11 years ago
[Event]performs a set at the main Nordic bar. She had some information that she wanted to get to Dorthe and she couldn't trust her usual drop off spot.
latest #57
11 years ago
had been at a meeting or two and slid into her spot at the VIP section in the middle of the performance. She yawned, cleaely in a pouty mood.
11 years ago
notices her and curses internally. If Dorthe wasn't in a good mood now, she certainly wouldn't be when she heard what she had to say. She performs her usual set with a little less intensity than normal, a-
11 years ago
little afraid of how Dorthe would react later.
11 years ago
lounged a little lazily as she sipped a darker beer to alleviate her annoyance. She somewhat listened to the performance as she sipped her beer.
11 years ago
finishes the first part of the set and walks backstage, trying to get herself prepared. She approaches one of the bar staff and asks to see if she would be allowed to the VIP section to speak with Dorthe.
11 years ago
caught a glance of the female and had her bodyguard bring her over. She was curious what this little one wanted as she remembered her face from previous encounters.
11 years ago
usually just had letters delivered to Dorthe when she had information to give them. She walks with the bodyguard and fakes a small smile. "Sorry for any intrusion, I heard that you were here tonight and I-
11 years ago
thought it has been too long since we have spoken."
11 years ago
nods and gestured the female to take a seat nearby. " Really? I never tell anyone my plans though. You must have heard it from a nice birdie then." She looked the other over. " Are you thirsty?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "It was more a lucky guess that was confirmed when I saw you here during my performance." She takes a seat. "I could do with a drink if it isn't any trouble."
11 years ago
smirks, " Alright. Order what you like. Its on me."
11 years ago
orders a glass of wine. She sits back in her seat and glances over to Dorthe, blinking quickly. "Oh, you have something on you cheek." She holds out a handkerchief with a small note stitched to it. There-
11 years ago
really wasn't anything there but she needed to get the note to Dorthe soon. The note read 'I need to speak to you soon. Somewhere private. There may be a spy in your ranks.'
11 years ago
raised a brow slowly as she thanked her quietly. She motioned her bodyguard to be at ease when the other was too close. " Ah tak. I must've been sleeping too much during the meeting I had earlier." She smiled_
11 years ago
motioning her bodyguard to stay by the door and have everyone else present clear for her to speak in private.
11 years ago
waits for the room to clear before speaking quietly. "One of my sources in the Italian Mafia knew some confidential information about our operations. There's a rat in the ranks..."
11 years ago
hums nodding slowly as she sipped her own drink, " Is that all?" She glanced to the other directly after, her mood unpredictable.
11 years ago
sips at her wine. "I'll have to eliminate my source to keep myself from being compromised. He has invited me to a party with a lot of high ranking Italian mob officials. I plan to be rid of him and try finding-
11 years ago
a better source there."
11 years ago
titled her head, " Why kill one when you can kill them all?" She didn't seemed amused at what the other was suggesting.
11 years ago
"They will not all be there and we will still have the spy to deal with. It would be all out war."
11 years ago
snorts, " It isn't war if you play your cards right. The fact their gathering has been revealed is more than enough good news."
11 years ago
nods slowly. "I would need assistance, but I believe that I can get more valuable information out of them at this party then I could by killing them at this party."
11 years ago
waves her hand in dismissal, getting annoyed with what the other was saying. " So you'll rather let this chance slip away and ignore my judgement?"
11 years ago
sets her glass down. "I will do whatever you decide is best."
11 years ago
drew quiet as she looked at her glass of beer again. She was planning everything in her mind now and finally spoke up. " When is the party?"
11 years ago
"Within the week." She sips some more wine, a little annoyed with how the discussion was going. She didn't think killing the attendants would serve any purpose.
11 years ago
smiles, " Find your new informant before the time limit. I will send someone I trust to finish the job of removing key targets that wilk shut down the Italian mafia."
11 years ago
nods slowly. "I will try to eliminate my current source in the meantime. If they discover he let slip information to me, I will lose any ground I had gained." She drinks another sip of wine. "You will not be-
11 years ago
able to get anyone into the party without me as an escort. Security will be tight."
11 years ago
watched the other as her bodyguard seemed tense and wanting to inform the guest to watch her tongue. " You do understand that I am aware of such security measures ja? Do what you must but you'll follow_
11 years ago
_the instructions my trustee gives you as they come straight from me. If no satisfactory results are achieved, you understand that you will be punished correct?"
11 years ago
sets her glass down. "I understand completely. I have never betrayed your commands before and I never will. You have my complete cooperation and dedication." She had previously been given free range to do as-
11 years ago
she felt was best and wasn't used to taking commands like these. She would do as she was asked but she wasn't happy about her independence being restricted.
11 years ago
preferred to keep things within control in case of any problems. " But if you find me this weasle before the party, I will reward you well and we can just eliminate those at the party."
11 years ago
nods. "I will do my best to find him but I cannot guarantee that. I promise you that I will eliminate my current source and find a new one before the party."
11 years ago
nods, " Either way I want those mob leaders dead. It's less of a hassle to deal with them later."
11 years ago
nods in agreement. "I do not know what they are planning but they only a hindrance."
11 years ago
hums, " Maybe you should find out before everything goes boom then."
11 years ago
nods and finishes off her wine. "I will do everything that I can."
11 years ago
waved for the bartender to get her another glass of beer. " I look forward to good results from you if thats the case."
11 years ago
glances at her. "I have never brought you anything but good results."
11 years ago
nods slowly, " Very well." She leaned back after, " I also believe you still have a performance to finish, my little songbird."
11 years ago
stands up. "I will not disappoint you." She starts to leave, not entirely happy with the conversation but glad that she would be allowed to continue with part of her plans.
11 years ago
watched the other leave before waving her bodyguard to send for Søren. She was always leinient and wanted to test the waters first with her.
11 years ago
walks back to the stage and gets ready before starting her set again. She liked her independence and generally disliked when it was restricted more than she was used to.
11 years ago
wanted to make sure this woman was reliable. It was only those she trust led well that she gave complete freedom to.
11 years ago
had always proven herself to be loyal and trustworthy before but she would prove it again if she had to.
11 years ago
didn't know her well but only recognized her face from rare encounters. She couldn't just trust everyone who called themselves as part of their group.
11 years ago
preferred to do business using letters to avoid her targets noticing her associations. She had risked a bit as it was to visit now.
11 years ago
usually had her bodyguard relay things back and forth for letters. She was aware of the other's existence but that was as far as it went.
11 years ago
liked it better that way. She got her independence and she was able to keep gathering information the way she felt was best.
11 years ago
knew so and did give the other freedom in a respectable manner. She simply wanted to make sure to not waste away a good chance when she saw one. Playing nice wasn't going to get them anywhere.
11 years ago
knew that this was a more serious issue than her usual information which is why she involved Dorthe in the first place. She would listen to what Dorthe told her to do.
Dorthe was
11 years ago
glad for that. If it was less important, she would have let the other do as please but this special case needed some instructions due to its circumstances. She would only hope for the other to understand.
11 years ago
understood and would soon get over her irritation. She still wasn't convinced about the usefulness of killing some of the Italians but she would do as Dorthe asked.
11 years ago
figured it was better to make a compromise to some extent. She allowed for the other to find who she needed but she wanted priority targets eliminated at the party.
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