11 years ago
[Event]stays in her house, skipping work. She ignores the knocks of a few of her colleagues when they try to coax her out. They eventually leave her alone and set about investigating the commotions in the slum.
latest #124
11 years ago
just kicked down the door without much effort as she had returned from her trip in the morning. " Goddamn its a mess outside. Hej, Trudie where are you?"
11 years ago
rolls over in bed to blink at the intruder. Oh... it was Dorthe... She rolls back over in bed, pulling the sheets tighter around herself. Her house was basically just a large room, her bed sticking out as it-
Gjertrud was
11 years ago
covered in old blankets and rabbit plushies, her only indulgence in the barren house.
11 years ago
sighed as she ran a hand through her hair as she went over to her. " What are you doing here holed up in your place?"
11 years ago
sighs faintly. "'M tired... I helped on guard duty last night."
11 years ago
raised a brow, " Ja but you're usually not this worn out."
11 years ago
glances at Dorthe. "...Haven't you heard? A bunch of people in the slums just disappeared last night. Gone. I don't know what to do about it..."
11 years ago
looked at her weirdly, " What kind of people? I just know that its really noisy outside."
11 years ago
looks back at the wall. "I don't know, the sick and poor probably... Everyone's trying to figure out where they could have gone."
11 years ago
shrugs, sort of fixing the door as best as she could, " There's really no point in worrying about them though. Waste of time in my opnion."
11 years ago
sits up a bit. "Really? You don't think it's anything to worry about?"
11 years ago
shrugs, " Waste of resources and its a group of people we don't want in the first place because they can't contribute to anything."
11 years ago
relaxes a little and slides her feet out of bed. "You're right..."
11 years ago
smirks, " What's up with you today though?" She sat down next to the other, " You seem really out of it."
11 years ago
sighs quietly. "I don't know... I don't want to get blamed for it."
11 years ago
snorts, " As if. It's their own goddamn fault if they can't protect themselves. The only problem I have is what made them leave. It can be a good or a bad thing that might come back."
11 years ago
glances at her. "You seem out of it today, too..." She wasn't used to Dorthe speaking this candidly.
11 years ago
blinks and shrugs, " Sorry. Brought back some specimens that I'm really excited about."
11 years ago
shakes her head. "No, it's nothing to be sorry about. It is good to be excited."
11 years ago
chuckles, " Still, I'm just worried about ye. That's all. It's not good if our leader is in trouble, ja?"
11 years ago
nods slowly. "I am doing my best. I do not want to let people down."
11 years ago
smiles, " Don't sweat too much about it. I'll always support you whenever I can."
11 years ago
blinks at her before smiling faintly for a brief moment. "Thank you."
11 years ago
caught notice of that and smiled more as a result. " So, did you eat yet?"
11 years ago
hesitates. "Not yet. I don't have any more rations for the week..."
11 years ago
puts a packing in the other's lap. " You don't. But I do." She stated in a quiet voice. " The project has been going smoothly and we have a good supply again."
11 years ago
blinks at her. "Really? That's good news... We've been dangerously low."
11 years ago
chuckles, " Ja but we've kept it hush hush so well to drive off the leeches."
11 years ago
glances at the package and starts to open it. "I've been worried... Thank you."
11 years ago
nods, " You're welcome and everything will be fine. I can guarantee it almost"
11 years ago
eats a bit. "Only almost?"
11 years ago
wrinkles her nose, " There's always an uncertainty factor." She sighs, not liking to admit it. " One I can't control."
11 years ago
nods. "That's why it's important to plan for the unexpected."
11 years ago
hums, " We need the manpower for most of that but I can't account for anything and everything. We don't have the resources."
11 years ago
offers out some food to her. "I'm sure we will find a way if things go bad."
11 years ago
nods, " Been preparing for that too but its top secret. I can't tell you now but you'll know when its complete."
11 years ago
starts to frown. "...Do you really think it's going to get worse soon?"
11 years ago
shrugs, " I had a bad feeling it might if things start to get busy."
11 years ago
finishes eating and wraps up the leftovers. "Thanks again for the food."
11 years ago
nods as she leaned back, " No problem. Just wanted to make sure you were fed."
11 years ago
stands up and puts the leftovers away. "Thank you... I will repay you when I get more rations."
11 years ago
shook her head, " No need. I'm not the type to ask for anything back unless there's a good reason too."
11 years ago
nods and walks back. "If you ever need anything... you can ask me and I will help as much as I can."
11 years ago
smiles as she stretched some more, " Well, when the time comes for me to ask, that's probably when things aren't looking so good but still I'll accept the offer when need be."
11 years ago
nods and sits back down next to her. "It can be when things aren't so bad, too."
11 years ago
shook her head, " Either way, I'll be fine for now."
11 years ago
nods slowly and sits in silence, glancing at Dorthe every once in a while.
11 years ago
yawned, clearly tired and exhausted. She didn't want to rest or rather couldn't with all the noise and commotion.
11 years ago
sighs. "You should get some sleep... or at least try."
11 years ago
glances to the other, " Maybe later tonight. Got plenty of stuff t do.'
11 years ago
shakes her head. "Everyone will be preoccupied today. Your well being is more important."
11 years ago
glanced over, before getting up. " At least let me fix your door first." She stated as she went over to bolt it back to the hinges.
11 years ago
stands up and walks over, ready to help if needed. "You could have just knocked..."
11 years ago
wrinkles her nose, " Ja so did the group that went to investigate earlier."
11 years ago
shrugs. "I might have answered it if it was you."
11 years ago
shook her head, " I prefer the more direct approach, remember?" She looked around and used the scrap metal to make a lock.
11 years ago
sighs. "Just next time be less direct about property destruction..."
11 years ago
fixed up the door, making it better than before. " Good as new." She looked to the other after. " I'll try." She grinned as she yawned after.
11 years ago
watches with a faint sigh. "At least you fixed it..."
11 years ago
nods, " I'm good at fixing things after all."
11 years ago
glances at her. "Maybe if you are more careful, you will not need to utilize that skill as much."
11 years ago
shrugs, " Its still good for practise though."
11 years ago
nods. "Practice is good so long as you don't go destroying things just to practice fixing them."
11 years ago
rolls her eyes, " Okay I only did that once."
11 years ago
hides a smile behind her hand.
11 years ago
pouts but was glad the other was in a better mood.
11 years ago
stops smiling and tilts her head a little. "So were you going to go back to your place or do you want to rest here? It might be quieter here, it's a little out of the way."
11 years ago
glances to the other, " You wouldn't mind me here just taking a cat nap then?"
11 years ago
shakes her head. "No, I don't mind. I'll be cleaning a few things but I won't be too loud."
11 years ago
stretches, " It won't take long. I'll be up in a doozy in no time."
11 years ago
nods and pulls out a wash basin. "I'm going out for a bit to go get washing water and then I will be back."
11 years ago
rest on the bed, getting comfy. " Alright. If anything happens, don't hesitate to scream for me." She stated in a half serious, half joking manner.
11 years ago
nods slowly before walking out, making her way to an area that was set up for water that wasn't good for drinking but still useable for washing.
11 years ago
rested quietly in the meantime glad for the rest. She had to deal with a captive that she was using for an experiment.
11 years ago
knew nothing about it and would probably be a little concerned if she did.... She brings the water back and starts cleaning a few things outside.
Dorthe was
11 years ago
careful with the ethic part but she saved the woman from certain death out of kindness. The experiment part was just mostly monitoring vitals.
11 years ago
hangs some cloth up to dry and cleans some other things. She figured that Dorthe was at least more ethical than the militia so she didn't have to worry much about her.
11 years ago
just wanted to ensure their other experiments were going smoothly and safely before trying certain things on humans. She didn't like the idea of human testing but when there came a large amount _
11 years ago
_of people, wasting time around just to die she figured it was better to put them to good use before they waste away. First City had too many of those individuals.
11 years ago
knew that was true... which is why she didn't bat an eyelash when the militia told her they wanted to get rid of those people.
11 years ago
just closed her eyes and slept for the remainder of time until the Norwegian returned.
11 years ago
steps inside with her freshly cleaned dishes and puts them away, careful to be quiet.
Dorthe was
11 years ago
still resting quietly at that time, unaware the other had returned.
11 years ago
settles down on a chair and mends some clothing, not wanting to interrupt Dorthe's sleep.
11 years ago
continued to sleep enjoying the silence.
11 years ago
nods off after a while, falling asleep in her chair.
11 years ago
eventually did wake up on her own accord but jolted a bit out of surprise. She didn't expect herself to sleep that long.
11 years ago
stays asleep, not noticing Dorthe wake up.
11 years ago
rubbed her eyes as she glanced outside to see if there was still light outside. She sighed quietly looking over to Gjertrud but stayed silent after seeing how sleep was hard to get.
11 years ago
starts to stir, blinking slowly awake.
11 years ago
got up at the same time the other awoke, stretching and yawning. She was rather exhausted.
11 years ago
glances at her and sets aside her mending. "Feelin' better?"
11 years ago
nods as she went to splash her face with some water, careful not to use too much. " A bit."
11 years ago
shrugs. "Well a bit is better than nothing."
11 years ago
sighs, " You seem pretty worn out too huh?"
11 years ago
nods slowly. "It has been more stressful than usual. I am glad I had the chance to relax a little today."
11 years ago
sighs again after, " That's good to hear."
11 years ago
glances at her. "You need to take better care of yourself. I appreciate all that you have been doing but you will be of no help if you make yourself sick."
11 years ago
pouts as she watched the other, getting out of the bed. " I take care of myself well enough but thanks for worrying."
11 years ago
sighs. "Just don't make me worry anymore."
11 years ago
chuckles, " Alright, I'll try not to." It was impossible for her really.
11 years ago
knew that already but she could hope that she would try.
11 years ago
would for the other's sake out of friendship and respect.
11 years ago
would appreciate that. She had enough to worry about as it was.
11 years ago
just hoped the other wouldn't get sick either.
11 years ago
would do her best. She had a lot less to worry about now, though.
11 years ago
wondered what else she could do to alleviate the other's worries.
11 years ago
couldn't think of anything right now and wouldn't want to trouble Dorthe.
Dorthe will
11 years ago
still go out of her way to help the other.
11 years ago
would ask her if she needed help. Dorthe was one of the few people she trusted.
11 years ago
wanted to look out for the other seeing people didn't seem to want to these days.
11 years ago
would look out for Dorthe as well. Allies were hard to come by.
11 years ago
stretched again after, " Do you have enough food for dinner?"
11 years ago
nods. "I saved plenty from earlier."
11 years ago
stood up and glanced around, " Then we should eat a bit. It'll stop the hunger at night."
11 years ago
nods and stands up, pulling out the food. "I'll get some food ready, then."
11 years ago
smiles, " Want to heat it up a bit?"
11 years ago
glances at her. "...Ah, yes, I was planning to do so. It might taste a little better that way."
11 years ago
went to fish out the small portable stove she had with her in her bag. " Let's use this. It's easier to clean up."
11 years ago
stares for a moment before bringing the food over. "That is very convenient."
11 years ago
smirks, " It's cause I made it after all."
11 years ago
tilts her head. "That's great, you are very talented."
11 years ago
nods as she set it up so they could heat up the food. " It's also what I get for being a researcher."
11 years ago
sets the food up on the stove to cook.
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