11 years ago
fidgets as he phones Lovino, biting his lower lip and waiting.
latest #96
11 years ago
picks up the phone, answering in muffled Italian. He'd been banging his head against his desk, and now his head is kinda kinda...resting there.
11 years ago
chuckles. "Lovino? It's Gabriel..." He starts. "Listen, are you busy?"
11 years ago
perks up a little when he hears his voice. "Ah,, not really."
11 years ago
looks down, nodding. "Ah, then... I was thinking we could go out, a date or something." He bites his lower lip, waiting.
11 years ago
blushes bright red, completely silent for a moment. That...that sounded great right now..actually. "Ah...q-que..uhm. What did you have in mind?"
11 years ago
rests his chin on his hand. "I have some ideas... We could go to a restaurant or a bar, here or over there in your place, as you wish. There's the option for the movies, or I can drive you around." He offers.
11 years ago
hums softly. "Do you have any small bistros in your home?" They were usually quiet and nice.
11 years ago
smiles. "I do have quite the handful of them... There's one with a view to Tejo you might like." He quickly catches on to that, already thinking of a place.
Romano is
11 years ago
already pushing aside what paperwork can be put off, and which can be just...sent to his brother. "Ah, si. Views are always nice."
11 years ago
nods. "Very well, I'll meet you at seven wherever is more convenient for you." He hums, pausing and about to hang up before he has an idea. "Lovino, one more thing: do you happen to like sailing?"
11 years ago
blinks at that for a moment. " I do..." They were going sailing?
11 years ago
smiles. "It's nothing, just out of curiousity... Alright, I'll see you later!" and then he hangs up, quick to go take a shower and dress up.
11 years ago
smiles a little, and hangs up the phone. Okay....just a little more work to finish up, then he can go home and prepare.
11 years ago
decided to be a charmer and put on the suit Lovino had given him for birthday. He takes his time brushing his hair, putting his clothes on, and sparing some money that should be enough to pay for them both. He_
Gabriel was
11 years ago
a couple minutes early, so the Portuguese sits down at his porch and enjoys a good smoke before going to pick the other up.
11 years ago
had finished up pretty quickly -by giving his work to other people- and gone home. He'd been meticulous, and put on his best suit, and spent ages on his hair. He hasn't heard from Gabriel, and they hadn't_
11 years ago
_decided a meeting place., he should call? Probably?
11 years ago
flicks his phone on after he finishes his cigarette, and sends a message. [just tell me where to me you at. -pt]
11 years ago
gets the text message, and replies...well, not too quick. He doesn't want to seen desperate or anything >//>;; 'The cafe we visited last time. Sound good?'
11 years ago
flicks his phone open, smiling a bit and nodding. Only to remember this was a text message. [ok! -pt] he sends, then moves to grab his car keys and drive himself there — better not to leave the other waiting.
11 years ago
makes his way towards the cafe, only having to really catch a taxi, and walk a bit. It's not all that far.
11 years ago
stops the car nearby, passing by a flower shop to buy a couple some and then walks up to him. He picks lavenders instead, for lack of knowing what Lovino's flowers were. "Oh, oi!" he raises an arm and waves_
11 years ago
a bit, approaching the italian.
11 years ago
glances over to see who's making a fuss. He doesn't realize it's Gabriel at first. Just as he's about to grumble, he spots him and blinks. "Ciao!" He crosses the street, not even bothering to check for cars_
11 years ago
_coming this way.
11 years ago
winces as some cars stop abruptly and honk. "Ei, puto, não vês onde vais?!" They shout, and Gabriel covers his mouth. "C-ciao..." He replies, smiling awkwardly. "Be careful, will you?"
11 years ago
rolls his eyes at that. "They stopped, didn't they?" He slips into the car quickly. "Besides, nations heal fairly quick."
11 years ago
sighs. "I don't think you bleeding would be nice for a first date..." he rolls his eyes, closing the other's door for him and slipping into the car again, handing Lovino the flowers. "Those are for you."
11 years ago
blinks, blushing at the flowers. "Oh...grazie, but you didn't have to...I'm not a fucking girl." He's holding them closely and blushing though. He adores them, and it shows on his face despite what he says.
11 years ago
sighs. "Flowers aren't just for girls, you know..." he turns the engine on, driving away but not really fast. "Still, glad you liked them." he grins, eyes focused on the street outside.
11 years ago
rolls his eyes a little. "Bellas, weddings, and funerals." He's focused on the flowers though, smelling them. Lavender was so nice, and...simple.
Gabriel has
11 years ago
to make sure he doesn't crash at the mention of funerals. "Don't be morbid." He hisses, and christ why did he think of... her. Damn"Anyway, bistro right? So you want french food or..?" He tries changing topic.
11 years ago
stares at him for a moment. He's not sure if it's his place to ask, but he can tell it's uncomfortable. "French...maybe. French sounds alright."
11 years ago
nods, smiling again, even if minimally. "French then." he hums, driving a bit on the longer way so Lovino will enjoy the city lights.
11 years ago
glances outside, admiring the lights. "Si. That wine bastard is creepy as fuck, but he cooks well..."
11 years ago
soon parks at the bistro, hopping out of the car then moving to open the door for the italian. "Before we eat, I want to show you something... "
11 years ago
blinks at him curiously. ", alright." He steps out, light blush on his face -he was usually the one opening doors for bellas- and glances around.
11 years ago
gently takes his hand, guiding him down to the riverside. "Come, it's just over there..." he adds, smiling. The bistro was close to the Tejo, it was hard to miss the sight.
11 years ago
blushes brightly at that, but follows him carefully. "Oi, you're not going to shove me in, are you?"
11 years ago
rolls his eyes pointedly. "Yes, Lovino, I'm precisely that kind of guy." He grimaces, guiding him still. "No, I want you to look."
11 years ago
glances out at the river, keeping an eye on him...just in case! "It's beautiful."
11 years ago
leans against the bars, but they can be easily jumped over. "sometimes I sail here too... See those lights far there? Another city." he hums. "Turkey used to join me, sometimes."
11 years ago
glances over at him. "You used to go sailing with him a lot?"
11 years ago
nods. "Yes... when he's not being insufferable, the man is an enjoyable company." he grins, wrapping one arm around the italian's shoulders. "Not Tonio. Don't tell anyone, but he... works better on land."
11 years ago
laughs quietly at that. "Well, he used to have quite the history of sailing." Up until the whole Armada thing.
11 years ago
smiles. "Ah, yes... Still, I was the better one." he hums, surprised the other didn't mind the contact, so he shifts close. "See, pride runs in the family..."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes a little. He's blushing deep, but trying to play it all off. "Si, I can see that."
11 years ago
sighs. "See... I was actually surprised you accepted going out with me but... I'm thankful." He smiles a bit, still avoiding the other's eyes. "You have a good heart, Lovino, and you're good company."
Romano feels
11 years ago
guilty. So so guilty. He doesn't have a good heart, he has a greedy one. He's still hung up on Antonio, and the other returning has just made it worse. "I should say the same for you."
11 years ago
leans in a bit, chuckling. He should not... "Thanks." He hums. "I promised I'd ask so... can I kiss you?" he slowly let go of the other, leaving enough an opening for Lovino to leave. Shit, last time he_
11 years ago
flirted had to be a good century or more ago...
11 years ago
flushes scarlet at that. Well, at least he'd asked. He hesitates, only because he doesn't want to lead the other on, but he really does want to, and..and..shit. "S-si..." Before he can chicken out, he _
11 years ago
_leans in, and closes the distance first.
11 years ago
cups the other's face with a hand as he presses his lips against the italian's, kissing him softly at first to see how he reacts.
11 years ago
can feel how hot his cheeks are, but ignores it. He keeps the kiss soft and light, slowly relaxing against the other.
11 years ago
pulls back, pecking the other's lips after as he sets both hands on Lovino's waist.
Romano is
11 years ago
staring intently at the wall behind Gabriel. He's too embarrassed to meet his gaze at the moment. "I...ah.." Oh Dio...
11 years ago
hums, waiting patiently for the other to collect his thoughts. "Was it bad?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "No. No not at all."
11 years ago
nods. "Alright." He pecks the other's forehead, pulling back. "Let's go?" He reaches a hand out.
11 years ago
flushes scarlet at that. He stares at Gabriel's hand for a moment, before taking it..though he's avoiding looking at him completely.
11 years ago
laces their fingers together as he walks towards the restaurant, content with things enough as they are.
11 years ago
averts his eyes, and although it starts as avoiding eye contact, he eventually relaxes and admires their surroundings.
11 years ago
leaves him to admire the town, walking softly to the restaurant, at a slow pace. Still, his grip on the italian's fingers are firm and secure.
11 years ago
glances over at him every so often.
11 years ago
smiles warmly the few times he catches the other's eyes, guiding him into the restaurant once they arrive.
11 years ago
flushes dark every time he meets Gabriel's gaze. He clears his throat, glancing around the restaurant. It's pretty classy, he's impressed.
11 years ago
can be classy too, when he wants. He asks for a table for two, and follows the waitress to it, sitting down next in front of Lovino.
11 years ago
slips quietly into his seat, glancing over the menu. His Portuguese wasn't perfect, but Gabriel was pretty good with helping him out.
Gabriel has
11 years ago
a meek italian at best, so mostly he slips into Spanish to explain. Still, they agree on a course and he looks around for a waiter to order.
Gabriel has
11 years ago
a meek italian at best, so mostly he slips into Spanish to explain. Still, they agree on a course and he looks around for a waiter to order.
Romano is
11 years ago
thankful for that. At least they can speak Spanish to each other, it makes things easier. He's looking forward to the meal, and finally manages to signal a waiter over.
10 years ago
smiles, spanish was easier for him than English mostly. He orders once the waiter arrives, smiling and asking for wine too before he turns back to the italian. "I hope it's to your liking..."
Romano gives
10 years ago
him a look. He kind of...likes that he can make the other like this. It means someone actually gives a shit about what he thinks. "Si, I'm sure it will be."
Gabriel is
10 years ago
pleased then. "Right... if it isn't, you tell me." He grabs the other's hand then, kissing it softly.
10 years ago
flushes bright red at that, keeping his mouth closed before he made a fool of himself. He just...nodded, trying not to sputter or pull away, or be an idiot.
10 years ago
pauses it as he looks over at Lovino, letting go of it with a pleased smile as he sees he's pleasing. "And I'll try my best to make it up to you." Gabriel continues, smiling a bit with some charm.
10 years ago
glances down at the tablecloth, picking at a non-existent stain. "Oh si? What did you have in mind? I am picky with my food..." He's sure it will be delicious, but he's curious about what Gabriel has planned.
10 years ago
smiles. "I'm trying to make it a surprise... Well, you mean in case you didn't like here? Ahh I'd try to calm you down and cheer you up with pasta at my place." Maybe a couple kisses. He shouldn't say that.
10 years ago
glances up, smiling a little at him. "I would like that as well...I guess."
10 years ago
| It's Gabriel's turn to flush, but he smiles pleased enough, some of his hair covering his bad eye. "Or maybe sweets, if you like mine..." He hums, sipping the water. "We'll wait and see how this date goes."
10 years ago
still can't believe he's on a date, but he nods. "Si, I do. Even if the dinner goes well..." He's trying to play nonchalant, and it's not working very well. "Sweets at your house sound good."
10 years ago
smiles. "Great, then we can certainly have an after-date there... You're the boss." He offers, trying to be gallant enough.
10 years ago
flushes at that, and just...nods. He appreciates the other being gallant.
Gabriel is
10 years ago
glad then, stretching his legs a bit as he hums, sipping his wine.
10 years ago
glances up when the food arrives. "It looks delicious."
10 years ago
nods. "Ah, it does." He agrees, nodding at the waiter before he moves to cut the meat and taste it — ah, so the food was still good, bless.
Romano says
10 years ago
a little grace, before trying the food and pauses. He's trying very hard to remain silent, but it's so...good.
10 years ago
looks up at him expectantly. "How... how is it?"
10 years ago
flushes. "Delicious. It's wonderful, I may need to come back...or personally give my compliments to the chef."
10 years ago
points to the end of the corridor. "It's the second door to the left, the kitchen. Or you can come on another date with me too." He grins cheekily.
Romano gives
10 years ago
him a look, but his entire face is red. "I...I guess we could..arrange that."
10 years ago
laughs a bit. "Yes, that could easily be arranged..." He hums, sipping his wine. "You just have to say when."
Romano is
10 years ago
trying not to fluster. "I guess...I mean.." He clears his throat. "I have to check my schedule for work...but if next friday we're both free..."
10 years ago
licks his lips. "Great. I'll be waiting, then."
10 years ago
's gaze drops to Gabriel's mouth for a moment, before glancing away quickly. "Ah..Si. That sounds...good."
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