11 years ago
knocked at Søren's door, he had to talk to him.
latest #65
11 years ago
answered the door with a pastry in his mouth, fully awake now. He smiled a bit and nodded. "Hej, Sve~"
11 years ago
nods a bit. "We need t' talk."
11 years ago
blinks and nods, opening the door more so the other could walk in. "Sure. What 'bout?"
11 years ago
stepped in, bending to take off his shoes. "Bout y' 'nd Astrid."
11 years ago
smiles as he headed to the kitchen to make coffee for them both. "Well. I can give ye great advice, since ye know, I'm the older one." He held out the coffee to him once he got close. "What do ye wanna know?"
11 years ago
frowned to himself as he followed the other. Taking the coffee he just took a small drink. "I don' like this. Y' t'gether that 's."
11 years ago
raised his brow as he leaned against the counter, sipping his coffee. "Hva? Why not?"
11 years ago
"I jus' don'. Y' said that 'ny Swede was never worth y'er time." He glared at the growned for a moment. "But what makes her so special?"
11 years ago
started to lose his playful demeanor. "She's special 'cause she listens to me. And not as stubborn as ye."
11 years ago
frowned at this. He squared his shoulders a little, standing at his full height. "She listens t' y' b'cause she doesn' know y'." He growled out.
11 years ago
huffed. "She knows me well. And she still wants to be with me. More than ye ever did."
11 years ago
shifted his gaze to glare at the other. "Don' even start with me Søren." He growled. "I was forced t' leave b'cause y' never listened t' me, t' 'nythin 'ny 'f us ever said. It was y'er fault. Not mine."
11 years ago
growled and slammed his coffee onto the counter, breaking the glass. "It was not my fault!" He knew it was but still hated to admit it. "She loves me. And will stay with me. That's the difference, and
11 years ago
that's what makes her special. Not like ye."
11 years ago
tensed as the glass shattered, growling again he just threw the cup at the other. "It 's y'er fault! It was all y'er fault." He snarled, clenching his fists. "She's only a woman. Y' have no connection t' her"
11 years ago
hit the glass away from his face, not caring where it landed as he stared at the other intensely. "Only a woman?! She's just like ye, just a female! She deserves the respect of a nation, as all of us do!"
11 years ago
"R'spect? R'spect?! Since when did y' have r'spect for 'nyone other than y'erself?!" He swung at the other angrily, hoping to knock him in the jaw.
11 years ago
got hit, and returned the hit just as hard. "I've changed! Ye wouldn't know that though, 'cause ye've not been here! Ye left me alone!" He growled at the other, angry and hurt for being alone.
11 years ago
stumbled back and growled holding his chin. "I left y' 'lone cause y' didn't want t' change! Y' never wanted t' listen!" He growled again. "Why would I come 'round t' see a stubborn ass like y'?"
11 years ago
went to continue on hitting him. "I have changed though! That's the difference! Besides, she accepts me for who I am! With all the bad and all!"
11 years ago
dodged as many hits as he could while giving back just as much. "Y' still seem the same t' me, Søren!" He shoved the other into the wall going to punch his cheek.
11 years ago
hissed as he was hit, glaring at the other more. "It's because ye've not been here for years! YEARS! I missed ye! And ye weren't there for me! No one from our family was!" He gritted his teeth as he held
11 years ago
back tears. "But she was. She was. She kept me from gettin' lonely. More than ye could ever do!"
11 years ago
"Years? Søren I've been 'round! Don' even start that bull shit!" He growled. "Y' 'lways say how 'lone y' are! Y' aren't. Y'er not the one everyone hates!" He growled. "No one hates y'!" He clenched his bruised
11 years ago
knuckles. "How long was she there? Months? Søren I've been 'round for years and you still don' give me the time 'f day!" He shoved the other's shoulders into the wall again.
11 years ago
hit his back against the wall before jumping and tackling the other to the ground. "At least everyone didn't leave ye! I was alone, for the longest time! Ye out of all people should know that's dangerous!
11 years ago
He slammed the others head into the ground. "She's been here for two years! Where were ye, huh? At IKEA? In Finland? Avoidin' me? Whatever. She was here. That's what matters."
11 years ago
grunted in shock when he was knocked to the ground, he shoved at the other trying to get himself free from under the other. "Y'er the oldest! Y' should be able t' be-" He was cut short when his head hit the
11 years ago
floor. His vision went black for a moment. "Y' know.. Y' know as well as I do two small years are like two months for us." He growled, there was obvious jealousy in his tone.
11 years ago
put his hand around the others throat. "Regardless, two months alone for me is torture. Ye out of everyone should know that." He had a hurt, but also damaged look in his eyes. It hurt him to admit how alone he
11 years ago
felt, and how quickly it happened. It was a huge weakness of his.
11 years ago
grunted, closing one eye slightly digging his nails into the others hand. "I-I don' care if a week 'lone for y' 's too much..!" He did, but right now telling him that wasn't going to happen. "Maybe y' should
11 years ago
listen 'nd then y' wouldn' be 'lone all the damn time...!" He growled, moving his hand up to the others throat and began to squeeze right away.
11 years ago
winced a bit with the others hand at his throat, but just dealt with it. "I do listen! And Astrid listens to me! She's there, especially at my worst, when I need it the most! Unlike ye!"
11 years ago
squeezed harder, trying to shift and get the other off of him. "At y'er worst? Nej. She doesn' know y' at y'er worst!" He sneered. "She doesn' know how y' really are!"
11 years ago
started to weaken, as well as lose strength since he wasn't as strong, and had shorter arms. "S-she's... seen me at my worst. She knows... who I am!"
11 years ago
's arms began to shake a little he was getting weaker but he couldn't stop now. "N-nej.. She will ne-never see y' at y'er.. worst..! She doesn' know 'nd she'll never know...!" He tried to squeeze harder.
11 years ago
coughed before pulling his hand back and punching the other. "She accepts me for who I am! That's more than ye'd ever do! Ye don't care!"
11 years ago
wheezed slightly trying to breathe. "I do-" He began to cough and gasp for air, pulling a hand away from him reaching feeling for that mug that was thrown earlier. He felt the mug handle and grabbed it bringing
11 years ago
the non-broken round side of the mug against the side of his head.
11 years ago
hissed as he fell off the other, holding his head and waiting for his vision to be clear again. He growled and looked for something to use to hit the other.
11 years ago
breathed heavily and pushed himself up, looking for something else through his spotted vision.
11 years ago
found a plate on the counter nearby and grabbed it before smashing it against the others head. He was beyond reason now.
11 years ago
grunted and dropped to the floor for a few moments. He forced himself to his feet, feeling blood trickle down his head and onto his face, he didn't care. As his head spun from the hit. He scanned the room
11 years ago
quickly settling on the glass coffee pot. Quickly he grabbed that and swung it at the Dane's face.
11 years ago
yelled out when he was hit, scrunching his eyes quickly. He could feel the tiny glass fragments shatter against his face, and could feel the blood start to trickle down his face. He growled before going to
11 years ago
punch the others eyes, hoping to break his glasses.
11 years ago
gasped sharply, closing his eyes quickly. He felt the lenses of his glasses shatter and stab into his face as well as the frame buckle from the punch. "Fan." He growled, squinting trying to find something else
11 years ago
giving up when he couldn't see anything he just went to punch the large blob that was the Dane.
11 years ago
tackled him back to the floor and just hit him repeatedly. He was annoyed, and wanted to end so.
11 years ago
grunted and tried to keep punching him. Blindly hitting his throat in the swing.
11 years ago
hissed at that before coughing, trying to get his breath back. He grabbed a fragment of the plate from earlier and jabbed it under the others arm, hoping to get a nice weakspot.
11 years ago
grunted painfully at that, punching the other a second time in the same spot hoping to now colaspe his windpipe. With how he moved he could feel the glass shift and blood began to quickly stain his shirt and
11 years ago
as* a small pool of blood formed.
11 years ago
coughed more, holding his throat for a bit as he was unable to breathe now. He tried to focus, wanting to finish the other.
11 years ago
tried to hit his throat again but he missed and more blood ran from his underarm. He dug his nails into his face dragging them down his face onto his neck before digging his nails in enough to tear his flesh
11 years ago
when he pulled away.
11 years ago
yelled out again as he clenched his eyes shut, finding the pain almost unbearable. He ran his nails down the others face, removing some pieces of glass from his face.
11 years ago
yelled out painfully. He tried to grab the other, managing to find his neck and pressing as hard as he could.
11 years ago
did his best to hit and swat at the other, but he could feel his vision blurring. He wasn't able to breathe now, and it was obvious in his actions.
11 years ago
's vision was black at the edges, his body was starting to go numb causing his hands to shake and fall away from the other. His breathing was slow and laboured. He glared toward the other when his fair skin
11 years ago
began to pale even more and the colour drained from his face.
11 years ago
fell beside the other soon after, still unable to breathe. All colour in his face was gone as the blood continued to flow. He wanted to stay awake at least a bit longer than the other.
11 years ago
tried to growl at him, it only came out as a small gurgle as his breathes slowed and eventually he took his last breath. His body went limp as his eyes became vacant and stared unblinking at the cieling.
11 years ago
smirked faintly, admiring the site before closing his eyes and finally letting go.
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