aka the mods ask "how's our dreaming?"
also what date would you deem best to launch the second event?
I kind of like the idea of us making us open/closed logs in the group, if only because that makes it easier to keep track of when new people are popping into play.
Erm... our open/closed... /goes to make coffee
yes very true! and also non-event logs are highly encouraged as well. please don't hesitate to pop the comm's cherry with something not event related. c:
we'll be asking again on the ooc post so nothing's concrete. we just want to get a feel for what the playerbase is leaning toward.
yeah this event will be our guinea pig if people aren't too strongly attached to the mingle log. the mingle just worked great for now because it was the first event and the intro to the game
I like mingle posts like this but maybe instead of posting the location headers for everyone to reply to. people can just post with the headers of the location and their own starters
I think it'll be easier to browse. and easier to spot who recently replied
or uh as in who just popped in one month after the event started, for example
got it! we'll take that under consideration as another viable option
I enjoy mingle logs and I'm okay with headers, but I actually have a hard time navigating with all the empty catnappings comments.
Somehow it makes it feel like there's twenty different scenarios going on when there's really only a few, so it strikes me as kind of overwhelming? And makes content hard to spot, for me.
true we did that for spacing but it didn't work since we didn't exactly get a comment flood
that's another thing we'll fix yes c:
for now, the navigation menu in the post is there to help!
Ah. See, I don't actually look at the main post once the threads have started, I just go through the comments and get my info from the headers if I've forgotten something.
ok got it. that's another thing to consider then.
It might just be me, I dunno. That's how
I roll, anyway.
for now, this is making me lean more toward the independent logs for everyone just as an experiment this month. if it doesn't work, we can make an edited version of the mingle post for september
I scroll through the threads too
yeah the extra comments confused me, i didn't know if i was meant to start threads there or not
ok yes that settles it. independent logs for August unless anyone has any violent objections

thank you all so much for the input
i think i can go delete all the extra comments right now actually if it would help you guys navigate?
it's up to you, i don't have any issue navigating i just wasn't sure what to do with them :C
no problem. i've begun deletion to make it easier since it's a common concern! we aim to make everything nice and awesome for you guys
yeah the extra comments were for easier navigation if threads got long, because it'd spread everything out over a few pages
but that really comes into play once like... 500 or so comments are reached? possibly more
so it didn't really work out in our case!
all spacer comments have now been deleted for easier navigation o7
thanks for telling us and don't hesitate to say more if there's anything else we can fix!