Starry Eyed says
11 years ago
Steampunk Girls and guys on buzzfeed:
latest #8
Starry Eyed
11 years ago
I was expecting to be irritated by this list but, for a change, I was pleasantly surprised. A nice cross-section of people and only one photo of #13, who has to be my least favorite steampunk cosplayer out
Starry Eyed
11 years ago
there, mostly because she gets passed around Tumblr as the goddess that we should all try to look like and to me she looks like Steampunk Barbie.
Magda K
11 years ago
Nicely done!
11 years ago
#16 is not half intriguing!
Oh,No.Not Her
11 years ago
Mr Falksen was listed twice, but that is an excellent thing.
Oh,No.Not Her
11 years ago
Also nice to see that skin exposure was not a requirement to be included.
11 years ago
I was about to point that very thing out. He's rather adorable and has wonderful taste.
11 years ago
I must concur about #13, too.
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