71822Jade 分享
11 years ago
My hana walks/runs like a wind..but she has no table manners...she throws food to the floor ...what should I do? And also, she still hasn't started to use spoon yet...i don't think she will soon...any advise?
latest #8
11 years ago
I might not have good advice here. My son still throws food to the floor occasionally. But I guess it depends on why she does that. I read on e-newsletter that kids at Hana's age likes throwing food to
11 years ago
the floor because they are doing scientific experiments. They are at the age when they are curious to watch stuff fall.
11 years ago
But you can still hold her hand (the hand that throws stuff) right after she does that and tell her firmly that she should not do that. It takes time but she will get it eventually.
11 years ago
Also at some stage my son did that just to because he liked to see my dramatic (angry) reaction. If you think that's the case then don't react. Just pick the stuff up calmly.
11 years ago
These days when my son did that it was usually because he's full and didn't want it anymore. I tried to teach him to give the plate to me. And he learned that most of the time.
11 years ago
But he still throw stuff (mostly utensils) sometimes. I can only tell him no, again and again. Hope he will soon quit that behavior.
11 years ago
11 years ago
yeah...she does like to see my dramatic reation and also when she is full, she does that too....or just for expriments...yeah...this stage shall pass...i hope...
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