11 years ago
Ok. I really like everything I'm reading about Portes. I hope the other players are cool. And I like that they allow original characters. Characters who I'm thinking of possibly RPing (suggestions welcome)
latest #27
11 years ago
A highly interpretive version of Harleen Quinzel (possibly pre-origins story)
11 years ago
Tifa Lockhart after disk 3 of FFVII. (I like her but am not afraid to ruin her, she's easy to fit into various settings, easy to figure out relationships with others, and there is another FFVII character there)
11 years ago
Nakira (original character... Possibly his AU version because I do want to develop him more)
11 years ago
I want to so badly say Agrias Oaks, Ramza Beoulve, or Delita Hyral... But I really am afraid to fuck up while playing them
11 years ago
Of the three of them, it would probably be Agrias that I would be the most comfortable playing... Especially if possibly sexual situations arise, because she's the only one that I would be comfortable expanding
11 years ago
on from her original canon. (even though I like to think that she genuinely loves Ovelia...)
11 years ago
Narrowed it down to Tifa, Agrias, or Nakira.
11 years ago
I would like to play Harleen, but I'm afraid my version might not be accepted/liked.
11 years ago
Narrowed it down to Tifa or Nakira... Because I think Tifa has mpre potential with character interaction.... Also I already have an application for her that I can modify.
11 years ago
So now... Should I play an original character or a character from another canon which is not my own?
11 years ago
Benefits of playing Nakira : I can't fuck up his interpretation. It would be interesting to see him develop in this environment. I miss playing him.
11 years ago
Difficulties of playing Nakira : He.... doesn't approach people on his own. And that can be hard when playing an original character....
11 years ago
Also... Interesting repression of sexuality and sex drive may be interesting (to me), but that being a big part of his character, he would have to develop an attraction to someone(s) in order for others to find
11 years ago
him as having really much of a character, I think... Maybe?
11 years ago
He has other character traits, but I think that's where most of his "depth" is... That and his judgmentalism while trying to be good/right/nice/friendly
11 years ago
Benefits of playing Tifa : I like her as a character, but not so much that I feel like I'm going to make a mistake in characterization, ruin her, and then feel bad about it...
11 years ago
At the same time I think she has an enormous amount of emotional depth and emotional intelligence that can be explored/interpreted/developed in various circumstances, and that makes her an interesting character
11 years ago
Her emotional conflics are easy to understand and convey... And I think she'd be an easy character to adapt to many different situations.
11 years ago
There is also already a Sephiroth player, so I feel like I have a foot in the door. Also, no Cloud player, which I think is a good thing! It would really help me explore her character without diluting it by how
11 years ago
she expresses herself or chooses not to express herself when around Cloud.
11 years ago
Difficulties of playing Tifa : Still somewhat afraid to play / uncomfortable with playing a character that is not my own
11 years ago
Insecurities and feeling like I am going to totally fuck up. I don't think this is a very legitimate reason to find this difficult.
11 years ago
Narrowed it down : Tifa. At least to start. Until I get comfortable again / get a feel for DreamWidth RP and feel like I know how to start with Naki. What do you guys think??
11 years ago
(for my own reference and easy access)
11 years ago
Any other suggestions / opinions / thoughts / comments / cookies / oxen / marzipans / aqueducts / lightbulbs / mariachi bands / congressional legislature / appointments / luggage / ballistic trajectories
11 years ago
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