11 years ago
[Event] is wandering the aisles of the children's section, looking for books to busy himself with... though he also seems to be a little lost at the large selection.
latest #41
11 years ago
blinks and stops in his tracks when Alfred kneels in front of him, having to look up at him still. He takes a little step back, shaking his head shyly.
11 years ago
hesitates, keeping a careful eye on the stranger... after all, his mom said to be cautious. But the bright cover of the book draws his attention, and he hesitantly reaches out to accept the book from
11 years ago
Alfred's hands curiously.
11 years ago
holds the book close to his chest, looking up to admire the badge when Alfred shows it off. "Arufuredo..." he tries quietly. He nods at the question though. "Yes please.."
11 years ago
nods again, stepping forward to take his hand shyly, clutching the book against his chest with the other still. "Thank you."
11 years ago
clings to his book a bit like a shield once Alfred lets go of his hand, opting to sit down close to the front since the only person he knew here was Alfred. He watches as the kids stop their running around in
11 years ago
favour of claiming seats.
Kiku is
11 years ago
visibly surprised by the energy of Alfred's storytelling, and sits in quiet awe as he listens. He can't help but giggle and clap with the other kids, although a little quieter.
Kiku is
11 years ago
happy with the ending, clapping enthusiastically by the end of it, and possibly already a little enamoured with this man.
11 years ago
squeaks in surprise as he's suddenly lifted up, clutching to Alfred's hair for balance as he's settled. "W-what?" he asks, confused as Alfred starts chasing the other kids. He understands after a
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moment, though still mostly just holding on in fear of falling from this new height.
Kiku is
11 years ago
grateful that Alfred won't drop him, though he still clings to the tall man. "Ah... that boy...?" he suggests hesitantly, pointing to a kid in a bright red sweater.
11 years ago
giggles quietly, still clinging to Al throughout the teasing. "Oh, okay.." he answers. "Do we capture all of them...?" he asks, unsure what game they were playing and if there were
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rules, seeing as the rest of the kids seemed to know already.
11 years ago
nods happily, squirming a bit. He understood now! "Okay okay. Uhm... can we catch her next?" he asks, motioning to a little girl making teasing faces at them.
11 years ago
giggles, still holding on tightly but more into the game now. He points out the next child to chase, though he's more interested in how tall he was now.
11 years ago
laughs and clings, watching the other kids catch each other and 'piloting' Alfred to the few that were managing escape.
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