11 years ago
[Event] is a little jealous that Francis keeps managing to hook up. What the hell, he wants to hook up with someone...
latest #51
England thinks
11 years ago
that he is going to seriously injure some people if they continue to "hook up" around here.
Gilbert is
11 years ago
a) sneaky B-) Will fight back and c) Checking out a hot piece of blonde ass at the front desk.
11 years ago
*b )
11 years ago
attempts to cut him off before he reaches the exit. "Hey there, blondie~"
11 years ago
grins at him. "So. What brings you to the library?"
11 years ago
blinks. Woah. He was so...corruptible. "That's cute. I'd to hear more."
11 years ago
finds himself really really not caring about that, but ugh. The blonde was gorgeous. "Right. Great. Here, I wanna show you something in the uh.." What was that part? "You know that aisle with the _
11 years ago
_encyclopaedias? There. Come on, we should go~"
11 years ago
cackles at that, unable to help himself. "Nah. Selling that shit is risky. Come on." He grabs Alfred's wrist, and drags him through the aisles.
11 years ago
glances back with a quirked eyebrow. "The fuck? I'm pretty sure we're around the same age. Don't let the hair fool you." Because this was college, and he was used to albino jokes by now.
11 years ago
weighs the probability of this actually working if the guy works here. Buuut he's an optimist, so.. "Oh, good. In your experience, which place in the library has the least traffic?"
Gilbert is
11 years ago
sure this blonde will catch it when his tongue is in his mouth. "Oh, sweet! Lead the way!" Because he only came here to cause trouble, and distract Francis. Not..actually study. So hell if he knew where it was.
11 years ago
doesn't even bother hiding the way his eyes roam Alfred's body, and follows happily. "Oh, I'm sure you are."
11 years ago
grabs hold of his wrist, and starts tugging him into a row towards the back. "Nope. Need your opinion for uh...research." Right.
11 years ago
backs Alfred up against a wall. "College experience. Ever been with a guy..." His eyes drop to the name tag. "Alfred?"
11 years ago
grins at that. "Sounds like a no to me. Like I said, research. Ever had any tendencies? The range is gay to bicurious."
11 years ago
hums. "It's a social sciences thing. have been with a guy before, then?"
11 years ago
slowly tugs Alfred's hand away, and leans into his space. "Oh? How was that?"
11 years ago
hums. "Well. How about I give you something to compare against, hm?" His fingers rest on Alfred's jaw, and he tilts his head slightly as he leans a little closer.
11 years ago
shrugs. "Nah. Besides, you're the one that said nobody comes back here. You know the library well, don't you?" He leans forward enough to brush a kiss to the corner of Alfred's lips. "It'll be fine."
11 years ago
supposes not everyone is used to random hook ups. "Well..that can come after if you want." But everyone should know what to moan, so.. "I'm Gilbert. I know you're Alfred, and I know you're a gorgeous blonde _
11 years ago
_that works here, and apparently likes kids."
11 years ago
laughs quietly, sliding a hand into his hair. "Nice to meet you too. You know what would be nicer?"
11 years ago
doesn't even mind. He likes the idea of corrupting him all the better. "That kiss I promised you, hm?"
11 years ago
grins at that, and leans in. He brushes their lips together, before going in for something deeper.
11 years ago
slides his tongue along Alfred's lower lip, keeping the kiss slow and deep. He doesn't want to push and scare the guy off, but still keep him interested.
11 years ago
presses him back against the wall, his other hand starting to wander a little. Oh fuck, this Alfred guy clearly worked out.
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