i'm those type of girls that rather to know nothing than to know everything then get hurt. Yeah, such a coward, right?
latest #16
amacaaaa u kan kepo2 gt orgnyahh
kepo dan gak kepo sama2 ada efek sampingnya..
keponya pilih2 gue mah, kl udh tau bakal parah mending gausah tau-__
pd susah bgt ya percaya sm vira:''
sesusah aku percaya sama dia #halah
eittsss dia ciapa cih??
just for fun aja kok
slogan apa vir? gue gatau-_-
haha kebanyakan baca teenlit jd gitudeh(?)
gue jg gatau sih sbnrnya, nebak aja-_-
sotoy abish vira
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