Kira Ahn asks
11 years ago
is there a way to withdraw the money at "The shops" ?
latest #8
The Elf says
11 years ago
I wodnered the same,s ince I can never deposit the exact amount I need, only always too much. :/ Kind of a shady way to get more money if ther eis truly no way to get it back.
Kira Ahn says
11 years ago
yes I have the same problem. I think I have to contact one of the owners/creators?
i can understand why they have that system in place, they'd be using a gazillion prims otherwise cuz they offer so many tones. but really, their deposit amounts should coincide with what they charge
it can't be that hard to add a 25L or 75L option, too
Kira Ahn says
11 years ago
melakidd: I absolutely agree with you! I don´t know who to contact ;( should I post it on their facebook?
The Elf says
11 years ago
melakidd: That#s what i thought. I always get annoyed when I, once again, ahve 50L left on that 'account'
11 years ago
What is The Shops?
Kira Ahn says
11 years ago
a skin store
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