Markybon wishes
15 years ago
he hadn't stayed up until 1am watching Dexter. Especially at 5.45am this morning when his son woke up :-(
latest #7
nickers says
15 years ago
it's good isn't it ...
Markybon wishes
15 years ago
he's watched it from the start... it is very good.
Markybon thinks
15 years ago
there may be a DVD purchase looming
15 years ago
also wishes he'd typed "he'd" instead of "he's" changing the whole meaning of his comment.
nickers says
15 years ago
We've only been watching the latest series. That english bird seems quite happy to get her kit off -good thing she never did that in Hustle
15 years ago
noticed there was a fair bit of "kit off" action, but assures everyone it was the quality of the programme that kept his interest- honest.
nickers says
15 years ago
*sniggers* her father was in east enders you know *nods knowingly*
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