11 years ago
due to changing interests, we've decided to reveal the endgame plot of scribs to then allow the players to do with it as they will in museboxes and the like
latest #60
Ok! Ahhh so curious to see what it is
11 years ago
Alrighty, y'all ready? We've got a 15 (17) part list of exactly what was lined up!
11 years ago
Hold on t'your butts, let's do this all at once:::
11 years ago
11 years ago
1) Derse ships land!
11 years ago
2) They build machines on each planet
11 years ago
3) Machines activate; sessions force-merged.
11 years ago
4) Kids-Alpha ACTUALLY merge, whereas Beta just floats nearby, the separation between the two gains a giant hole in it that players can get through.
11 years ago
5) Kids-Skaia and Alpha-Skaia actually collide. Crunch. No more those things. Lots of Prospit NPCs die.
11 years ago
6) Alpha!DDignitary goes into Exile.
11 years ago
7) While that happens, Alpha!Derse's BQueen is murdered and Kids!Derse gets wrecked by Foreswown Recreant.
11 years ago
8.) Beta!Derse is wrecked by Bhar and Rara, no more that queen either.
11 years ago
9) Kids!BQueen goes into Exile or dies, depending.
11 years ago
10) All Drolls are killed, all Brutes are killed.
11 years ago
11) All but one BQ, DD, JN, WQ, and PM are killed (any that are exiled stay alive (alpha!DD becomes a vital resource, he's the one who future-to-past contacted Bhar)).
11 years ago
12) So who the fuck is Foresworn Recreant, anyway?
doom triangle
11 years ago
11 years ago
13) ...Foresworn Recreant takes his mask off:
11 years ago
11 years ago
14) Oh, fuck, he's Kal's Derse Dreamself. Oops he was pulling the strings all along.
11 years ago
15) ~Plot gets fuzzy because it depended on how the game went~
11 years ago
Theory 1) DKal goes god tier, horrible personality conflicts keep him from utterly decimating the session, allowing everyone to prepare to fight him.
11 years ago
But he's so unstable and genuinely awful that he basically is the final boss. Good luck bros
11 years ago
Theory 2) DKal goes god tier. The players use their god tier abilities to pull Kal's personality out of DKal(FR) while he's struggling with a million headvoices before they wreck his shit. Kal lives, DKal dies.
11 years ago
Happy end! (Maid of Heart secures Kal's personality, Witch of Void then recreates Kal who had become nothing when he and DKal god tier'd together.)
11 years ago
11 years ago
'das it. 'das the plot. It had a lot of room for extra discovery and interaction and fighting for justice, probably some things would've been adjusted as it went on, or added. But that was the general plan.
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
also itp: I laugh at the implication that Rara was 'doing to much'
doom triangle
11 years ago
whoa, dang, that sounds like it would have been neat
ghost king
11 years ago
the alpha and kids' skaias have been orbiting each other in the same incipisphere this entire time. they were likened to a binary star system, basically
For those who caught it in-game: Foresworn Recreant killed Avispa's dreamself shortly after killing Droll. He was practically the Jack Noir responsible for all the walk-stab-walk kills past, present, and future
tbh a lot of the death and destruction? Three skaias, three prospits, and three derses? And ALL THOSE NPCS!??! Too many. Let's get rid of some of those.
doom triangle
11 years ago
as a sometime-GM, I can appreciate that hahaha
11 years ago
the more far reaching bits of plot, such as the eventual fate of the trolls and kids, was going to be something we would determine later, jsyk
11 years ago
much of this plot was malleable depending on how things went in game and what arcs the players wanted to take their characters on
Yeah, because there was SO MUCH that could happen and the plot go go in so many directions. That's why the second theory there includes two god tiers. If they didn't go god tier or didn't think to do that? Oops
ghost king
11 years ago
yeah all of this was more or less the major plot points we wanted to accomplish up to that point
11 years ago
Ah man, that's all really cool
11 years ago
And including a PC in such a capacity is awesome
11 years ago
I think that was actually the plan from the beginning since Rama's one of the Original Players, so
Man this would've been a lot of fun
11 years ago
it really would have, it's a shame more didn't get done to move things forward
11 years ago
yes, aspects of this plot have been in place since the very beginning!
11 years ago
other things we came up with later
11 years ago
again I say
11 years ago
what's this about Rara knowing/doing too much?
;u; if you guys ever put up any musebox entries with your characters, please link on plurk so I can jump on them if I'm able to!!
11 years ago
Yeah, I did post Perrix to a meme in my musebox! And anyone is allowed to post there, feel free to post your own Scribs and tag each other, it's open.
11 years ago
yeah I don't use my musebox for much so if anyone wants me to post any memes I'm totally willing to do so
yes same here! I actually have a Call Out Meme with Cheriour on it if anyone wants to tag with him!!
ghost king
11 years ago
one day i will make a musebox post when i feel like i can rp again ;_; reaches for everyone
11 years ago
reaches forever
11 years ago
also feel free to IM me and stuff idk
./gently puts tagging the Perrix musebox right under tagging Cheriour back
11 years ago
I am also open to museboxing with Kappy!
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