11 years ago
[Event] is poking around the library. He didn't see Francis at the party last night, and it's only right he give him hell for it now.
latest #63
11 years ago
can be found slowly flipping through a book on renaissance paintings, slumped in a big comfy armchair.
11 years ago
spots the familiar mop of blonde hair, he creeps up behind him quietly. before grabbing him from behind, hoping to scare the crap out of him. Keseseses
11 years ago
jumps about a half mile out of his skin, though somehow he managed to keep his voice to a choked-off yelp. He gasps and turns to see his attacker, grinning up at him. "Gilbert!" he scolds with a laugh,
11 years ago
pushing the hands off of him. Mission accomplished on Prussia's part.
11 years ago
cackles quietly, flopping on top of the other. "You missed the party last night, what the hell? The only excuse you have, is if you were occupying one of the bedrooms."
11 years ago
lets out a breath as Gilbert falls on him, quick to have moved his book away before he could land on it. "Uhm..." he hums, shrugging his shoulders. "Is painting a nude portrait at my place with a live model a
11 years ago
good excuse as well?" he grins.
11 years ago
stares at him. "How the hell do you get all the luck? Is it anyone I know?" Oh, he was definitely seeing that portrait later.
11 years ago
laughs, setting the book down on the table next to them. "The draw of having a portrait custom painted of you is too much of a draw, and these gentle artists fingers," he continues, tracing one down Gilbert's
11 years ago
nose teasingly. "Are quite helpful in convincing a lady to take her clothes off~"
11 years ago
snorts at that. "Yea, yea, I'm sure it's the other use of your fingers that help with the ladies." Bah. He was pretty good with ladies up until they had a conversation.
11 years ago
grins and shrugs again nonchalantly. "Well, I can't say they don't enojoy that part too~" He chuckles, shifting a bit to be more comfortable. "How was the party?"
11 years ago
hums. "Good. I got trashed, kicked ass at beer pong...there might be a video of me myself." He whacks the other lightly. "You were supposed to be there with me."
11 years ago
fakes hurt at the swat, though laughing softly. "You went streaking without me? Mon cher, I am so hurt~" he grins, planning on looking up that video later.
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Well you were busy hooking up, it's not my fault!" He knows the video won't be hard to find. "I almost got with this one chick...and then we realised we knew each other. Remember that one girl_
11 years ago
_from high school I accidentally shoved in the mud? And she held it over my head for the rest of my life? Yea, her." Not fun.
11 years ago
blinks at that as he tries to remember, before snroting in laughter as it floods back. "Mon dieu, no! Oh Gilbert, your luck is atrocious, isn't it," he chuckles, giving him a look of sympathy.
11 years ago
huffs a little. "Yea, game is a little off. Moreso when my wing man is off doing his own thing."
11 years ago
laughs and shakes his head. "You really need some practice, mon ami. I can't always be there to talk a lady into sleeping with you."
Gilbert gives
11 years ago
him a look. "You're hurting my ego, Fran. I don't need you to talk someone into sleeping with me. It's just...nice to have back-up."
11 years ago
grins. "Mhmm, I'm sure," he mocks, though just teasing.
11 years ago
flicks him. "Worst wingman ever. I'm going to replace you, just watch."
11 years ago
laughs and pats his head. "Your life would be boring without me around~" he assures.
Gilbert gives
11 years ago
an exaggerated sigh. "True. You're lucky for that. I think you should make it up to me instead, then."
11 years ago
arches an eyebrow. "Oh? And how would you propose I do that?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "You're inventive, and creative, and you'll figure it out. But if you wanna go to a strip club, or another gay bar, I wouldn't be adverse to that. Or throwing a party or something."
11 years ago
laughs at that, humming as if he's thinking about it. "Hmmm.... well, how about this," he answers, pulling Gilbert in to give him a big, wet, embarrassing kiss on the cheek and
11 years ago
ruffling his hair as he relaxes back in the chair. "That's good I think~"
11 years ago
grins, even as he feigns disgust at the show of affection. "Weeeak, Fran. But fine. Fine."
11 years ago
chuckles and simply shrugs. "I can't exactly fuck you in the middle of library to get out that tension, now can I," he teases.
11 years ago
cackles at that. "Don't tempt me. I might find us a nice quiet spot."
11 years ago
laughs and shakes his head. "And you call me a pervert~" he hums in amusement.
11 years ago
shrugs. "We both think with our dicks, and you mentioned it first."
11 years ago
"I can't argue about that," he grins. "How about this, I promise we can hit up a strip bar next time we go drinking."
11 years ago
dramatically throws his arms around Francis, hugging tight. "Oh, you are so fucking forgiven right now. We'll have a blast, and I'm holding you to this."
11 years ago
laughs at that, patting Gil's head. "You can't say I never do anything for you," he teases. "But if you chose a men-only strip bar, so help me..." he warns teasingly.
Gilbert gives
11 years ago
him a faux puppydog look. "But those are the best ones~!"
11 years ago
groans at that look, placing his hand oer Gil's face. "Not fair, not fair..."
11 years ago
licks his hand. "Fraaaaan..."
11 years ago
mkes a face, wiping of his hand on Gilbert's shirt. "Augh, you're so gross," he laughs.
11 years ago
grins. "You love me."
11 years ago
sighs dramatically, leaning back in the chair. "You're such a brat, why are we friends again?" he teases.
11 years ago
curls his fingers around Francis' jaw. "Because I'm the sexiest piece of arm candy you will ever have in your entire life?"
11 years ago
hums, tilting his head with Gil's hand. "Mmm, I suppose that must be it. Obviously there is no other reason," he replies, with a sarcastic smile.
11 years ago
blows as raspberry against his cheek, before pulling back. "Jerk."
11 years ago
flusters at that, shoving him away. "Ugh, so gross!!" he laughs, wiping his cheek off. "So undignified."
11 years ago
cackles happily at the reaction. "And that's a surprise to you? Tsk, Francis."
11 years ago
groans and puts a hand over his face dramatically. "I need better friends."
11 years ago
pokes his side. "You already have the best friends that you can have, okay? Anyone other than me is a downgrade."
11 years ago
laughs. "Ah, you're so full of yourself, mon ami."
11 years ago
grins. "With good reason."
11 years ago
just laughs and pats his head.
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Arf." His voice is deadpanned, and he watches Francis with amusement. He is not a dog.
11 years ago
arches a brow and pats his head again. "Good puppy."
11 years ago
leans up to nip at Francis' fingertips. Jerk.
11 years ago
laughs and pulls back his hand, before playfully bopping Gilbert on the nose. "Tsk tsk, how naughty. Perhaps you need to be punished~"
11 years ago
scrunches his nose a little. "With a crop?" He's teasing...mostly.
11 years ago
shakes his head. "No, you'd like that too much~"
11 years ago
cackles at that. "You know me well."
11 years ago
grins at him. "Makes it easier to find your weaknesses~" he laughs.
11 years ago
rolls his eyes, messing up Francis's hair. "Jaa, but you wouldn't use them against me." He had too much blackmail on the other, not that he'd ever use it.
11 years ago
makes a sound of disapproval at the hands in his hair, shooing him away and moving to fix it. "True, true. I know the hellfire you could rain upon me," he laughs.
11 years ago
grins at that. "So long as you know~"
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