago
takes Ludwig's jaw in hand, leaning in with hooded eyes. 'I'd really appreciate that,' he murmurs, playfully bumping his nose against Ludwig's before catching his lips in a chaste kiss.
11 years ago
tenses when his jaw is grabbed but he slowly begins to relax when he feels soft lips against his. It's been much to long he had almost forgotten how that felt. His hand hesitantly snakes around William's head
11 years ago
pulling him in for another kiss, one a little deeper.
William gives
11 years ago
him a small sound of approval, hand on his jaw moving to thread in Ludwig's hair. His thumb trails the shell of his ear as he allows Ludwig to control the kiss, sensing the hesitance.
11 years ago
's hesitance shifts to something more sure as he presses his lips a little more firm against the other's. He shivers lightly when he feels Will's thumb trail over his ear. His hand slowly begins to trail down
11 years ago
until it's around the other's waist as he mentally battles between pulling him closer or leaving him where he is.
11 years ago
makes the decision for him, pressing closer as his tongue runs over Ludwig's bottom lip. He shifts to better situate himself, other hand coming to tangle in the blonde locks. He's been wanting to mess it up_
11 years ago
all night.
11 years ago
parts his lips for him as he takes hold of the other's thighs and pulls him onto his lap. When the decision had been made for him it made it easier for him to accept that this was okay.
11 years ago
takes the chance to explore his mouth, moving with the man. He presses close, settling in his lap as he coaxes Ludwig to react. His tongue runs across the roof of his mouth, grip briefly tightening on his hair.
11 years ago
groans into the kiss giving the man ample room to explore as he does the same to him. His grip on the man's thighs trail up and around his waist holding him in place as he continues to take full advantage of
11 years ago
this situation.
11 years ago
groans softly, pleased Ludwig seems as into this as he is. His hands soon fall to Ludwig's shoulders before he wraps his arms loosely around his neck.
11 years ago
realises he could probably kiss William all night at this rate. He pulls away a little to catch his breath before he's pressing his lips back against William's continuing the heated kissing before he knows he
Ludwig has
11 years ago
to go.
11 years ago
takes the needed break, chest heaving as he tries to get his heart rate back to normal. Soon enough though Ludwig is kissing him again, knocking the air out of him. A hand moves to his hair, gripping it as he_
11 years ago
introduces a little teeth, biting Ludwig's bottom lip teasingly.
11 years ago
let's a moan slip at the biting before he becomes a little rougher. He's shifting in his seat wanting to be closer but at the same time knowing they both need to draw the line soon.
11 years ago
Groans in approval at the roughness, rising to the challenge. He tugs lightly on Ludwig's hair before piling back, rather reluctantly. 'Hah... We should probably stop there,' he pants, trying to catch his_
11 years ago
Breath. He licks his lips as he slowly starts to extract himself.
Ludwig is
11 years ago
panting just as hard and can imagine the state of his hair with how much William had been pulling at it. He grabs the Aussie's collar pulling him in for one last deep kiss before releasing him and
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nodding. "Ja...gott...ja..."
11 years ago
Jolts in surprise, clinging onto Ludwig's shirt. He can't help but grin when they finally part, breathing starting to calm down. 'I'm guessing that's good.'
11 years ago
flushes at the reminder of what just happened and how this wasn't even supposed to be a date. It was also very unlike him. "I should probably go now." He says as he straightens his shirt and tries to fix his
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
moves out of his lap, straightening himself up. 'It's probably for the best,' he agrees, watching him try to fix himself... His hair was pretty much a lost cause however.
11 years ago
gets up and does some finally adjustments before heading towards the door. He was still a little flushed. "I had a..." His face turns red again. "A good time." He's slipping into his shoes.
11 years ago
follows him to the door, leaning against the wall as he watches the other get ready. 'I had fun too... we should do it again sometime.'
11 years ago
turns around to face him almost hesitant to leave. He'd have to be very quiet and discreet when he returns home. "The launch is this Friday. I'll come pick you up at five thirty?"
11 years ago
nods, 'That sounds good.' He looks him over before stepping forward for another kiss, tugging on his lip as they part. 'Night.' He opens the door for him, 'I'll see you on Friday.'
11 years ago
kisses him back and slowly backs out of the door a little dazed before nodding. "Good night."
11 years ago
smirks at the reaction, waving good bye. He waits until he's safely making his way down the stairs before shutting the door.
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