rachellosek says
15 years ago
So...I tried like a month ago to add the blog place in my plurk...but I failed...I didn't know how so I decided I just wouldn't. Oops
latest #8
rachellosek says
15 years ago
oh its that easy?
rachellosek says
15 years ago
hahah wow i just did it...i was trying to do it a much harder way awhile ago....well its kinda pointless now but atelast i can say i did it
rachellosek says
15 years ago
ok well now its there...oh nice new picture...made me laugh :-)
low asks
15 years ago
a declarative question, receives silence, gripes about having to find plurker's blog by slogging through their plogs.
rachellosek says
15 years ago
i dont think i speak your language? HUH?
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