pghrugbyangel says
15 years ago
the guy who caused the issues has "agreed" to pay for my ruined clothing. No clue when I'll actually GET the money.
latest #14
pghrugbyangel says
15 years ago
and heading to a meeting tonight on whether he's going to be banned from the club, in addition to the bar.
pghrugbyangel says
15 years ago
yeah. see my blog. someone suckerpunched a guy and I ended up covered in blood from guy #2's nose.
pghrugbyangel says
15 years ago
it was NOT fun. 2nd time in 6 weeks that the guy had to be thrown out of the bar.
CarolineFB says
15 years ago
I thought rugby was a gentlemen's game?
15 years ago
Agreed to pay? That's, uh, something, I guess...
15 years ago
boot his ass after you get your money
pghrugbyangel says
15 years ago
I heard that he was planning to apologize to myself and the other bartender at practice this week. However, he's not welcome there right now
pghrugbyangel says
15 years ago
he may never be welcome again. They're meeting about that right now.
pghrugbyangel thinks
15 years ago
a significant apology isn't due to me - he should apologize to the guy he hit. I did find out that guy did return to practice tonight. whew.
15 years ago
I'm glad you and New Guy are getting some support.
pghrugbyangel says
15 years ago
hah! on the phone now. A-hole guy is NOT banned from the club. He IS banned from the bar. Permanently...
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