Someone is trying to get me into RPing...
latest #24
my first ever character played is Rozalin, and that's freakin 4 years ago
which is the one that person wants me to play
from overly proper princess to depressive cheer group leader to angry brat
i've disappointed some people in the past and it kinda traumatized me
... not really traumatized but yeah
rp or not rp...
no one can make that decision for you
sounds like you have had problems in the past, when I had problems, I went back into RP... but it may have been thanks to JB being there and keeping me RPing through that period
I can tell you that I'll be supportive no matter which decision you make
yeah, and it somehow because of my incompetence too ;; and social problems, and no one to turn to for help, so i just went dead
and you have people to turn to if you want
i'll just try and see what comes
Yay! And if you need anyone to talk to, I'm around, even if I'm not awake, you can always send me a private plurk and I'll help
i'll keep that in mind
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