11 years ago
[Event] swapped out Francis' textbooks with erotic novels. He's waiting to see how long til the other notices.
latest #80
Francis is
11 years ago
half asleep this morning, flopping down into a cozy library chair and pulling out a book he thought was his textbook. He's quiet reading it for a bit before his mind clues in to what he's reading, face going
11 years ago
red and glancing around to see if anyone had noticd. Not that that stops him from continuing to read though.....
11 years ago
...honestly should have known. Francis was such a pervert. He throws a scarf at him from his own seat a few feet away. "Oi, pervert."
11 years ago
sputters and flails a bit as the scarf suddenly hits his face, setting down the book in favour of pulling the scarf away to see who it was. "...hello sexy," he winks.
11 years ago
grins. "Good of you to notice. Hello yourself, hot stuff. Enjoying your read?"
11 years ago
hums at that, rubbing the sleep from his eye and sitting up a bit. "Perhaps a little early for it, but certainly more interesting than what I was going to read," he chuckles.
11 years ago
raises his eyebrows. "Francis Bonnefoy, did you just say it was too early for porn? The sky must be falling."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "It's like ten am, it's too early for anything," he replies dramatically.
11 years ago
hums. "Not too early for sex." Well..maybe. Depends on who it was.
11 years ago
laughs and nods in agreement. "As long as I don't have to leave my bed," he hums. He wasn't exactly a morning person.
11 years ago
isn't really one either. "Mm, why the fuck are you here so early?"
11 years ago
hums, closing the novel and shoving it back in his bag. "Had class already this morning, and a test later that I haven't studied for," he shrugs.
Gilbert thinks
11 years ago
...that fucking sucks. "What's the test for?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "Just a chapter test for art history." He obviously wasn't too worried.
11 years ago
hums. "So no awesome battles, then?"
11 years ago
laughs at that. "There's not a ton of battles in my field of study unfortunately, just paintings and statues about them."
11 years ago
grins "Fair enough. Vati still gives me hell over my history major, though..."
11 years ago
hums. "That's because he's an old man obsessed with it."
11 years ago
supposes so.... " shouldn't you be studying? I can't believe I just said that..."
11 years ago
blinks at that, and laughs. "Of all the things to er come out of your mouth, that was the weirdest..."
11 years ago
throws a small cushion at him. "Shut up. Who am I going to harass if you get kicked out? You have to keep your grades up to at least stick around."
11 years ago
laughs as he gets his arms up to shield a moment too late, and the pillow smacks him. "Hey hey what's with the throwing things today?" he grins. "It's just a chapter test, c'mon. I can survive~"
Gilbert gives
11 years ago
him a look. "Good. Survive, and we'll go drinking later."
11 years ago
arches a brow at that look. "Okay mom. Don't worry, I read the chapter at some point last week. Where do you want to go drinking?"
Gilbert wants
11 years ago
to throw something else, but he's run out of soft objects. "Fuck if I know. Campus pub? The guy gives me discounts."
Francis will
11 years ago
be upset if non soft items suddenly come flying at his face. "Hmm... sounds good then. Cheap is preferable."
11 years ago
wouldn't want to injure Fran's pretty face anyhow. "It is. I think it's cause I'm there all the time...or that I blew him in the storage room that one time. Either one."
11 years ago
nearly chokes on his breath. "You never told me that before!" he laughs, shaking his head. "Geeze, the mystery is solved. Give him another, maybe we'll get free drinks instead."
11 years ago
grins at that. "Nah, his manager has a huge stick up his ass. Not even I can work my magic on him. So discounts is as good as we get." He wonders why he's never told Francis that story before...
11 years ago
doesn't often go drinking at the campus pub and doesn't really care about the workers because of it. "Ah damn, how sad," he laughs.
11 years ago
shrugs. "Mhm...but hey. If you tip the waitresses well, they usually make sure you get good portions of food."
11 years ago
hums. "I'll make sure to keep that in mind~" he smiles. "So what to do until then? Or are you actually going to make me study."
11 years ago
scrunched up his face a little. "Nein. Go for it if you want, but I'm bored. Let' a game."
11 years ago
grins at that. "Hmm, what sort of game this time, dear friend~?"
11 years ago
hums. "Something...with no moving." Too early. "Truth..or dare..."
11 years ago
laughs. "Fair enough, fair enough. Alright, you first. Truth or dare?" he hums.
11 years ago
humsss. "Dare."
11 years ago
hums, considering it a moment. "Use the worst pickup line you know on the next person you see," he chooses, keeping it simple to start.
11 years ago
cackles at that. "What's worst? Cheesy, or dirty and just...really bad?"
11 years ago
grins. "That absolute worst in any way you can think of. Let me see what you've got."
11 years ago
hums, glancing around. He spots a guy mostly keeping to himself, a little nervous. Aw, poor guy. Oh well. "Oi, you! With the beenie." The guy looks up, and Gil beckons him over.
11 years ago
sits back in his chair a bit as he watches, grinning in anticipations.
11 years ago
grins, sitting up and tugging the guy down into his lap. Might as well go all out. He wraps his hands around the obviously uncomfortable kid, and leans forward. "I'm like a rubix cube baby, the more you play_
11 years ago
_with me, the harder I get."
11 years ago
arches a brow at that, before having to cover his mouth as not to burst out laughing as the kid smacks Gilbert in the face and makes a quick escape off his lap with the most indignant and grossed-out look
11 years ago
on his face.
11 years ago
grins despite the slap -he was expecting that- and calls out after him "Call me!" Oh, he was awesome.
Francis is
11 years ago
practically dying from trying not to laugh. "Oh dieu, that was amazing."
11 years ago
cackles to himself. "I'm amazing. Your turn. Truth or Dare?"
11 years ago
hums in consideration. "Truth," he decides, because sitting right here was lovely for the moment.
11 years ago
hums. He knows basically everything about Francis...well, he thinks he does anyhow. "Have you...ever fooled around with any guy besides me?"
11 years ago
laughs at that, shaking his head. "Aww, you know you're the only guy I have~" he assures him, patting his head.
11 years ago
grins at that, ruffling Francis' hair. "Damn straight, and it's gonna stay that way."
11 years ago
scoffs at the hand in his hair and shoos him away. "Hey hey, don't mess with the hair," he laughs. "It's not like we've done much," he points out, ever amused at how possessive Gil was over him despite that.
11 years ago
leers at him. "If you ever wanna fix that, let me know~"
11 years ago
laughs, shaking his head. "We've been over that," he hums, leaning back in his seat. "Alright, turth or dare."
11 years ago
stretches a little. "Hm...truth. I guess."
11 years ago
hummms. "Have you ever walked in on your brother doing naughty things?"
Gilbert has
11 years ago
to really think about that. "I don't...think so? West actually uses the lock on his door, so.." He shrugs. "Not that I can think of."
11 years ago
laughs at that and shrugs. "I should have figured. He seems like he's got a stick up his ass."
11 years ago
scrunches his nose. "Ja. Well. Your turn~"
11 years ago
laughs. "Ahh... I suppose I shall go with dare this time."
11 years ago
hums. "I dare" Uhhh. What..wouldn't get them kicked out of the library? "Oh." He tilts his head, motioning to a guy that had nodded off. "Go open a blank document on that guy's computer, so it _
11 years ago
_looks like his work vanished. Then wake up and we can watch him freak out."
11 years ago
hums, looking over and able to see the wall of text page of something the guy was working on. "Deal," he grins, getting up and walking over as uietly as he can, trying very carefully to open a new document
11 years ago
without waking the guy first.
Gilbert is
11 years ago
trying not to cackle, just watching them. Ooh, this was going to be awesome.
11 years ago
grins as he gets the document open, pulling back enough with a small breath of relief. And then he backs up and taps his shoulder to wake him before pulling back enough to not be obvious it was him.
11 years ago
isn't even trying to not be obvious. He's leaning over the couch, staring the guy down and waiting for a reaction. The guy startles as little, rubbing his eyes. He finally focuses on the screen and swears. )
11 years ago
_ "No..nonono, what the fuck! No! You were just...stop it! Computer no...ohgod computer, why!"
11 years ago
starts cracking up, covering his mouth and hurrying back over to his seat trying so hard not to laugh out loud lest they be caught. "O-oh dieu..." he breathes out, watching the poor guy flip out. "Good
11 years ago
choice Gil.."
11 years ago
cackles as quietly as he can as the guy loses his shit. He starts smashing at the keys a little, and suddenly pauses, realising that there were two windows. He closes the blank, visibly relaxing before whipping
11 years ago
_around to try and catch any culprits.
Francis is
11 years ago
trying so damn hard not to laugh, but his silent heaving was probably giving him away to the poor sod.
11 years ago
grins as the guy shoots Francis a filthy glare, packs up his things, and leaves. "Ohhhh fuck. That was too good."
11 years ago
grins and winks at the guy, before doubling over in laughter. "Merde, how would I even top that," he laughs, shaking his head. "That guy will never fall asleep at his desk again."
11 years ago
snickers. "Well you're going to have to try."
11 years ago
laughs. "Are you picking dare then?"
11 years ago
grins "That I am!"
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