11 years ago
[Event]walks around the town border, gun held close. She had volunteered to patrol for a bit. She knew that the militia was planning on something and she did not want to be involved. If she kept herself out of-
latest #132
11 years ago
the way, she could claim she didn't know about it if people asked.
Søren was
11 years ago
wandering around outside the border, wondering if he'd be able to get in and out without being noticed. He was checking for some kind of weakness in the defenses to get in.
11 years ago
keeps walking but freezes when she hears foot steps. She crouches behind a bush and holds her breath, trying to focus on the sound.
11 years ago
tried to be quiet, but his desperation for needing to get in was overpowering his caution.
11 years ago
figured it must have been a rat or something and stands up, her grip on the gun tighter as her nerves were still on edge. She resumes her walk along the border, paying closer attention for noises.
11 years ago
crouched as he reached the clearing between the town and the forest. He looked around before slowly crawling towards the border of the town, hoping his coat was dark enough to camouflage him.
11 years ago
keeps an eye on the edge of the forest, she figured no one would be stupid enough to cross the clearing if they knew there were guards....
11 years ago
had tried to study their patterns, and hoped that now would be a good chance to sneak in. He got to the edge of the town and slowly stood up, glancing around to see if anyone was around.
11 years ago
didn't know the guard patterns and figured she'd just wing it while she was out there. She notices movement out the corner of her eye and turns towards his direction. "..."
11 years ago
smiled when he didn't see anyone in front of him and started to climb the wall to get over and into the town. He'd finally be able to eat again~
11 years ago
raises her gun in his direction. "Stop right there..."
11 years ago
stopped instantly, his hand just about to pull himself over the wall. He cursed quietly before slowly turning his head to look at her.
11 years ago
narrows her eyes at him. "Let go of the wall and hold your hands up."
11 years ago
smirks at that before taking both hands off, falling to the ground and rolling before darting off back into the forest.
11 years ago
growls under her breath and fires a shot after him before running after him.
11 years ago
heard the shot lodge itself into a tree, finding that way too close for comfort and just ran as fast as he could to get away from her.
11 years ago
keeps running, giving him some distance in the hopes that he would either think she wasn't there or tired himself out.
11 years ago
wasn't the most fit, so he eventually did start to slow down. He also believed she wasn't chasing him anymore though, or he outran her, so he slowed his pace ab it.
11 years ago
notices him slowing and smirks faintly, still tailing him. She waits a bit longer, waiting for an opportunity.
11 years ago
finally stopped and took off his pack, finding it heavy. He placed it down before bending over an putting his hands on his knees to catch his breath.
11 years ago
walks up behind him, pointing the gun at his back. "Now as I was saying, hands in the air."
11 years ago
tensed at that and turned around, glaring at her. He shook his head before slowly goign to grab his pack.
11 years ago
kicks at the back of his knee and presses the gun against him.
11 years ago
hissed quietly and glared up at her, not at all fearing the gun. Though it did keep him from moving now.
11 years ago
glares back down at him. "Who are you and were you trying to jump the fence?"
11 years ago
took a breath to try and talk, but ended up coughing from how dry his throat was. He just looked to the gun again after, wondering what she'd do.
11 years ago
honestly wasn't used to conflict like this, she usually just had the militia do the dirty work. She mostly wanted to find out if he was from one of the slums. If he had managed to sneak out, that meant that-
11 years ago
others had been able to as well. "Where are you from?"
11 years ago
took a quick breath before grabbing her wrist and pointing the gun away, noticing how unprepared she was. He snatched the gun from her hold before pushing her down and straddling her, pressing the gun against
11 years ago
her chest.
11 years ago
blinks up at him in surprise before growling under her breath. She knew she should have just killed him on the spot...
Søren was
11 years ago
panting a bit, but kept his eyes on her as his hand went to her side. He kept his grip tight on the gun, in case she tried anything.
11 years ago
narrows her eyes and tries to move her side away from him. "Don't you dare touch me."
11 years ago
pressed the gun more against her before he started searching for something.
11 years ago
didn't have anything else on her. She didn't want to bring anything that would make her a target or slow her down.
11 years ago
scrunched his face at that and got off of her, keeping the gun in his hand as he stood up.
11 years ago
watches him carefully before slowly starting to stand as well.
11 years ago
put the gun in his belt as he headed to pick up his pack. He had no reason to harm her, at least not now.
11 years ago
had no intention of just letting him take the gun.... She wasn't going to be responsible for letting this guy, who was probably a bandit, have a weapon. She keeps watching him.
11 years ago
coughed again as he got his pack on again, looking around to figure out where to head to next. He planned to eventually try and get back to the town again.
11 years ago
starts to slowly walk away, still watching him. She figured she'd tail him until she had the chance to get the gun back.
11 years ago
didn't worry about her at all now, and just headed slowly and roughly to the direction of the border.
11 years ago
rolls her eyes as she follows behind him. She didn't think he'd be stupid enough to head back...
Søren was
11 years ago
desperete to get in. Not long after he was back at the clearing, examining to see if there were guards around.
11 years ago
inches up to him quietly, a decent sized rock in her hand.
11 years ago
crouched down a bit to try and hide again, too distracted by his goal to hear the other approaching him.
11 years ago
walks up behind him and hesitates before moving to hit him in the head with the rock.
11 years ago
heard her last minute, though didn't move in time and hissed breathlessly as he fell onto his side, weighed down from his pack.
11 years ago
grabs at the gun. "Idiot..."
11 years ago
grabbed her wrist and pushed it away, shaking his head. He wasn't getting this close to his goal to be shot down just feet away from it.
11 years ago
reaches for it with her other hand and pushes her knee against his back.
11 years ago
took the gun and as a final option, threw it as far as he could. He might have tried to throw it over the fence, mostly to make her go away. He didn't think the gun was a priority right now.
11 years ago
watches the gun, just glad he had ditched it. It made her much more comfortable with fighting him. She shoves her knee deeper into his back. "Tell me where you are from before I yell for back up."
11 years ago
winched at that and just glared at her. He tried to shift away from her, though his strength was at it's end now.
11 years ago
tried to pin him to the ground and growls. "I have seen the way the militia interrogates people... It is in your best interest to tell me now."
11 years ago
hissed quietly and pointed to a nearby stick. He was too tired to try and fight her off now.
11 years ago
watches his point and hesitates before handing it to him.
11 years ago
took the stick and wrote in the dirt, bright as day, Fuck off.
11 years ago
narrows her eyes and threads her hands through his hair, gripping it tightly as she hisses angrily. "You should learn your place, you worthless piece of shit... Are you from the slum or are you just a looter?"
11 years ago
winced again before writing some more. 'Scavenger from the North.'
11 years ago
reads the words a few times. She hadn't met anyone besides Dorthe who had been from the North since the war. Their shared heritage did not mean she would treat him any different. He was still a looter but she-
Gjertrud was
11 years ago
at least relieved he wasn't from the city. "I am placing you under arrest." She tries to grab his wrists.
11 years ago
stretched his arms out so she'd have a harder time getting his wrists. He was glad he had a wide stretch.
11 years ago
"Or I can just kill you if you are going to be difficult."
11 years ago
didn't move his arms as he just raised his brow at her.
11 years ago
grabs at his neck instead.
11 years ago
started coughing from that before trying to push her away. He was protective of his neck.
11 years ago
tightens her grip. "It'll probably be easier this way, you are right."
11 years ago
coughed more before putting one hand around her neck, with the other going to dig his nails into her hand.
11 years ago
winces but doesn't loosen up much. "You really don' want to do that..."
11 years ago
had no other chocie he figured. He started to shift to try and use her strength against her.
11 years ago
starts to weaken, frowning faintly as she felt her hands loosen away from his neck.
11 years ago
smiled at that and took the oppertunity to throw her off, gasping for air after.
11 years ago
winces as she hits the ground, trying to catch her breath. "Fucking bastard..."
11 years ago
stayed on the ground for a bit before pushing himself up slowly to a sitting position. His vision was a bit blurry because of the lack of oxygen to his brain because of her.
11 years ago
struggles to her feet, not planning on giving up quite yet.
11 years ago
held out his hand to stop her, finding a stick again an wrote 'I don't want to kill ye'.
11 years ago
glares at him. "And I have no intention of letting you into my city."
11 years ago
coughed some more, taking a small and slow breath. 'I don't want in the city'.
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "Why were you jumping the fence then?"
11 years ago
sighed silently as he erased what was written before continuing. 'I need resources.'
11 years ago
rolls her eyes. "Then go loot them somewhere else."
11 years ago
groaned as he just fell back to the ground, giving up for now.
11 years ago
watches him for a bit before standing up, walking over to him. "We do not even have enough resources for people in our city, just move on to the next town and let us crumble on our own."
11 years ago
looked up to her before writing some more. 'There is nothing for kilometres. I'd never make it.'
11 years ago
reads the words and sighs under her breath. "Would you make it with some food and water?"
11 years ago
gritted his teeth and dug the next letters into the ground. 'WATER.'
11 years ago
hesitates before starting to walk away. She really didn't want to do this guy any favors but if it kept him away from her city... She walks to her home in the city and packs a few canteens and some of her own-
11 years ago
food rations into a bag. She figured she could do a good deed after the morally questionable decisions she had been making...
11 years ago
continued to lay on his back once she left, not even sure she'd come back. He just hoped she would, since he wouldn't be able to stay awake much longer tonight.
11 years ago
returns to him, standing a bit away. "You must promise to never return here... Go find somewhere else, this city will not stand much longer."
11 years ago
looked over and nodded as he held out his hand for water.
11 years ago
presses a water canteen into his hand.
11 years ago
smiled and quickly sat up, downing the canteen rather quickly.
11 years ago
figured he needed water right away if he was having trouble speaking...
11 years ago
coughed a bit from drinking quickly, and for the sudden water. "F-fanden..."
11 years ago
sets the bag of rations down next to him and hesitates before starting to walk away.
11 years ago
rummaged through the bag. "S-s-stay." He found more water and took out the canteens before drinking more, a little slower this time.
11 years ago
glances back at him. "Why? I have nothing further to say to you/
11 years ago
11 years ago
leaned against a nearby tree. "W-what is that place?"
11 years ago
blinks at him. "What place?" Did he not know where he was or was he just a total idiot?
11 years ago
had lost track of where he was essentially. He pointed to the town, sipping more water. He wanted to talk as little as possible.
11 years ago
"First City..."
11 years ago
frowns as he looked over to it. "Fanden. I e-expected better..."
11 years ago
shrugs. "Most people do... We've had far too many people try to come here... The city was great but now it could collapse at any moment. It is overcrowded and diseased."
11 years ago
made a face at that. "G-glad m'here then..." He finished off another canteen, coughing quickly after. "Tak, by the way..."
11 years ago
sighs quietly. "That is probably more than you would be able to get in the city."
11 years ago
nodded as he pulled the bag closer. "So... if ye're so sure this place will fail, why do ye stay?"
11 years ago
looks away from him. "A captain must always go down with the ship..."
11 years ago
looked at her before laughing. "Normally I'd agree. But now with how society is... I'd say it's every man for themselves."
11 years ago
shakes her head. "No... I've made this city my priority and now I'm must see it out."
11 years ago
shrugs. "Whatever floats yer boat. Or sinks it, in this case." He drank the rest of another canteen and closed his eyes after.
11 years ago
rolls her eyes and starts to walk away again.
11 years ago
watched her a bit. "Don't walk outside here again."
11 years ago
glances back at him, raising an eyebrow. "Why not?"
11 years ago
smirks. "If someone like me could take yer gun from ye while bein' in this condition, I'd wonder how ye'd be with an actual bandit."
11 years ago
narrows her eyes. "On any other day I wouldn't have let you live long enough to take it."
11 years ago
hums. "So what makes this day so special?"
11 years ago
shrugs and turns around. "Probably the same reason I gave you rations."
11 years ago
hums some more. "Cause ye've lost all hope in humanity and have essentially given up on everythin'?"
11 years ago
starts walking again. "It that is what you want to believe."
11 years ago
pushed himself up and started following her after grabbing his bags. "What else is there to beleive in these days."
11 years ago
"Why are you following me?"
11 years ago
"I want to ask ye somethin' else..."
11 years ago
slows a little. "Yes?"
11 years ago
looked towards the town. "Have ye... seen or heard of anyone from Scandinavia around?"
11 years ago
nods. "There are two of us in the city."
11 years ago
perked up at that. "Two? Who and where are they from?"
11 years ago
sighs under her breath. "I am from Norway and there is someone from Denmark." She didn't want to give our Dorthe's name without permission, especially not to this idiot...
11 years ago
frowned at that and looked away. "Oh... tak..." He stopped following her and just stayed where he was.
11 years ago
watches him. "I have not heard from anyone from home... in a long time."
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