Murder Break
11 years ago
/crawls back here for a bit
latest #44
Murder Break
11 years ago
i fucked up i don't even want to explain how
Murder Break
11 years ago
but in short i will have to physically attend high school for my last year provided the local one will let me
Murder Break
11 years ago
which will probably be good because i think iw as too comfortable at home which is why my work halted or whatever
11 years ago
Murder Break
11 years ago
furthermore i already went over that i might be depressed
Murder Break
11 years ago
i called a psychologist to make an appointment(which took so time because i couldn't compose myself enough to make the call haha)
Murder Break
11 years ago
(eventually I did of course! but it took a little while)
Murder Break
11 years ago
Uh. I guess I don't have as much to say as I thought I would lol
Murder Break
11 years ago
BUT UH I'M ALIVE AND STUFF I'm doing about as well as I can
Murder Break
11 years ago
another Neopets event started called Daily Dare--except the usual star is off at summer camp so his sister(whom usually hosts with him) called one of his classmates to help her host it
Murder Break
11 years ago
she's got a crush on him but the guy is so paifully full of himself like he actually CHANGED THE SITE LAYOUT TO PUT HIS FACE EVERYWHERE
Murder Break
11 years ago
Murder Break
11 years ago
also my brother talked to me about game of thrones
Murder Break
11 years ago
if i had the attention span for television shows(I think attention span might be another problem i have and didn't consider) I'd probably watch it because it seems amazing
Murder Break
11 years ago
Murder Break is
11 years ago
there anything else to say lol just
Murder Break
11 years ago
hi guys /;o;/ i miss you but i have an uneventful life and i know you don't gaf about my neopets shit(and if you did those of you with tumblrs would follow my neoblog)
Murder Break
11 years ago
so i don't really have anything to share with you haha ;w;;
Murder Break
11 years ago
anyway how're the rest of you? ;o;/ and /huuuuuuuuugs sosogami back!!
/flops in here to join the cuddles :]
Murder Break
11 years ago
11 years ago
Cuddle party? 'w' /joins the cuddle because cuddles are great
Murder Break
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
i'm glad you're going to a psychiatrist. ;w; i think it's important. i went to one for years and it does help
11 years ago
someday, things just click and you learn how to analyse yourself
11 years ago
if you ever want to talk to someone about depression or anxiety or just shoot the breeze, feel free to contact me. i worry about you.
11 years ago
i hope going to school will help with the depression
Murder Break
11 years ago
I think it will. I feel like, if I can get things done(which I won't have much of a choice to if I physically attend school) I'll definitely feel less crappy.
Murder Break
11 years ago
On the other hand, even before I didn't really feel a lot? Like I was usually indifferent if not rather content but it didn't really register as a negative indifference.
Murder Break
11 years ago
But hopefully it'll help /o\ Though I'm not sure I have anxiety. . .but I suppose I'm judging that based on that I've never had an anxiety attack(unless the descriptions I've read have been incorrect.)
11 years ago
i didn't mean to assume. i just meant if you wanted to talk about it in the future. but not everyone has it. it just goes hand in hand with my own depression
Murder Break
11 years ago
If it's anxiety, it's probably pretty minor. >: I mean, all of it might be minor but idek being that I'm not a professional
11 years ago
so if you don't have to worry about it, more power to you!
11 years ago
one less thing to worry about!
Murder Break
11 years ago
Oh, I know.! ;o; I'm sorry if I sounded like I thought you were assuming. I suppose I was just musing. But I'll remember. ;;/ thank you!
Murder Break
11 years ago
(going out to eat now so if I don't respond I'm just doing that.)
11 years ago
(yes! go eat!)
11 years ago
Tararararaaaa I miss youuu ;w; I hope things start getting better from here on out! I know personally I find it difficult to do things unless there's a teacher coaching me so maybe it'll help you.
Murder Break
11 years ago
\;o;/ Scheduled psychologist apointment for next wednesday! And food made me feel quite a ways better--and I think a teacher would, too.
Murder Break
11 years ago
It's not so much coaching, I think, as it is being forced to sit there and have nothing but the work to do
Murder Break
11 years ago
(whereas, at home, I'm sitting in front of the computer and I can even just go outside and wander off if I want to and nothing's really there to stop me)
Murder Break
11 years ago
also, in looking at the symptoms, add is also a possibility, I think.
11 years ago
Good to have you back \ ^o^ /
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