Gabriel has
11 years ago
decided to go visit his brother, and is smoking as he walks to the other's house.
latest #173
Antonio was
11 years ago
watering his plants when he spotted his big brother. "Gabriel!" he called the other waving cheerfully.
11 years ago
raises one eyebrow, putting out his cigarette as he leans against the fence. "Bom dia, Toninho..".
11 years ago
smiles to him "How are you feeling today, do want to come in?" and turns to leave the watering can aside.
11 years ago
nods. "Sure." He smiles back faintly, waiting for the other to open the door. "So what have you been up to?"
11 years ago
moves to open the door giving him space to enter first "I'm trying to arrange things here" chuckles a little bit timid.
Gabriel has
11 years ago
never seen his brother so timid, so he just casually enters the place and gives the other a hug. "Ah, pois... Need any help?" he pulls back, maybe hugging him a little too tight.
11 years ago
taps his back before hugging him back "No, no, I'm done now, I was just watering my plants", he rests his head on Gabriel's shoulder nuzzling lightly.
11 years ago
chuckles. "Good... Then c'monz, I'll make us both some coffee." He smiles a bit, scratching the other's hair before pulling back. "Any news?"
11 years ago
shakes his head smiling brightly "I don't think so, I was just missing my big brother and his coffee so let's go.". He guides the Portuguese to the kitchen and sits on a chair "You know where the things are."
11 years ago
stares at him. "You're lazy as ever.." He mocks offense, but then shrugs and goes to fetch the tin, the coffee and boil the water.
11 years ago
rests his head on his hands and chuckles "Haha, maybe, but you still like me, don't you?". He tilts his head a bit "And you, any news?"
11 years ago
smirks at that. "Love is maybe too much of a strong word to say..." He pauses, then shakes his head. "Not much. Most of the news have been about the brit's royal family baby." He waits for the water to boil,_
11 years ago
setting two cups with small biscuits at the table. And sugar, if Antonio wants it. "Nothing big about my place."
11 years ago
frowns almost immediately "Pfft, who cares about that baby... It's just a baby". He turns his head huffing and taking a biscuit.
11 years ago
holds back a laugh at his reaction. "Well, we all know the child is probably going to be named Arthur anyway..." He turns off the fire, and serves them both their coffee, sitting down after. "Alas, your bias_
11 years ago
against a perfectly fine man is showing."
11 years ago
almost glares at him "Perfectly fine man? Come on, Gabriel, I thought you were over it.". He huffs sipping the coffee, a bright smile showing up again "Ha, gracias, perfect as always."
11 years ago
sighs. "Toninho,... stop it," he advert the other, sipping his coffee as he watches his brother. "Is it? Well, I guess but... thank you." he smiles a bit more.
11 years ago
huffs again when his brother reprehends him taking another biscuit to keep his mouth busy and avoid saying anything he could regret later, he simply nods to his thank.
11 years ago
stands up and goes to ruffle his hair, hugging the other by the shoulders amd kissing the top of his head. "Sorry..."
11 years ago
leans against him closing his eyes, immediately feeling better. Raises his hands resting them on his arms "What are you sorry for, hermano?"
11 years ago
sighs. " Nevermind, I... Yes, nevermind." he hums, closing his eyes and leaning against the other heavily.
11 years ago
looks up at him seeming a bit worried "Hm? Is there something wrong with you?"
11 years ago
smiles a bit. "There's nothing, Toninho..." He pats the other. "Now drink your coffee before it's cold!"
11 years ago
nods and smiles back finishing his coffee "We need to spend more time together, you know, like we used to do in the old times!"
11 years ago
sighs. "Depends on what old times you mean..." he grins, letting go of him to drink his own coffee. "What do you have in mind, my dear brother?"
11 years ago
frowns immediately "I hope you're not talking about -those- old times, are you, my dear brother?" he shakes his head "Well, I don't know, maybe we could cook together or maybe go to the beach?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "I'm talking about whatever won't set up a fight." He shrugs, then smiles with just his lips. "Cook together? You do a paella and I do the sweets, how about it?"
11 years ago
huffs "Like I would start a fight because of our past... It was good... Considering everything." he looks away but doesn't take much to smile again "Sounds perfect, what are you going to make? Hmm?" stands up_
11 years ago
moving closer to him hugging him from behind "Pastel de belém, hm, hm?" he says nuzzling him.
11 years ago
shrugs. "It was just long, as most of our lives is." He blinks, watching his brother hug him. "Oh, you want pastéizinhos? Alright..." He smiles, closing his eyes and humming at the attention. "Paella first."
11 years ago
chuckled and pecked the top of his head letting him go "Alright, good thing that I always have the ingredients" he said moving to take all the sea food.
11 years ago
huffs, shaking his head as he goes to sit down. "Do you want a cigarette?" He offers, putting one is his mouth. Coffee always made him edgy about it.
11 years ago
shrugs "Why not? God knows how much you love those things" He chuckles moving to wash the rice and looking back at him waiting for the cigarette.
11 years ago
hands him one, standing up and moving closer to light them both at the same time. "There you go." he smiles while holding the cig with his teeth, taking a long drag after. "Coffee always makes me want it..."
11 years ago
nods taking a drag "Coffee, cold weather, hot weather, wine, sex, what else? It seems that almost everything makes you crave for cigarettes." He chuckles preparing their paella.
11 years ago
pouts. "I..." He sighs, pondering how his brother knows him so well. "You don't complain much, and you smoke sometimes too, just like the old man." He twitches his nose, taking a drag as he watches him. "I'm_
11 years ago
just... Well, I must say only good sex really works."
11 years ago
chuckles lightly "I know, I know, I'm guilty here, I also like to smoke but only because my dear big brother taught me to." He turns back to face him. "Good sex, have you been doing this good sex? Because you_
11 years ago
surely don't look like it has been part of your life. No offense, of course."
11 years ago
| The corner of his mouth twitches as he stares at his brother. "Antonio, I think it stopped being a concern of yours long ago..." He sighs, frowning and smoking. "Frankly, focus on the food, will you?"
11 years ago
pouts at first but almost immediately brusts out laughing "Ah, come on, it's funny, you look adorable this way. And I'm sure you can always call that midget for things like this. But I wouldn't call an_
11 years ago
intercourse with a British man a good sex." He rolls his eyes turning his attention to the food.
11 years ago
bites his lower lip, looking down as he pulls back from the counter, not saying a word. He simply goes to the fridge instead, fetching the ingredients for the pastéis while he holds the cigarette with his lips.
11 years ago
frowns to see he wouldn't get a response from his older brother pondering if he said too much "Hm, it's almost ready. I'm getting the dishes..." He turns to set the table.
11 years ago
nods. "Alright, I just will do these real quick then we eat." He shrugs, setting up the dough for the pastéis and molding them. "Do you have wine?"
11 years ago
widen his eyes "Of course I have wine! I'm taking one I'm sure you're going to love." He chuckles serving the paella and moves to take a bottle.
11 years ago
grins a bit. "Who knows? Maybe you just sold yourself to cheap tequila..." he hums, setting the pastéis more or less ready for when it's dessert time and putting out his cigarette.
11 years ago
moves back with the bottle "Of course not, I drink tequila sometimes, it's not like I sold myself to it." he opens the bottle taking two expensive wine glasses, a present from the Habsburgs.
11 years ago
rolls his eyes once he notices the little eagle, sitting down on the table as he waits to be served. It does smell great at least. "We may never know..."
11 years ago
huffs serving the wine and moving to sit down "Not funny, Gabi. Now serve yourself, once you have your mouth full you won't be able to say such nonsense."
11 years ago
looks up at him, then chuckles as if he knew better. "Bom apetite." He replies, serving himself.
11 years ago
smiles "Buen provecho!" He sips the wine smiling brightly and moves to serve himself as well.
11 years ago
serves himself the wine, and then the paella. He tries the wine, glad the taste is good as ever, and then tries the paella. "You didn't forget how to cook, I'm proud."
11 years ago
chuckles eating some of the paella "Of course not, Gabi, I wouldn't be myself if I wasn't able to cook properly, don't you think? And the wine, it's really good, hm?" He smirks winking.
11 years ago
nods. "Then I know I raised you well enough." He jokes, grinning at his wink. "Well, it's not a Portuguese wine, but I must say it's pretty good..." He shrugs, then quickly winks back.
11 years ago
nods back "Of course you did and lo sieeento my dear brother, I couldn't serve you Portuguese wine, it wouldn't be fun, if you're in Spain you should drink my wine."
11 years ago
hums. "Ah, yes, the things I do when I'm in Spain..." He sighs but is smirking cruelly, eating his paella still. The shrimp is especially good, damn the little brat for cooking.
Antonio feels
11 years ago
his face burning and frowns "What do you mean, Gabi? You never did anything special, unless when your home was Spain too... Uhh" He shudders remembering that time.
11 years ago
huffs. "I stand you, isn't that special?" He smiles, but it doesn't last much, as he soon remembers... Ah, nevermind. "My home has never been Spain, hm?" He insists, and ends the subject at that.
11 years ago
chuckles "Lo siento, I know it isn't a good subject to you... But what can I say? I felt pride I was able to take care of you just like you took care of me." he finishes his paella "Hmm, now I want those_
11 years ago
pastéis I love so much!"
11 years ago
sighs. "One day we'll sit down and actually talk about our marriage but... not today." He blinks, a faint memory of their intimacy coming to mind and making him red. "Ah, so soon?" He rolls his eyes, but_
11 years ago
stands up, laughing. "You're just like Luciano..." he adds, turning on the oven.
11 years ago
sighs looking away "I think we'll never do this, Gabi." He turns his eyes back to him pouting and frowning "Don't call me your son, and I'm angry with him, how did he dare to beat me on that cup, huh?"
11 years ago
licks his lips, he should talk but... His head still spins when it comes to accepting it's a lot more complex than brothers for them. "I just said you are thrilled over pastéis just like him." he hums, all_
11 years ago
proud of his son for winning. "Yeah, how dare him, hmm?" He laughs loudly, waiting the the pastéis to heat up.
11 years ago
huffs "Yes right? You know, I'm the world champion now and little Luciano already won too many times, he could let me shine a tad more, couldn't him? H-Heey, why are you laughing, you're supposed to be on my_
11 years ago
side not his!"
11 years ago
laughs louder, shaking his head. "He speaks my language, you know!" He teases, cupping his brother's face and kissing his forehead. "I'm proud of you for winning over blasted Holland but... it's my baby son."
11 years ago
glares at him "I could try to speak your language but you always make fun of me when I try!" He frowns but nuzzles against his brother's hand "At least you have less children than me, it's hard to cheer for_
11 years ago
them all equally."
11 years ago
laughs. "Of course, when I speak Spanish, I sound... normal. You don't." He watches the other, running his thumbs over the other's cheeks. "I wasn't the greedy one back at Tordesillas... And my children are_
11 years ago
cruel enough as they are."
11 years ago
closes his eyes sighing "I know but at least I try, you should take that into consideration...". A faint blush tints his cheeks "Well, it didn't make any difference since you took almost all my lands when we_
11 years ago
were married."
11 years ago
chuckles. "I expected a perfect, native Portuguese from you by now, that so..." He chuckles, poking his nose. "You're quite talkative about the Iberian Union today, are you not?" He huffs, laughing. "And_
11 years ago
I took nothing, the lands had more Portuguese than not... Well, it didn't even belong to me, but to her..." He looks away, murmuring a faint 'Iracema'.
11 years ago
crosses his arms "I'm sorry, I won't talk about this anymore, it may give you the wrong idea..." He opens his eyes again "Hm... Right, I'm sorry..." he murmurs looking down.
11 years ago
shakes his head, patting his shoulder. "What wrong idea, the past is the past." He hums, pulling back to go fetch the pastéis from the oven once they're ready. "And stop pouting, you'll get wrinkles, old man."
11 years ago
huffs "You say it to easily, the past is the past... I wish I was like this. And look who's talking, big brother." He chuckles and moves closer ready to take one of those pastéis.
11 years ago
sighs. "We know it's not but... Alright." He just eats one of the pastéis, humming. "Help yourself. And fine, let's talk about the past, then." he hesitates, staring at the other.
11 years ago
nibbles on his pastel feeling nervous "Answer me, do you really think it's all past now? P-Please, don't make fun of me." He frowns unable to believe that he was stuttering.
11 years ago
gulps. "I don't... I just would rather not think of it. But it's still here, whatever I felt." he steps forward, looking. "You do know my feelings for you, brother... All of them."
11 years ago
sighs "I thought I knew but I feel confused every time I think about this..." He confesses stepping back feeling his head spinning.
11 years ago
watches him, pausing in his steps. "Then perhaps we should talk another time..." he tries, throat suddenly dry. "What gets you confused?" He knows the answer, but they both should talk and assume less.
11 years ago
scratchs his neck "Sometimes you're really loving but sometimes it seems you don't care about me at all, it's weird, I know it's part of your personality but it's pretty confusing."
11 years ago
smiles a bit at that. "Sometimes it turns out you do hurt my pride." He hums, shaking his head and carefully stepping closer. "But I could never fully ignore you... I can't just not care and be done. I can't."
11 years ago
bites his lower lip "I don't do anything on purpose, you know that." He raises one hand and starts biting his nails "Hm, really? I hope I'm not sounding too demanding."
11 years ago
tugs his hand away from his mouth. "Don't do that..." he sighs, pressing a kiss to Antonio's cheek, shaking his head after. "Don't I hurt you too? It's not on purpose just the same..."
11 years ago
allows him to tug his hand "Lo siento..." He closes his eyes feeling a small smile coming upon his face when he was kissed "I know hm... I shouldn't been asking this but, are you with someone now?"
11 years ago
pauses. "Ah... not. Well, it's complicated. I may be going out with this one guy but... I think he's just into me because I look like someone else." he sighs, looking down. "England is a... we don't talk much."
11 years ago
looks away "Oh, I'm sorry, it's a bad time to be talking about this. And I'm sure it's not the case, Gabi, I'm sure he's with you because you're a fine man." He pats his shoulder lightly "Forget about England."
11 years ago
chuckles. "I know I should forget about England... Well, it's complicated." He shakes his head. "Not really, not a bad time... It's actually better to talk of this now." He reaches out, grabbing a small pastel_
11 years ago
for himself. "And as for this guy... Yeah, we'll have to figure things out somehow before anything. We haven't even kissed yet, might as well say there's nothing."
11 years ago
rubs his own arm "I feel like it isn't fair with this guy... You know, to be discussing things like that." He pouts lightly before smiling again "Qué? Are you serious? You surely needs some help from the_
11 years ago
master here! Do I know him? Maybe I can help you with this and that." he winks.
11 years ago
blinks and goes red. He knows just what will be Antonio's reaction if he tells who said man is. "Listen, you don't, alright? And I can manage myself." He huffs, crossing his arms and frowning at his brother.
11 years ago
frowns and moves closer "I know this look, I know him, I'm sure. Is it Francis? No, it can't be, not without at least a kiss." He chuckles smiling brightly.
11 years ago
steps back, frowning still. "Maybe it's none of your business?"
11 years ago
steps forward grinning "Of course it is. I'm your brother, you can't simply deny me this information."
11 years ago
bites his lower lip, before whispering. "It's Lovino..."
11 years ago
's mind seems to get blank for a brief moment, his face turning completely red from anger "Qué? Lovino? What the fuck do you think you're doing, Gabriel." pushes him against a wall, his green eyes glowing_
11 years ago
coldly "How could you? Do you realize what you're doing, huh? Yes, let the overprotective Antonio leave the scene to jump onto his boy."
11 years ago
sighs, he knew that would be expected. He gets a hold of the other's shoulders, staring intently at him. "I am talking, and have been, to an adult old as me and you, Antonio." He frowns. "I'm not jumping on_
11 years ago
your boy, Christ! He's far from a child anyway." He tries not to raise his voice, the last time he had to shout at Antonio was back in Salazar days... "And as I said, nothing happened so far."
11 years ago
presses him even more against the wall, his grip on the other's shoulder being probably too firm "And it'll stay this way. He may not be the lovely boy I used to take care of but he's still too important for_
11 years ago
me to simply accept such an outrageous relationship. Don't give me a reason to punch you in the face."
11 years ago
blinks. "Why, you want him for yourself?" He regrets that as soon as it leaves, his mouth, sighing heavily. "Let me at least— brother, please, you're being unreasonable..."
11 years ago
glares at him "Let you at least?" He let him go just to punch the wall right beside him to calm himself down, he pants lowering his head "Don't you dare to make him sad, I'll kill you if you do this."
11 years ago
closes his eyes, inhaling. "See, that's why I didn't want to tell you..." He is avoiding his brother's eyes, tense and still feeling pressed against the wall. "Don't talk to him, I'll end it myself." He_
11 years ago
adds in a controlled voice tone, trying not to sound angry he's being bossed by Spain again after all those years.
11 years ago
looks up at him again "Do whatever you want. Just don't make him sad, I know how much of a jerk you can be." He turns around stepping away, his hands still trembling.
11 years ago
covers his mouth. "You would happen to know, don't you..." He chuckles softly, looking at the rest of the wine and pouring himself a full glass after he steps away from the wall. "Look, tonio, I'm sorry..."
11 years ago
pants frowning lightly "Don't you start to act like a victim, it's just making me angry..." He keeps away from him clenching his fists "Sorry for what?"
11 years ago
pauses, the wine glass on his right hand. "You mean I don't have the room for it?" He sighs. "Antonio, you don't rule me it's been so long... listen to your older brother for once, when I say Lovino is old_
11 years ago
enough to know best without our patronage." He steps closer, patting the other on his shoulder. "We raised more than enough children to know that, no?"
11 years ago
turns around to face him, his face still red "I don't care, Gabriel. He's special, he was with me much longer than any other son or daughter I had." He steps forward again and holds the collar of his shirt.
11 years ago
raises both eyebrows. "Then if it's the case of you wanting him instead, might as well keep him yourself." he carefully twirls the glass in his hand, placing it gently on the table as he's tugged by the_
11 years ago
collar. "Is that the part where you beat me up? Christ, I almost missed this darling bit of our marriage."
11 years ago
couldn't believe he actually said that, how dare him. Noticing the glass was safe for now he let go of him just to punch his nose hard enough to make him fall on the floor. "Hijo de puta..."
11 years ago
wasn't expecting the punch and falls down rather quickly. He covers his nose and mouth, looking up with a messy face, some blood staining even his scar. "Are you done?" He asks coldly, staring at him with his_
11 years ago
one good eye. "I will set things as over, then... I'd rather you didn't look like you'd kill me at any given moment like that." Gosh, he might as well remind his brother he's not England.
11 years ago
pants siting on a chair, he rests his forehead on his hands "Why did you say that? And now, saying if I'm done. Why do you keep provoking me? Damn, you know I hate getting mad like this but it seems like you_
11 years ago
you enjoy seeing me losing my head. For God sake, Gabriel, why?"
11 years ago
looks down. "I'm not trying to make you lose your head, Toninho, but you always overreact..." He sighs. "I'm not asking him out to provoke you, besides, he's more into you than anything." He gulps, adjusting_
11 years ago
the collar of his shirt. "Guess I was just lonely, then you showed up and this is not a good time.. Not for you to show up but.. Christ, this is messy." He covers his face with his hands, thinking.
11 years ago
clenches his firsts again "How do you expect me to react when you're clearly provoking me, you know you do this..." He stands up moving to take a dish cloth. "Hm, I'm sorry... For everything, for showing up_
11 years ago
now, for punching you, for leaving you lonely..." he murmurs kneeling beside him wiping the blood hoping he didn't break his brother's nose.
11 years ago
smiles softly. "You do know loneliness and saudades are part of my character..." He smiles, tilting his chin up and letting his brother clean everything up. "And don
11 years ago
don't ever be sorry for showing up... You're my family, Tonio." He reaches a hand out, placing it on his shoulder. "I did miss you."
11 years ago
smiles softly "It's all happening again, I beat you, ask for your forgiveness, you say sweet things for me while I wipe away your blood... That's sick, Gabi. You shouldn't allow me to do this." He sighs.
11 years ago
chuckles. "I'm afraid it always happens before I can control it..." He smiles, then moves closer and wraps his arms around the other's shoulders, closing his eyes. "And I pushed you, so there's it."
11 years ago
chuckles too "So learn how to control it and I'll learn how to control my temper." He leaves the towel on the floor leaning closer to peck his cheek, his free hand moving to gently stroke his hair.
11 years ago
groans. "Don't make it sound like it's my fault..." He sees it from the corner of his eyes, then just lets himself be hugged and kissed, clinging to his brother. "The pastéis are also cold by now... A shame."
11 years ago
huffs resting his forehead on his shoulder "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to." He pulls his brother closer hugging him tightly "I don't care if they're cold, I'm sure they're still perfect."
11 years ago
laughs a bit. "Cheeky idiot." he huffs, reaching over to play with his hair. "There's more than enough... I'll leave them here, in case you want more later." He presses a kiss to the other's forehead, head a_
11 years ago
bit dizzy. "Make sure you won't burn them... There's ginja in the fridge."
11 years ago
nods nuzzling him lightly "Gracias..." He looks up at him again with a sad expression "I wish things weren't so complicated between us..."
11 years ago
frowns a bit, pouting. "I wish the same but... when one lives so long, and as a country, it's usually how things wind up." He shrugs, still holding the other close. "We can't avoid it."
11 years ago
looks down pouting too "I wonder if it's that hard for other siblings, I think Gilbert and Ludwig aren't like us... Maybe we're just a worst case..."
11 years ago
laughs. "I don't think they married and kissed... We're definitely a worst case." He rubs his nose against Antonio's. "But since we still haven't killed each other, you could say there's hope."
11 years ago
chuckles "Yes, you're right... And now, just for the old times..." He leans closer pecking his lips lightly "I hope it isn't completely weird considering you're having something with..." He pauses "Lovino."
11 years ago
chuckles, smiling at the peck. "Don't tempt me..." he warns the other, leaning back a bit. "Ah, it's not.. clear yet. Lovino might as well not be quite into me as I figure, last time he visited and walked into_
11 years ago
your room... Well, I have no idea." He sighs, looking away. "He's harder to deal with than England... No, ok, nothing close to it."
11 years ago
starts poking his cheek repeteadly "So. Don't. Fucking. Deal. With. That. Blonde. Midget." He feels a tad awkward "Do you think he likes me... That way?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "Well, it's like... if we had a thing for our old baba, but.. Ah, Hell if I know." He winces, laughing at his pokes. "I am trying! I could even say the same about you and Austria, but Roderich's a good_
11 years ago
man... most of the times." He pauses, looking away and biting his lower lip. "I don't know what goes on Lovino's head..."
11 years ago
starts biting his nails again and looks away "It's hard with Roderich, it's past and he's so over it, I don't know I keep the presents in my house." He sighes "I wish I knew what's going on Lovino's head..."
11 years ago
watches him, tugging his hand away from his mouth again. "Then you more than know how I feel with Arthur..." He sighs sadly, scooting closer yet again. "Only way to know: talking to him. And I said talking!"_
11 years ago
huffs, letting his jealousy show, curiously more over Antonio than Lovino.
11 years ago
chuckles "Just talking, are you afraid that my hot Spanish blood will melt him? Hm?" He pokes his cheek again smirking. "Don't worry, I wouldn't try anything..."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Ah, yes, blood so hot I'm melting myself." He pushes the other's finger again, trying not to laugh. "I know you wouldn't... And frankly, what's with poking me? You'll open my scar that way!"
11 years ago
widen his eyes seeming really worried "Dios mios, I'm sorry, what the hell I'm doing... I won't poke your cheek anymore." He raises his hands looking dense.
11 years ago
laughs at that almost instantly. "N-no... I, Céus, Antonio, that's not even possible, unless you poke me with your axe." he grins, pulling him into a tight hug.
11 years ago
pauses for a moment, realizing it was a joke ".... Maybe I should poke you with my axe..." He blushes violently hiding his face on his shoulder.
11 years ago
laughs, patting his back. "Don't... I'll bleed and then come back after a week with another scar, we've done this before."
11 years ago
shakes his head "No more bleeding today, I've seen enough blood for a day. And it's even worse considering that it was yours, brother."
11 years ago
waves a hand. "It's nothing, we've seen more of each other's blood than we should..." Still, he pauses and smiles at his brother, finding it all too precious. "I'll only bleed if you punch me again."
11 years ago
looks up at him frowning "It doesn't change the fact I don't like to see you bleeding, I don't care if I'm bleeding but if you start bleeding it's not good."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes pointedly. "Remind me again who's the older brother..." He pokes the other's nose. "I'm fine, tonto... Can we get up from the floor now? It's really cold."
11 years ago
blinks and chuckles nervously "Ah, right, right..." he stands up and offers a hand to help his brother.
11 years ago
stands up with him, shaking his head. "Estás tão parvo hoje..." he mutters to himself, smiling after and pecking his lips. "I actually missed that, your precious stupidity."
11 years ago
steps closer to him resting his forearm on the wall and leaning forward his eyes narrowing "If you keep kissing me like this I may consider stealing you from the world..."
11 years ago
raises both eyebrows. "Oh, he's feeling feisty today..." he teases, grinning a bit. "Brother of mine, you can't steal me.. That's rude, and you already had your fun once."
11 years ago
rests his forehead against his "And even though you keep teasing me, huh? And considering that I already did that nothing keeps me from doing it again." He smirks getting dangerously too close.
11 years ago
huffs. "Except you're late this time and I'm really trying to charm someone else." He smiles innocently and kisses him softly, before sneaking away from his brother's grip.
11 years ago
roll his eyes allowing him to move away. "Well, I can only wish you luck with him, Gabi. And remind you again not to hurt him, alright?"
11 years ago
sighs. "He's not a child... And you're scaring me to a point I might as well give up on the whole thing." He pouts a bit, fetching a cigarette.
11 years ago
huffs "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, ngh... It's just that it's way to weird to me... I'm sorry, we shouldn't talk about this until you actually do something with him." he crosses his arms staring the wall.
11 years ago
sighs and scratches the back of his own neck before steppinf forward and hugging his brother from behind, resting his chin on the other's shoulder. "Well, you pouty thing... I'm not going out with a baby."
11 years ago
rests his head against his smiling softly "I know, I know, I just keep repeating the same things, I'm not going to change, he'll always be my..." he stopped not really sure of how to call Lovino.
11 years ago
hums. "Child." he completes, nuzzling the other's neck after it. Antono had his sweet moments, he guessed. "I'm sorry for that... At best, it won't last." he sighs sadly. "Now, stop stealing me from him."
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