msabeln shares
11 years ago
latest #7
msabeln says
11 years ago
This is a fountain in downtown Saint Louis. There were actually lots of little kids playing in it, but since the exposure was so long, they were all blurred out.
say, Grace#🟦
11 years ago
WOW! Where?
say, Grace#🟦 says
11 years ago
ah, your response came in after I did mine....
11 years ago
Nice job!  I miss seeing your photos.
msabeln says
11 years ago
This is in the so-named “Citygarden” (all one word, no space between city and garden) which actually has lots of really creepy and disturbing sculptures, unsuited, in my opinion, for a children’s park.
msabeln says
11 years ago
But this splash fountain is really fun.
11 years ago
That's a cool picture
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