11 years ago
[Event]stands outside the hotel that was hosting the Italian party. She wore an expensive looking dress and had her hair done up, covered in jewels. She speaks with a few people as they walk in but she stays-
latest #134
11 years ago
outside, waiting for Mattias. She was smiling a rare smile. Her target was already inside and everything was ready to go as planned.
11 years ago
showed up not too long after, wearing an expensive looking suit himself. He actually got pretty dressed up for this, and looked sleeked. It took him a moment to recognise Trudie, but when he did he walked
11 years ago
right over to her.
11 years ago
hums under her breath and approaches him. "You look nice tonight."
11 years ago
smiles. "Tak. But I think ye're the centre of attraction tonight. Those jewels really bring out yer eyes."
11 years ago
blinks at him, barely holding back a blush. "Thank you. They were a gift from one of my benefactors. I will have to introduce the two of you later tonight."
11 years ago
nodded as he looked towards the doors. He held his arm out for her soon after. "Shall we?"
11 years ago
holds his arm lightly. "Thank you." She starts to walk towards the door, eyeing the security a little as they went. It looked like there were two guards posted at the door and others patrolling the block.
11 years ago
kept his eyes straight forward, taking note of them in his peripherals. He knew there might be a chance he'd have to take them out, so he wanted to make sure he knew who they were.
11 years ago
hands her invitation to the guard as they walk up to the door. He checks her on the list and lets them in.
11 years ago
gave a nod of thanks as he kept a light grip on her arm. "So, do ye know where ye need to go?"
11 years ago
glances up at him. "I am planning on speaking with my benefactor. I have to thank him again." She didn't want to talk about their plans here. She walks towards the main hall, not letting go of his arm.
11 years ago
walked with her, following around with wherever she went. He had no hurry to do anything, since he needed to wait for her in the first place.
11 years ago
smiles faintly as a man approaches them and she looks up to Soren. "Ah, I'm sorry, I promised I would accompany my benefactor for a while if you will excuse me."
11 years ago
smiles back to her. "Not a problem." He let go of her, pausing a moment to take her hand and kiss the back of it. "Enjoy your time."
11 years ago
glances between him and her hand, the slight blush returning. She turns to the other man, taking his offered arm. He narrows his eyes at Soren as he leads her away.
11 years ago
turned and went to walk around the party, blending in as much as he could. He just needed to wait now.
11 years ago
chats with her target for a while, the two of them blending in to the crowd. They have a drink and small talk for a bit before he starts to lead her away from the room, putting an arm around her waist.
11 years ago
spent his time watching people, keeping a keen eye on everyone. He noticed her being lead away, and slowly made his way towards where they were going, though not too obviously.
11 years ago
lets herself be led away to another room. She locks the door behind them and he starts to make a move on her. He kisses her and she loosens his tie, using it to tie his hands together behind his back. She-
11 years ago
pushes him towards a chair, and pins him to it as she pulls out a gun and holds it against his head. She didn't have the time or patience to manipulate him anymore. "Tell me who the spy is."
11 years ago
hoped she knew what she was doing, but she seemed rather confident in her skills. If she took too long though, he'd be tempted to barge in. He respected her word though, and for now he waited.
11 years ago
He smirks at her, staying silent. She slaps him hard across the face. This was different from her usual tactics but she had also never had so much pressure to get specific information. She knew it was unlikely-
11 years ago
to get the information just by seducing him. He refuses to talk as she threatens him and she starts to grow frustrated.
11 years ago
slowly started to get impatient, glancing now and again to where she had left. He ran a hand through his hair, sighing quietly.
11 years ago
He manages to free his hands from the restraint and tries to tackle her. The two fight over the gun before he pins her to the ground. He whispers a name in her ear as he pulls the gun from her.
11 years ago
didn't want to wait anymore and went to find her. He pressed his ear against the door, hearing the struggle. It didn't take him long to pick the lock on the door and walk over to the male, quick to put his
11 years ago
gun against his head. "Let her go."
11 years ago
's eyes widen as she sees him arrive. He glares down at Gjertrud and smirks as he put the gun against her head, wondering who would be quicker with the trigger.
11 years ago
glared down at him. "So that's how ye're gonna be, eh?" He grabbed the males hair and ripped him off of Gjertrud, pushing him to the ground again after. He kept his gun trained on him, not wanting to risk it.
11 years ago
stares up at the ceiling, trying to calm herself before sitting up. "Tch, he was stupid enough to tell me before you walked in. Just kill him." He tries to break free of Soren's hold, cursing in Italian.
11 years ago
smirks. "With pleasure~" He pressed the barrel of his gun against the male's forehead, uttering a quick prayer in Danish before pulling the trigger and watching the blood start to pool around the lifeless body.
11 years ago
watches them and slumps a little, murmuring a little to herself in Norwegian when the trigger is pulled. She pauses before moving and grabbing her gun. She avoids looking at Soren. "...I am sorry."
11 years ago
smiled as he looked back to her, some blood splatter fresh on his cheek. "Why're ye apologisin'?"
11 years ago
finally glances at him and pauses before offering him her handkerchief. "I failed..."
11 years ago
licked as much blood off as he could before taking the handkerchief and cleaning the rest of his face. "How? Ye got the information ye needed. I don't see how ye failed."
11 years ago
tightens her hands into fists. "I said I would kill him, and I didn't. I let myself get into danger."
11 years ago
finished cleaning himself off and shrugged his shoulders. "Like ye said. Ye have a dangerous job, and one move could kill ye." He smiled a little more. "Ye should be happy ye're alive. Don't let this get ye
11 years ago
11 years ago
nods. "And I made a mistake." She growls under her breath. "I could have ruined everything." She was worried about how Dorthe would react when she found out.
11 years ago
hums as he patted her shoulder lightly. "Everyone makes a mistake, Trudie. The fact is, ye're alive, and got what we needed. Just be a bit more careful next time, ja?"
11 years ago
glances at him and nods. "I will not fail next time... I will kill the spy."
11 years ago
smiles and nods. "Perfect." He tucked the handkerchief into his pocket, planning on cleaning it before giving it back to her. "If Dorthe asks I might have to tell her about what happened here. But if not, I'll
11 years ago
keep this event between us."
11 years ago
frowns faintly but shakes her head. "I do not want to hide anything from her. I will tell her. When we are done here, I will track down the spy right away. We can't give him a chance to react."
11 years ago
put his gun back where it was hidden on his waist. "Let's go then. No point in waitin' here."
11 years ago
puts her own gun away and starts for the door. "Is there anything I should do while I wait for you?"
11 years ago
shook his head. "I just need to clean up the mess here. I shouldn't be long. Ye could get a drink outside and I'll come find ye when I'm done, if ye want."
11 years ago
blinks at him. "I can clean up here. You still have other things to do and this was my job anyways. When I'm done, I'll meet you out there."
11 years ago
smiles. "Alright. I'll see ye in a bit then." He walked out quietly, making sure no one outside was able to see in. He went to take care of his own business, being as subtle as he could. When he wanted to he
11 years ago
could seem invisible.
11 years ago
cleans up the blood and slides the body under a table with a long tablecloth. She figured no one would look under there until the clean up from the party. As an afterthought, she pulls out his wallet, removing-
11 years ago
a slip of paper with her contact details on it before returning the wallet. When she is done, she makes her way back to the party and orders a drink, chatting with a few other party goers.
11 years ago
came to find her after a while, quietly coming up from behind and whispering in her ear. "It would be wise for us to leave, now."
11 years ago
nods and smiles faintly, excusing herself from a few men who had begun to talk with her. She takes his arm, still shaking a little from what had happened earlier.
11 years ago
smiled and apologised to the men for stealing her away. He put his hand over hers once it was on his arm as they headed out. "Ye'll be alright."
11 years ago
glances up at him and nods slowly. "I know. I'm just... just surprised I'm here now."
11 years ago
made sure no one was following them as they continued to leave. "Will ye be alright tonight?"
11 years ago
pauses before answering. "I'm going to try to find him tonight. We can't let him find out about what happened at the party."
11 years ago
nods at that. "I'll join ye then. Even if it's just in the shadows."
11 years ago
"Should we try to get information out of him or just kill him? I don't think he'll know anymore than I do at this point..."
11 years ago
shrugs. "We can try to get somethin' out of him, but if it becomes too hard, just kill."
11 years ago
nods slowly. "Do you know any of the newer people? I didn't recognize the name he gave me."
11 years ago
smirks. "Ja. Dorthe made me be one of 'em so I get to know 'em. I've been able to track down most of where they live. This should be easy..."
11 years ago
tells him the name. She had no idea where any of them lived so she would have to rely on him to help.
11 years ago
smirks more. "Perfect. I know the way. Come." He kept her arm on his as he walked.
11 years ago
walks with him. "That's great. This will work out perfect."
11 years ago
hums. "Ye should feel lucky. I'm lettin' ye get him, instead of me."
11 years ago
makes a small sound of annoyance. "This is my job and you already did one of my jobs today."
11 years ago
shrugs. "Once I kill one person, I want to go on a killin' spree. It's takin' some effort to hold back this much. And knowin' that someone else has to die makes it even harder."
11 years ago
...really wasn't sure how to take his occasional sadistic statements. She decides to ignore it for now as she walks.
11 years ago
licked his lips as he kept walking with her, turning a corner now and again to go through the alleys.
11 years ago
keeps an eye out as they go. She notices the building in the area all have fire escapes.
11 years ago
stopped outside the entrance to one house. "Here. Third floor, second door from the right."
11 years ago
nods and counts windows, starting up the fire escape before looking back at him. "Are you coming with?"
11 years ago
hums. "I'm wonderin' if I should go to the front door, and wait to see if he tries to escape."
11 years ago
smiles faintly. "Just what I was going to suggest. Just don't get seen."
11 years ago
smirks as he started in. "I'll keep an ear open, just in case somethin' happens."
11 years ago
nods and heads up the steps, checking inside the windows. All the lights are out and she sees a person sleeping on the bed. She quietly opens the living room window and lets herself in.
11 years ago
made sure he was silent as he walked to the door of the apartment. He got to the door a bit later and pressed his ear against it, just to listen in.
11 years ago
takes a deep breath as she pulls out her gun. She slowly approaches the bedroom door and opens it gingerly, edging into the room.
11 years ago
hoped that she'd be okay. He figured she was still a little shaken up from earlier, and didn't want to take another kill from her. Mostly because he din't want to make her seem useless.
Gjertrud was
11 years ago
even more determined to do well now though she was nervous. She moves to the bed, pressing the gun to his head. At least she didn't have to worry as much about getting him to talk.
11 years ago
hoped she did do well. Even if it was one less kill for him. He was starting to enjoy her company.
11 years ago
shoves his face against the sheets and pins him under the blankets. He starts to scream but he stays quiet when she threatens him, refusing to speak.
11 years ago
heard a little bit of noise, smiling a little. He quietly started picking the lock, wanting to watch this.
11 years ago
hears the door and freezes before remembering Soren. She shoves his face hard into a pillow, suffocating him a little before she lets him breathe again.
11 years ago
quietly closed the door behind him once he was in, looking around carefully so he didn't trip over anything. He could hear the commotion going on and didn't want to miss out.
11 years ago
He still refuses to say a word. She frowns slightly and pulls the pillow around his face tightly, figuring this would cause less commotion and less mess than shooting him.
11 years ago
leaned against the door frame, smirking as he watched her. He crossed his arms, not wanting to rush anything.
11 years ago
struggles a bit as he starts to flail but stays focused until he stops moving. She keeps the pillow in place for a bit longer before checking his pulse. Dead.
11 years ago
watched her in the moonlight and smirked. "Lively little creatures, aren't they? Damn rats."
11 years ago
glances over at him, visibly relaxing for the first time that night. "Let's look around for anything that could show he's the spy."
11 years ago
nods and pushed off the frame before heading to the office he had passed, looking to see if there was any obvious hints.
11 years ago
thumbs through some papers in the living room, looking for anything that seemed coded.
11 years ago
found a few things that looked a little suspicious. He grabbed them and brought them to the other. "What do ye think of these?"
11 years ago
looks them over. "Hmm... They look coded but we need to find a cipher. I'm sure he'd have one around here."
11 years ago
tapped his lip as he looked around where he had found the papers, though he doubted they'd be in the same spot.
11 years ago
thumbs through a few books in the office. Most of them were covered in dust and looked untouched.
11 years ago
sighed. "At least this guy knew how to hide things, eh?"
11 years ago
"If he didn't, I wouldn't have to threaten people to find him." She pulls out a well worn book and opens it with a smirk. "Oh how cliche."
11 years ago
glanced over to her with a bit of a smirk. "Found it? How lame."
11 years ago
pulls the cipher out, nodding. "Too easy." She turns to him. "I guess we've got what we need."
11 years ago
shook his head as he searched around just a bit more. "Ye gonna go home then?"
11 years ago
watches him. "If we're done."
11 years ago
nods. "I think we are. I was more so just askin' to make sure ye felt alright."
11 years ago
blinks at him. "No, I was planning on staying here, paralyzed with guilt, and wait for the police to show up."
11 years ago
shrugs as he headed for the door. "Ye'd be surprised, really. Some people are weird out there."
11 years ago
walks with him. "I'm not like that. He's not the first I've killed and he won't be the last."
11 years ago
shakes his head. "I figured as much. I just didn't know if ye'd be able to sleep on yer own or anythin'."
11 years ago
didn't know about that. She wasn't really planning on getting any sleep. "I will be fine."
11 years ago
nods at that. "If ye insist. I can walk ye home, in that case." He got to the front door and opened it quietly for her.
11 years ago
steps outside. "Thank you." She stays quiet as she walks.
11 years ago
nodded and followed beside her as he closed the door. He hoped she was actually okay.
11 years ago
would be fine but she was drained from everything that had happened.
11 years ago
kept an eye around them, to make sure they weren't being followed. "Ye gonna go talk to Dorthe tomorrow?"
11 years ago
nods slowly. "First thing in the morning."
11 years ago
nodded at that. He stopped where her house was, or at least where he was lead to last time she brought him here.
11 years ago
hesitates before continuing to walk. "It's a little further..."
11 years ago
smirks a bit as he raised his brow. "I had a feelin' this wasn't where ye were exactly." He picked up his pace again.
11 years ago
hums faintly. "I don't usually let people know where I live."
11 years ago
nods. "Smart move. M'glad really, shows ye think things through more."
11 years ago
walks up to her apartment building and glances back at him.
11 years ago
smirks a bit and nods. "Have a good and safe night then, Trudie."
11 years ago
hesitates before starting for the door. "Good night."
11 years ago
waves a bit. "Godnat." He watched her a bit before turning to head away. He wanted her to be okay.
11 years ago
steps inside. She would be okay for the night, though she would not get any sleep.
11 years ago
hoped that she would, but knew she had quite a scare earlier. He wandered the streets, not feeling tired and wanting to fulfill his need to hunt.
11 years ago
changes out of her dress and puts it away before laying across her bed, sighing as she stares at the ceiling.
11 years ago
hoped for her sanity that she'd be able to get past this event...
11 years ago
had been in bad situations before.
11 years ago
had imagined. He still hoped for the best.
11 years ago
wouldn't let it get her down for too long.
Søren was
11 years ago
glad for that.
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