11 years ago
had been looking for that blond girl that had walked into his house. He was curious about something...
latest #48
11 years ago
had been flopped over on the garden swing at Soren's place, dozing off away due to the heat. She had case of beer near her and her cat on her stomach as she wished for a good breeze to alleviate how hot it was.
11 years ago
decided to give up on his search for her and just decided to head to his brother's house. Denmark was a big place, so he doubted he'd be able to find her. Walking up the drive way he stopped when he saw her
11 years ago
she wasn't the one Søren was dating, the hair was different from his female counter part. "Hej." He walked over to the swing and looked down at her.
11 years ago
blinks as her kitten was trying to paw at the stranger in the distance. She sat up slightly, raising a brow at him before recognizing him. " Oh hej."
11 years ago
scratched the cat under the chin. "Y'er.. Danmkar aren't y'?" He decided not to beat around the bush on the subject.
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
nods slowly, " One of them I guess if it's the better way to put it." Her cat seemed to love the attention it had been getting lately.
11 years ago
nods. "That's how y'er sister 's Swedish 'nd y'er Danish..." He watched the cat still. "'M Sweden."
11 years ago
smirks as she sat up properly after, " Mhmm, I had a feeling you were the idiot's brother." She chuckled. " Did it take you long to figure out?"
11 years ago
shook his head. "Mnmm, I met the.. Female me 'nd then I realized who y' were." He had to find her to make sure though. "How'd y' know I was his brother?"
11 years ago
smiles, " Normally humans can't see us nations unless we want them to ja? You were Swedish and a nation so it added up easily."
11 years ago
nods to her. "That's true.." He looked around a little. "Y' look warm.. Do y' want t' go t' a pub 'nd get a beer?" He was very curious of these alternate versions of them.
11 years ago
raised a brow at that, accepting the offer. " Sure I guess. I had already finish the case I brought out with me too." She nodded to the case by the garden swing, full of empty bottles.
11 years ago
nods. "Y' really are Danmark." He mumbled under his breath. "Should y' put y'er cat inside?"
11 years ago
smirks as she helped her kitten onto her shoulder before picking up the empty beer case. " Give me a moment. Shouldn't take too long." She put her cat and the case back into the house before nodding to him.
11 years ago
nods again tucking his hands into his pockets. He gave her a half nod before gesturing with his head. "Let's go, Dorthe.." He was glad to have a good memory.
11 years ago
smiles and followed beside him, letting him lead the way. She could never say no to beer entirely.
11 years ago
took her to the pub that him and the other Dane always went to. It was almost force of habit. That and it was almost staggering distance from the shorter man's house.
11 years ago
recognized it almost immediately as she smiled slyly.
11 years ago
didn't know if she recognized it or not. "What's witht he smile?" His eyebrow quirked as he watched her.
11 years ago
chuckles, " It's one of my favourite places to hang out for a beer or two. Cheap and close to home, ja?"
11 years ago
"Ja. Staggerin distance if y' drink too much too." He opened the door for her and followed her in after.
11 years ago
smirks entering and looking around for a good spot to sit as she waved to the barkeep. " I can keep on my feet even when I'm drunk you know."
11 years ago
raised a hand to the barkeep as well, he was sure that she came to this bar more, but he did know the man. "That's 'lways good. Søren sometimes falls over 'nd 's a pain t' pick 'im up."
11 years ago
rolls her eyes, " That's so lame of him." She ordered a few good beers as she sat down at a booth.
11 years ago
ordered himself a few beers as he sat. "That's how he 's though. 'S somethin y' get used t'.." He looked at the table and then at her. "Does Astrid stumble 'nd fall when she's drunk?"
11 years ago
smirks, " A little when she over does it. She can hold her liquor well though so I'll give her that." She was proud about her sister after all.
11 years ago
''M glad she can hold her alcohol." He held his beer lightly and shifted looking at the glass. "What do y' think 'f 'em bein t'gether...?"
11 years ago
paused mid sip clearly caught off guard by such a question. " I don't like it." She admitted clearly, discontent in her voice.
11 years ago
nods to that. "Mhmm.. I don' like it either.. 'S.. 's not right." He sighed and took a long drink from his beer.
11 years ago
nodded sympathetically as she drank her beer. " It's really weird in my opinion..."
11 years ago
sighed to himself. "Mhmm.. I jus' don' see how it could make sense... humans it'd be fine.. but countries.. with out history.. Nej. I just really don' like it."
11 years ago
snorts, " I just don't see how it works seeing we're nations. Sure we go by treaties so mixing and mingling isn't a bad thing but considering the history between the two countries, its like impossible."
11 years ago
"Ja, y'er right. I don' see it workin." He frowned remembering how they looked at each other, those looks didn't sit right with him at all.
11 years ago
shook her head, " There's nothing we can really do but accept how things have turned out. If I was around sooner I would've stopped them."
11 years ago
shrugs. "Mhmm too late now.. I don' know if we could 've stopped 'em. Dan's very stubborn. If someone said no he'd jus' do it 'nyway."
11 years ago
snorts as she ordered more beer. " I still would've tried either way. Sve is stubborn too after all and knowing her, she would've gone with it even if I was around."
11 years ago
nods to her. "That's understandable." He knew he was stubborn so he assumed she had to be as well. He downed the rest of his beer. "What do y' think they'd say 'bout this." He meant them drinking together.
11 years ago
shrugs, " I don't care at all about what they say even if things turn into something unexpected." She paused for a minute. " What I mean is that, drinking is drinking. Why should someone_
11 years ago
_ judge them for doing something social even if its their worst enemy?"
11 years ago
nods. "That's true.. A small 'mount 'f drinkin can sometimes calm enemies. Too much tends t' make thin's worse." He looked and watched a few of the people that were laughing and having a good time.
11 years ago
followed his gaze as she watched as well, " Too bad we can't fight just because we're drunk."
11 years ago
shrugs. "We could. Nations can 'lways fight jus' t' let off steam even when drinkin." He didn't think about fighting her though, even if she was the female version of Søren.
11 years ago
hums, " I mean war related wise but I'm up for a good brawl if there is a good reason too."
11 years ago
nods to her. "Mhmm.. I don' think drunk wars would really be a good thin'.." He was a neutral country after all.
11 years ago
knew very well about his neutral status but also the fact that he should have been involved in many wars as well. " Sounds fun but the clean up is bad." She sighed.
11 years ago
had been in many wars, but not many as of late. "Mhmm... Cleaning up would be horrible.." He shrugged and began to drink his second beer.
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