11 years ago
[Event] is wandering at the library, checking a part he's not yet been to, sermingly lost.
latest #46
11 years ago
rouses slightly when someone bumps into her leg. "whatthefuck...." She mumbles, rubbing at her eyes.
11 years ago
jumps, flushing and looking down. "Oh? Shhh, go back to sleep!"
11 years ago
squints at him a little, and beckons him closer, patting the spot beside her. "You, c'mere for sec..."
Gabriel has
11 years ago
never seen her before, but moves closer anyway, frowning. "Are you alright there?"
11 years ago
reaches out, and tugs him down to sit beside her. "Hangover. You look comfy." She tucks into his shoulder, cuddled against his side, with a vice grip on his arm, and promptly goes back to sleep.
11 years ago
siiiiiiighs. "Ah..." He gulps, awkwardly trying to get a hold of her and stand up. Where is his boss at times like these?!
11 years ago
frowns slightly, tightening her grip on his arm.
11 years ago
tugs her up, lacing one arm around her as he stumbles. "C'mon, don't sleepcduring my shift!!"
11 years ago
grumbles at him, but her eyes are still squeezed shut, and she's still very much a dead weight. Her quota of being woken during naps for all of once, had been filled. She didn't want to wake up again.
11 years ago
rests her on one of the library's couch, going to fetch some chocolate croissant and a good mug of milk. "Hey, sweetie..." he nudges her, setting the trail with the food aside.
11 years ago
opens an eye when she smells the food. "Food?" Mmm food...
11 years ago
nods. "Yes, some glucose should do you good..." he chuckles, offering her the milk first. "Here, dig in, rapariga." He offers sweetly, waiting for her to wake up first.
11 years ago
takes the mug, and leans down to smell it first. "Not alcohol..." Alcohol cured hangovers. She needed alcohol...or pain killers.
11 years ago
frowns. "You won't find it here, miss..." he also has a glass of water and medicine for sickness, nausea and liver. "I have some painkillers, you'll have to deal with that."
11 years ago
sips at the milk, sighing softly. That was kinda nice, actually. "Por favor..." The painkillers would be very appreciated. "My head is splitting.."
11 years ago
hands her the painkillers. "Here, drink with the milk, then eat some..." He sighs. "You know, you're lucky my boss isn't around — Gregory can be awful."
11 years ago
takes the painkillers, and starts to munch on the croissant. "Mmm, I think I've seen him around. I usually have my head in a book, so he doesn't notice."
11 years ago
chuckles. "Red hair, british accent... It's hard to miss." He adds, waiting as she eats. "I'm Gabriel, by the way..."
11 years ago
tends to avoid this...Gregory. He looks like he has something up his ass that isn't of the fun type. "Shaliza. Thanks for not..kicking me out."
11 years ago
nods. "Not at all, that would be rude..." he smiles, leaning back on the small couch. "But next time, be more careful..." he frowns, worried.
11 years ago
sighs. "Yea...I'll curl up on one of the couches with a bigger book next time."
11 years ago
smiles. "Don't do that... Readers need it." he sighs, then whispers. "But if it's urgent, use the medicine section. They'll take pity on you instead." he winks.
11 years ago
grins at that. "Smart. I should have thought of that."
11 years ago
nods at her, humming. "Alas, that's courtesy from the coffee shop." He points. "But the Turk there... Ah, he looks weird."
11 years ago
glances over, tilting her head a little. "Weird how?"
11 years ago
huffs. "Weird." he replies childishly, because that's enough of an answer as it is.
11 years ago
laughs quietly. "Okay."
11 years ago
huffs. "At least the other guys are nice.. I guess." he blinks. "So...Shaliza, right? Are you a student?"
11 years ago
hums. "Yea. I am. I guess."
11 years ago
nods. "Right, same..." he guesses she's still hangover and groggish. "Well, if you still need to sleep I can try and find an empty room on my college's campus but... Are you alright, miss/"
11 years ago
11 years ago
smiles at that. Her situation is...complicated. It's dumb going to school for something you already know is all. "I'm okay, already up. What are you studying?"
11 years ago
clicks his tongue. "Law... boring, good old Law."
11 years ago
grins. "ooh, we should be friends. It's always good to have a lawyer friend."
11 years ago
snickers. "Are you sure of that?" he shrugs. "Very well, we are friends then, you golddigger...."
11 years ago
waves off the comment. "Nah, not the money. For some reason I always end up in some kind of trouble. I need a good lawyer friend to get me out of it." She smiles sweetly at him, as if it'll convince him to_
11 years ago
11 years ago
huffs. "Right..." he rolls his eyes, then nods, giving up. "There, we are friends, Shaliza."
Shaliza gives
11 years ago
him a mega-watt smile. "Oh, Gabriel! So sweet~ I can do you a solid too! If you ever need any kind of medical care, or patch up jobs for people that are...not really in a legal predicament. I'm your girl. _
11 years ago
_I'm licensed back home, so~" She shrugs.
11 years ago
laughs at her smile. "Medical care, hm? Alright, alright... I'll be sure to count on it, I guess!" He winks at her next, curious at the strange girl.
11 years ago
grins. "Good." He wonders why he's curious. She figures she's pretty straight forward. "So you work here, huh?"
11 years ago
nods. "Yes, the evening shift, and some odd hours more. My boss is the angry scott if you ever see him..."
11 years ago
winces a little. "Yea, I see him about. He's creepy."
11 years ago
smiles. "That's a good way to put it."
11 years ago
nods. "And angry. He looks like he could use a drink...or a hornin;."
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