11 years ago
[Event] was sitting a table with piles of books around him as he jotted notes down an extra pencil tucked behind his ear and reading glasses on. It looked as if he had been there a while.
latest #55
11 years ago
crawls out from under the table opposite Germany, blearily blinking awake. He could tell there was someone about, but he didn't know where. Rubbing his eyes he plops himself at the table he was under, facing_
11 years ago
the German.
11 years ago
had been so wrapped up in his work he had barely noticed the Aussie until a disheveled figure takes a seat facing him. Ludwig's brow quirks up as he places his pen down. "Can I help you?" He asks neutrally.
William thinks
11 years ago
his books were here first. Although that would take words to form and he is still waking up. He pushes his hair back, glancing at the German. 'I was studying here,' he comments, holding up a book on human_
11 years ago
11 years ago
doesn't seem at all fazed by this. "If you have, I haven't seen you for the past four hours. Do you make it a habit to disappear for that long?"
11 years ago
wakes up with that information, eyes going wide. He checks his watch, swearing softly. 'Four hours?' he asks, just to confirm the news. He was only meant to nap for an hour.... This totally screwed up_
11 years ago
his schedule...
11 years ago
notices the look that passes across the Aussie's features. "Ja, four." His lips had thinned at that point.
11 years ago
sits back in his seat, looking rather dejected at that point. A good while wasted catching up on sleep when he should have been memorising muscle groups. 'Right... well, hah. I'll leave ya to it.'
11 years ago
's gaze falls on the books. "When is your exam?"
11 years ago
rubs his face, soon just putting his head in his hands. 'I have a quiz tomorrow on muscle groups, another on Friday about the bones in the foot and then an exam next week on heart diseases.' He lets his head_
11 years ago
drop to the crook of his elbow, nuzzling his jumper. 'That's the longest nap I've had for the last two weeks.'
11 years ago
hums, he had never been one to take naps not even in University but he remembered helping a certain Italian with studying. He glances at his work before letting out a small sigh. "I can help you with the
11 years ago
muscles and the heart but the bones I'm afraid my knowledge is limited."
11 years ago
looks up from the crook of his elbow, a little suspicious. 'You'll help me? A stranger.' The naps were compensating for the lack of sleep he was getting at night. The two weeks before exams and the two weeks of
11 years ago
exams were always hellish.
11 years ago
didn't really want too but there was something about the boy that reminded him of someone he couldn't quite say no too. "I have no problem going back to my work but I figured you looked like you needed a bit of
11 years ago
help. I'm already quite far ahead in my work."
11 years ago
hums before sitting up, 'Well... if ya insist. I could really do with your help.' He looks a little humble, 'Maybe your good ethic will rub off on me.' He laughs.
11 years ago
gently grabs the book on muscles and flips through a few pages silently as he takes in what the other was learning. "Any specific body part you need to concentrate on?" He didn't bother dimming the last comment
11 years ago
with a reply.
11 years ago
tries to the remember, 'The professor said a lot of questions would be focused on the upper torso area. We're focusing on incisions that cause minimal damage.
11 years ago
hums and flips to the chapter, reading over it. "Ja, okay, do you think you would be ready for some quick knowledge testing?"
11 years ago
nods, 'Best way of seeing where the rough spots are.'
11 years ago
nods as he picks an area and begins quizzing William.
11 years ago
seems to do quite well until at the end of the quiz, when they start focusing on the smaller muscles.
Ludwig is
11 years ago
only mildly impressed and stops after William gets a third one wrong. "You need to focus on this area. Draw it and label it and then after make sure to write each muscle you're unsure of at least four times
11 years ago
and then I'll think about quizzing you again."
11 years ago
passes him the book back.
11 years ago
nods, a slight frown crossing his features. The man was judging him for the mistakes. He could feel it. He takes the book with a quiet thank you, focusing on the areas he pointed out. He would prove the_
11 years ago
stranger wrong.
11 years ago
ends up going back to his work as he waits for his new found table mate to finish memorizing the few remaining muscles they needed to get through.
11 years ago
looks up when he's sure he knows them, hesitant to interrupt the man. He didn't even know his name.... 'I'm William, by the way.'
11 years ago
had been flipping through a page when he hears the other speak up. His eyes quirk up to meet those of Williams. "Ludwig." He replies as he offers him his hand.
11 years ago
Takes his hand and gives it a firm shake, 'Nice to meet you. Mind giving the testing another go?'
11 years ago
doesn't mind at all and grabs the book from William. He adjusts it so it's comfortably on the table and against his stomach. "Ja, okay." He starts testing the Aussie.
11 years ago
Does well throughout the quiz, grinning happily at the end. Maybe this way just worked better for him. 'Thanks a ton.'
11 years ago
hands him back his book. "No problem at all. I hope this guarantees you a perfect score."
11 years ago
smiles, 'I hope so too...' He taps his chin with the book, hesitating a moment before adding, 'How about I buy you a coffee as a thank you?'
11 years ago
pauses for a second unsure to accept the offer. He had always been hard-press to say no to coffee. "Don't thank me until you get your score back."
11 years ago
hums, 'Then you should give me your number so that I can thank you after that.'
11 years ago
quirks a brow at the way it was said. "Give me your phone." He says simply.
11 years ago
hands over his phone, grinning. 'Sure,' he replies, fingers brushing over Ludwig's as he hands it over.
11 years ago
takes the phone noting the slight brush before punching in his number and writing his name as well. "I expect a call when you do receive your grade." He says as he passes the phone back.
11 years ago
nods, 'Aye Aye, Sir~' He winks, 'I'll call you the minute I know.' He returns to his books after that, not wanting to be too much of a pest.
Ludwig hopes
11 years ago
that he does hear back from the Aussie. "Good." He replies simply before going back to his book unsure if he should offer his help further or just keep to himself.
11 years ago
keeps himself busy, making flashcards of the bones in the foot with annotations on what is more likely to break and how to deal with it. He wouldn't bother the German with a topic he wasn't comfortable with.
Ludwig is
11 years ago
glad for the productive silence. It wasn't awkward at all and that was always a novelty when it came to him and other people sharing a table.
11 years ago
eventually starts dozing, nodding asleep. When his head tilts to one side too far he awakes with a small start and does a little more work before dozing again...
11 years ago
glances up and notices this. His brows knit together and he clears his throat. "If you're going to fall asleep you should probably go home. No point in doing it here."
11 years ago
startles, already half asleep at this point. He frowns, taking a moment to comprehend it. With a flush he shakes his head, 'Nah. I'll sleep when the exam period is over.'
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
he's already sleeping and it's not even close to the exam period being over. "Good sleep helps with good marks."
11 years ago
groans, rubbing his eyes. 'Alright.' He didn't want to, but it wasn't fair to disturb ludwig. He gathers up his stuff. 'I hope to see you soon, mate.'
11 years ago
nods, glad the man was taking his advice. "Good luck."
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