11 years ago
heard friggen Antonio has finally showed up again....mio Dio.....
latest #55
11 years ago
pouts feeling somewhat hurt "Is that a bad thing, Lovi?"
11 years ago
glares at him. "Where the ever loving fuck have you been?! You can't just...drop off the face of the earth. Did you fall asleep in the damn tomato fields again?"
11 years ago
raises his hands chuckling lightly "Lo siento, Lovi, maybe I fell asleep. Hm, does it mean you were missing me?" He smirks moving closer.
11 years ago
scowls and jesus fuck what a time for Antonio to resurface. "No, you asshole! It means I didn't want to have to bail your stupid ass out of trouble!" He's flushing, and backing away.
11 years ago
frowns lightly "Calm down, Lovi. Did something happen? I don't remind you being so skittish. And don't worry, you won't need to bail my ass out of nothing." He crosses his arms looking away.
11 years ago
doesn't know what he's supposed to say. He couldn't exactly come out and say 'oh yea, you've been gone so long that I started a weird thing with your brother that looks exactly like you' now could he? "I'm_
11 years ago
_not skittish. I just..." He sighed "I've been stressed."
11 years ago
moves closer to him again resting a hand over his shoulder "Well, it's a good thing I'm back then, tell me why are you feeling so stressed, Lovi, mi querido."
11 years ago
can't believe he forgot. He forgot fucking ugh. How Antonio caused instant butterflies in his stomach. He rolls his eyes a little "My boss is a fucking dumbass, but what else is new?"
11 years ago
chuckled lightly, he knew well what he meant, his boss was acting stupid too "I know, mine seems to have lost his mind. Other than that I'm still a little mad I lost the Confederations Cup to my brother's son"
11 years ago
quirks an eyebrow at that. "I still don't understand how you managed that. It was...what, two years ago? That you won both Eurocup and World cup, and now you lose to that little shit?"
11 years ago
huffs rolling his eyes and crosses his arms "They got lucky, we'll see when the real competition begins." He grins proudly.
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Si...we'll see about that. What do you consider the real competition? Waiting around for the Eurocup?"
11 years ago
looks away "The Eurocup, the World Cup itself, Confederations Cup is just a joke."
11 years ago
frowns a little. "Oi...are you seriously upset over this?"
11 years ago
widens his eyes and shakes his head "What me? No, I'm just joking..." He chuckles raising his hands.
Romano gives
11 years ago
him a look, but shrugs it off. "Si. Of course..." He huffs a little, trying not to fidget. "So what the hell were you doing all that time?" Not that he was...worried. Or anything...okay fuck it. Him and_
11 years ago
_Gabriel, and Shaliza had all been worried sick, the moron.
11 years ago
looks away "Well, nothing much. Lo siento I didn't warn you I was going to leave for some time. I won't do that again... Were you missing me?" He murmurs stepping closer and resting his hand on Lovino's
11 years ago
shoulder gently.
11 years ago
scowls, glancing away. "No, idiota! I was..." Fuck, he'd been worried. "I know you get yourself into all kinds of crazy shit, that's all. You and those two dumbass friends of yours!"
11 years ago
chuckles lightly "Relax, Lovi, I wasn't with Francis and Gilbert so there's no way I got myself into trouble. I feel honored you were missing me... It means a lot to me." He holds his shoulder a tad tighter.
11 years ago
splutters a little, fighting down his blush. He pulls away a little, feeling...guilty. He shouldn't, but he does. "Si, well...just don't go vanishing again, or at least let someone know, okay?"
11 years ago
raises his hand looking puzzled "Ah, right. I'm sorry, if, for some reason, I have to leave again you'll be the first I'm going to let know. Does it sound good to you, Lovi?"
11 years ago
[Oh! I put out another plurk for you if you wanted. With my other account for Shaliza. Trinidad is an ex-colony of Spain's, so she considers Antonio her dad]
11 years ago
nods. "Buono. You better let me know first thing, capiche? If not me, then ...then Gabriel. Or one of your freakin' kids."
11 years ago
nods back. "Alright but I'm pretty sure Gabi is able to survive without me. And my kids, I don't know if they care this much." He chuckles shyly.
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Your kids care. They just don't show it because they're all dramatic brats with grudges."
11 years ago
bites his lower lip "Hmm, maybe... I hope they are the only ones with grudges..."
11 years ago
shrugs. "All the other nations are old enough to know better." Except him. He held lots of grudges, but none against Antonio...obviously.
11 years ago
nods and smiles weakly "Yes, you're right, Lovi... So... Do you want to do something?" He tries souding a tad shy.
Romano wonders
11 years ago
if he's sick. He's very used to Antonio being more...boisterous. "Uh...S-si. Sure. Come here, idiota..." He placed a hand against Antonio's forehead. No fever...
11 years ago
rests his hand over his holding it lightly "What's wrong Lovino?" He frowns lightly still keeping him close.
11 years ago
mirrors Antonio's expression. "Are you sick?" Who knows what Antonio was actually doing that entire time.
11 years ago
raises his eyebrows looking puzzled "Do I look like I'm sick? Am I pale or something?"
11 years ago
hums. "No...but you're acting weird."
11 years ago
looks away frowning a bit "Maybe something changed in me during this time I was gone from here or maybe you changed and you're seeing me different."
Romano wonders
11 years ago
if he's changed himself. "Maybe? You were always more..." bubbly, and affectionate, and loud, and..and a fucking ray of sunshine. "Annoying."
11 years ago
looks away "It's just that everybody is so, I don't know, mad that I wasn't around it's making me somewhat nervous. I'm sorry, Lovi, I know I'm not bothering you enough."
Romano thinks
11 years ago
he's ridiculous. "Antonio. Everyone is mad because they were worried, you don't need to be nervous, dammit. You have a lot of people that care for you, even if they don't show it properly."
11 years ago
wraps his arms around him pulling him close, he rests his head on his "Just like you?" He murmurs pecking his hair gently and strokes his back.
11 years ago
goes bright red, and freezes. He doesn't know whether to bolt or lean into the touch, and he feels very much like he's cheating. Even though he and Gabriel..well, he didn't know what they were. "O-Oi, where_
11 years ago you think you're kissing, idiota?"
11 years ago
chuckles letting him go "Whatever you say, querido." He raises his hands ruffling the Italian's hair knowing he shouldn't be so touchy over him if he wanted him to stay in good terms.
11 years ago
bats at his hand, unable to fight away his blush. "Oi. Did you eat recently? I know you forget shit like that." He heads into the kitchen, expecting Antonio to follow.
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow, like he would forget about something so important as eating "Hm, claro! Are you going to cook for me?" He follows him to the kitchen.
11 years ago
shakes his head "I finished cooking just before you got here. It's still hot, you can have some."
11 years ago
claps his hands in excitement "Of course I'll have some, I love your food, Lovi. What did you cook today?"
11 years ago
rolls his eyes, despite his blush. "Spaghetti vongole. Nothing special."
11 years ago
he steps closer murming close to his ear "Everything you do is special, Lovi." He grins pulling away.
11 years ago
flusters at that, glaring a little as he pulls away. "Oi, why the hell are you teasing me for?"
11 years ago
keeps grinning but soon puts an innocent face "Teasing? I'm just telling you the truth, Lovi, querido."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "I don't know who you think you're fooling." Antonio was anything but innocent.
11 years ago
he pouts but chuckles right away "You're surely getting smarter, before you would go all i-it's not true, idiota! And things like that."
11 years ago
flushes lightly. "Si, well..." He huffs a little, glancing away. He's not sure if it's a good or bad thing.
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