Why is that so? My previous class monitor happened to be my school teacher's daughter. And this teacher is the last person I should get near to, coz from what I heard from many teachers, she is one
kind of a liar, back-stabber and kiss-asser. XD
The ugly truth is, after I learnt from other teachers, I automatically have this stereotype about her daughter. Like mother like daughter? XD Ya. I know I'm a bad person
Anyhow, it's obvious assistant monitor did more work than the monitor. Even other students help teachers more than she did.
I hardly, or never saw her helping teachers carry books. Or helped to collect the homework from each row. NEVER.
She is one of the good students though.
Recently, some of the good students had swayed towards the wrong paths, mainly influenced by the hyperactive students.
This ex-monitor is one of them. Not paying attention during class. Lied to the substitute teacher but somehow the substitute teacher thought another student was lying instead.
So I changed the class monitor and elected another via votes. I lied as well I didn't tell the real reasons. Just saying she needs rest etc. And want others know how hard it is to be a monitor.
saying that her daughter(Angel) was fighting with her classmate (Lin Wan)
Lin Wan said that Angel asked me not to choose Lin Wan as the class monitor.
I listened and I believed that the story told by the mom is not entirely true.
Got to get the story from Lin Wan on Monday.
Though I did hear Angel asking other students to vote for Ming Ming during the "election".
I'm not sure if this mom will say anything to the headmaster or not. Probably will. She is the kind which 添油加醋+alter the truth in front of the HM.
After the call, i was like what a mess I've get myself into.
then I feel the calm after a while. I dare you to go ahead bitching about this matter. It's time for me to face the office politic and so. I need to polish my skill on this.XP
I‘m curious. Dunno how she goreng LinWan's and my sayings.
My hunch tells me that LinWan's angry because Angel kept telling others not to vote her? hmmm... Let's see how it turns out.
Iso game unable to load arrrrr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Pacific rim 居然有山寨版的叫atlantic rim. LOL. 单单看到简介说是山寨的就很想笑。
很久没有沉迷pc games了,每次都是3分钟热度。
No wonder the loading took forever. It's windows vista prob. Incompatibility it is.
话说6.30pm++ "回家", 然后包租婆就说她女儿找我,我以为是电话所以不当一回事,有什么事她自己打来就好。
纸上写道要我打电话, 然后一连串国际电话号码,是要打去中国,说什么她妈妈要动眼睛手术需要钱,可以请对方汇3千马币吗? 然后问对方还记得她妈妈的账户号码吗等等等等等。
我就问包租婆刚才她女儿有回来吗?包租婆说昨晚就回来了(她刚丢信在找工作所以最近回来的的时间都很反复) 。
问题又来了,一整天在家不可能没有时间打的,再说你有时间写那么长的instruction "letter", mana wu koleng 没有时间打喔,骗肖啊?
我于是就跟包租婆说我看没有路,我没有打过打过国际电话。 后者是事实。
就好象上次她说因为她被打枪需要现金叫我先汇一百块给她,我本来上次已经说不会帮她汇钱,结果看在她被打枪不见了atm card而不是普通的汇钱我还是汇了。
然后后来有人提醒我,如果是这样的急需,应该是跟男朋友借的。 真是一语点醒我。
Back to the monitor thingy. Today I asked Lin Wan and from I interpreted, Lin Wan was beh song when Angel said 你去年当过级长了不可以再当了。
Ain't sure about Angel's tone but Lin Wan felt offended and quoted from LW, 她(安捷)骂我(LW).
Conclusion: Small matter made into huge matter. Solution: Ignorance.
Back to the calling to China thingy.
I just called. Heh
The daughter called back to ask if I've called. I asked her why didn't she called earlier, she answered it was unable to reach blah blaha. Me as a skeptic+心机重, I 套her mom and know that she was lying.
In order to keep my mood up instead of being spoilt. I treated it as a game called Liar Busted. XD 1 score to me. XP
If you paiseh to ask for money from your relative, just voice it out and ask me to help calling then I won't feel offended.
One question left unanswered in my heart.
Working for 15 years but unable to spend 3k on surgery? And where was the 30k++ angpow money her mom collected on CNY?( She told me in Feb)
Supposed to be 2 questions.
or the 30k++ (no kidding she said 30多千) was a made-up story?
Enough of today's mini dramas. I hope my mini dramas are the bits from big drama. So I won't have to face the big one.
Another thought about life, I make a darn great decision for not wanting to get married. Imagine the life filled with endless loans. I now have my study loan, and when I purchase a car, car loan.
Housing loan coming soon.
And if you get married, you pay back your parents at the same time you have to feed your children. You worked so damn hard to get money for all these.
Unless you're darn rich. or you're married to a richie.
I visualise myself dying darn rich (forever gleefully alone) or married to a rich gay man. jkjk. XD
*married to a man who won't let me worry about money.
not necessarily has to be rich.
However it is, it will be a sweet life with a little bitterness.
how come still receiving DC 41's pay geh?
The truth is, what I really wanna write in the email is --> Your system SUCKS TO THE MAX STOP EMBARRASSING YOURSELVES AS PROGRAMMERS.
And seriously, who on earth still using IE these days? When you wrote your codes did you check you bugs?
I do understand the importance to support the copyright so that the film, music etc industries keep flourishing and entertaining us.
The problem is, if I go for a film on theater and some scenes have been cut. Then am I supposed to download a piracy copy and watch it all over again? Hmm.
Finally get thru the HRMIS incompatibility. phew
Planned to spend the weekends slacking all two days with no work-related stuff involved like last week.
Yet, the HRMIS thingy has gotten some of my time today. And tmr, like it or not, I've some work stuff to be cleared. Don't forget the PPGB thingy. sienz.
Hope you're all right, buddy. Hope you sleep soundly at night. You gotta cut yourself some slack.
Whenever I walk around the neighbourhood for grocery shopping or food hunting. I keep my 5 senses open.
It's a new thing. I never did that way back in the island.
Look on the bright side. No holidays on Mon and Tue = No school replacement day.
haha, ya, if I were 1 of the teachers, I rather choose to have class on Monday and Tuesday.
But 2 off days, and only 1 school replacement day. Most people want the holidays. LOL
The mid-year Russian antagonist is very charming and charismatic with his accompanying British accent. Owhhh... or it's the Russian accent? I can't distinguish. XD
So he wanted to kill the protagonist because the protagonist murdered his beloved gay partner.. hmm abit unexpected. No wonder he was so obsessed
记得小时候,应该是小学期间,很夜的时候在TV2收看某连戏剧,带有魔幻色彩的,剧情也相当引人入胜。 一直以为是美或英片,话说某天心血来潮去找片源,居然是意大利剧!
片源sipek难找啊啊,好不容易在电炉找到,下载了sipek久。现在终于下载完毕, 杯具的是,没有字幕咧。 啊咧我不懂意大利文。。
话说本来记性就不好,只记得女主角的脸和故事很魔幻。 难道是男主角不帅所以不记得?(误—)
likey this one lol --》
if anyone still blogs these days.
Glad to see you being happy.
原本的計劃是今天改簿子,弄一下東西,哪裡知道。。。。 XDXD 真是頹廢。。
Haven't packed my stuff. XD
就奇怪父親節貌似是落在6月,zomok今天是父親節。原來台灣是今天慶祝的。 88諧音爸爸
At times, we wonder what it would be like if we made a different choice.
the roads not taken
It never occurred to me that sorrow would hit me this time, coming back to this place once again.
I never favour Thursday. Such a long day with most periods in the morning and 1 tuition in the afternoon, today replacing a teacher, so made it two and made me weary.
I don't really read newspapers these days. Although it's part of the reasons that I'm too stingy to buy a copy per day, the main reason is the horrible news on the paper make me feel awful.
話說是我住進來的第一回。 現在還是鬼月嗎?還是過了? 總之前幾天晚上貌似聽到女人哼音樂的聲音,今天天還沒暗又聽到。 想法:walau eh 大姐,你還真會挑時間啊, 雖然你是人。即使我沒太大的感覺,你這樣的時期pok出來會嚇到鄰居的ok.
I don't know which one is more pathetic. Have the companions and the transportation but reluctant to go out because it makes you spend more money and you need to help your parents at stall?
Or don't have the companions nor the transportation but have the time, yet you're reluctant to go out to explore because you cannot bear walking on the streets without being so conscious about safety?
Or due to the safety issue and laziness, you would rather sit in front of your 15-inch screen for a whole day long instead of tidying up your room or mingling with the people or do PPGB file?
When it comes to knowing new people, I might seem like a 快熟type, the truth is, I'm totally socially awkward. It takes days and years for me to be close to some1.
I can't remember when was the last time I finished a book. 可憎也可憎也
Unlimited internet is an evil, it messes up your biological clock.
Another fat chubby...dog? it barks....XD
Because of the schedule, I never have Monday blue. I like Monday and Friday the most while Thursday is very hectic.
突然嘴賤,請容許我吐槽。。 呃。。。算了。。。XPXP
I know it's not my place to judge, but I no longer buy your 1 post per year on that particular day. Your post on FB confirmed my hunch. My 吐槽 on ytd'd finding.
First day of the month and I've already credited more than half of my salary. Officially a 月光族 for this particular month. XD
Aren't the colours she used stunning? Fine work it is.
I hope my curiosity, or more accurately speaking - my gossip nature do me good somehow.
MRY currency drops gah so hiong. It's good for those who are working abroad. Talk about the big money they are bringing in to their family.
Another 勵志故事。 XP
Message received. I will search for some other places to live next year. Poor landlady.
Just realized a few months ago that the word "housemate" I've been using is actually roommate?
Was bitching and gossiping about my landlady's daughter to my roommate.
This lady ain't good person I gotta stay away her. Your mom raised you even though you're not her biological daughter and this is not the way you repay her, by spending away all her money.
You don't only take things for granted, you takes advantages of people.
And you think you're a good liar. pui... 再回去修炼多几十年吧。。 How come that lady can be your best friend so many years? Is she blind or simply living in denial?
Ah po doesn't seem such stupid either. How come ah po no see her daughter is a gold digger? Or she is too old to fight?
to the ah po
The way they work is simply unbearable.
Sy... U wana move house d ah?
Not now. Mayb next year or next next year.
直觉told me I get to stay away from pine lang. lol
Can slow slow search . Search tiok jiu move lo
no rush. I don't like rushing.
Was supposed to work but......
Fresh start for everyone
Motorbike and helmet! Come to mama please..
Im lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy
every work day is blue~~~ xD
Cannot lidat one lo.. If everyday also blue then have to switch job liao
I'm being stereotype. XD
Saw an entaoba commented on 學弟's post and my gaydar went beep beep beep. XD
Stalked the entaoba's profile. 4 mutual friends. 2 including 學弟 are gays. XPXPXP BINGO
話說這幾天很有口福~ 都有小小樣的東東吃這樣, 有很善良的老師們給的月餅(雖然我不吃月餅但收到還是很窩心這樣)~有剛好路過不小心拿到的生日紅雞蛋,還有班上友族學生的生日恩物。
然後登登登登~~ 雖然走了很長遠的路途(也許有30分鐘? ) 去poslaju領motor和helmet~~~~~終於啊啊啊啊,那自由的風啊~~~ 汗水瞬間被吹冷的感覺(奇怪的敘述法XD)
去打油想說刷一刷卡,manazai 油站的打油的東東居然沒有得刷卡。。。真是的。。。。
然後saja 想去看戲,哪裡懂又再取消因為沒有人。。。。
Mr DIY is coming to town~~~~~
還記得上回假期特地去一趟Mr DIY, 一邊一邊心裡嘀咕,檳城多方便啊,又有我喜歡逛的Mr DIY~~ 今天真的是驚喜驚喜~~~
總歸來說今天hien 好~ 人又平平安安這樣,感恩!
剛才突然收到驚嚇,開fb時居然看到chi peng 留言於zwei's fb, 寫welcome to penang. OMG. please. 你不要sia sui penang lang, 然後又出來嚇人你以為現在是鬼月咩?
hahahaha, ah piao, yesterday was your happy day
Yalor.ahahhaha. on cloud nine~~~~
American Horror Story 即將推出。。。又在是奇怪的題材。。。
I like Sci-Fi but I'm reluctant to watch Star Wars and Star Trek series.
Veli inefficient. Done with exam papers. Tmr continue PPGB coz a letter came in a few days back to kindly remind us abt its existence. =.=
Working weekend. Even weekdays gotta work more than 8h. No OT claimed. So when ya comment how easy a teaching job is or how nice for teachers to have long holidays, I feel like punching ya in the face.
sistem tergendala 啊。。。。 嘩啦啦
When I go back Penang, I wanna pong chan See Chian's parents eh 蠔煎。 Ytd bought 1 set at pasar malam, bo nice eh.
No nice tom yam either. The best tomyam here are all instant noodles.
今個兒跑到pejabat pos 拿從高麗國寄來的parcel.嘿嘿嘿。。。
=] -->
還債時間,還了父母PTPTN一小部分的錢+寄motor+streamyx+維修motor 總共大概大概的錢。
ohmy ohmy. 超過整個月的薪水咧. XDXD
阿飄駕到 says just now
【南馬食物吐槽】其實,我一直以為。。有了電單車出去找吃,會有更多多很多的選擇。結果,每間kopitiam, 可以同時有超過一檔的雲吞面, 然後同時兼賣幹撈/麻辣/清湯/curry (只是麵類有好幾種選擇),頓時有點無言。
其實他們的幹撈面不太好吃,如果每天叫我吃砂勞越的kolok mee 我絕對沒有問題,他們用的香油實在是贊啊!
那個麵粉糕可以吃到麵粉的感覺。 這居然是我屋友喜愛的食物(她是芙蓉人)。 雖然我不抗拒,但總有怪怪的感覺。
ah piao.. Yalo yalo... When i first time go kl also feel very weird... They everything in one single stall... very very weird..
Haha. their style~~~ Nanma style~
死兔崽子年紀小小就超會撒謊。 剛送去副校長室解決掉一宗,同樣兩位又再來一宗。。我最討厭就是要跟你們的家長在電話裡講,令伯本來就不喜歡講電話,又不清不楚。令伯真的很爆粗。。。。。佛山無影腳!!!!!飛踢你們去外太空!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just learnt from a teacher that the upper primary is gonna learn programming, probably during standard 6. Walau eh. C++ at the age of 12?
I barely know html code. I know nothing about C++ leh.
My hunch told me that I might get IT class next year. (大驚)
I do like IT. But teaching kids computer stuff will be disastrous.
From a different post, but it carries the same perspective.
In The Fall
I'm just like an ostrich. When it comes to confrontation part, I always wanna avoid it. Like just now. hahaha
Ytd, my landlady asked me if it's only two days left to October. Right immediately I knew she was gonna ask for rent.
Though I never had any experience in renting, it sounds odd to me that you need to pay rent before the first day of every month. (especially when you did move in on the 1st day of your first month)
Now I'm gonna bitch about her daughter.
It ain't about intuition. Use a little bit of common sense and logical thinking can lead you to the truth.
Like what I expected, the daughter called after a while, I went out to switch off my modem and overheard part of the conversation. I foresaw what would happen today and I felt reluctant to hand in the rent that
early. When I stepped in the house this evening, the landlady couldn't wait to ask me about the money. I was like I just came back from school lei. (abit impatient)
Back to ytd, I knw it's none of my business. But I feel really really sorry for the very old landlady. How can she just let her daughter suck all her money?
So I was kaypo and said she must kaki keep all the money she gt from rent. XD And children who are working adults like me give money to parents. Dunno if she gt it or she thought I was annoying.
After she asked me abt the $, she told me tht her daughter asked me to call her. I just 敷衍 her(how to use 敷衍in Eng?) XDXD I won't call her back for sure.
I know the daughter was gonna call to the house phone. So when the phone rang, I rushed to the toilet. XD The mom picked up the phone and moved to the outside of the toilet, said 老蘇。。。ah miang chui lu
I was like I'm now PANGSAI-ing.. PANGSAI. I said PANGSAI like 3 times. LOL
After a quick "pangsai", I changed and went out to get away for the coming calls.
I guess she called a few times but 撲空。 she texted me. "can you help my mom transfer money to me o x? by internet?“
My OS: Sure NO la ABODEN?
Unfortunately I'm a civilized person. XP At first I planned to lie but I'm a terrible liar and I hate my cowardliness. In the end I replied "Sorry. I'm afraid the answer is no."
I was stupid, should have replied "NO" ya. with capital letters. XD
She replied, "ok" . But after a while she called and I didn't pick up.
After I did some thinking, I finally realized I was/am a naive person.
I was being indecisive even though I thought I was determined to reject her.
All the while, I have been surrounded by mostly good people and it makes me live inside a protective shield. Unable to see clearly how some people feel no guilt in manipulating people's trust in humanity.
I think of the story "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". The boy was bored so he lied, again and again.
How about your lies? Can I name them malicious lies?
I'm grateful to have some1 like this daughter to train me to be a more independent person. Hell yeah.
Log in FB and saw kong bu eh status. Even more kong bu than the allergy。 Fibi-san, gambaru!
Both docufiction total up to be 2 hours++. And many people said they are hoax. Hoax or not? You decide.
FIbi 真的很厲害,駕車果然是要hiong hiong ki....
How come you not like Sept and the subsequent months? Those babes are only available with this period. =]
今天運動會老天作美,給我我最喜歡的天氣-陰天。 到了接近閉幕才出太陽。
然後,到了拔河公開賽原本是家長對壘老師,結果不懂zomok沒有老師要下的,其實我也心裡有數一定會中我的。 結果我和另外3位馬來老師,一位校工和4/5位家長同隊。 有贏是有贏啦,可是我們那隊都不是真正的老師隊。 XDXD
Plan to search for Bahau's "Secret Recipe". Ain't a fan of cake, simply feel good to see trails of city life.
话说FB tag照片不是会出现四方形的框框吗。。刚才看见马来老师po的结婚照,她丈夫那个tag的四方框居然是出现在重要部位,害我不小心笑出来。 XD
兩位童鞋都是灰常斯文的type。小正太講話好像蚊子醬小聲,學業上比較弱,字體很潦草。小蘿莉講話比小正太大聲些,還是很斯文,學業很不錯又乖, 字體很整齊漂亮可是之前字跡淺到。。。。。最近比較正常深度。 小蘿莉的妹妹也是很蘿莉一下的~~~
Walau. They said this is the punishment for male students if they fail to complete their homework in India.
Phone is temporarily dead. FML
The looping in black screen is frustrating. I do my troubleshooting most of the time but it doesn't mean that I like it.
The nearest Nokia Care Point is in Malacca? You gotta be kidding me...
I think seremban gt... Or i courier my hp let u use first... Give me ur address... My used phone still can use... Dun say no...
No Nokia Care Center but gt hamid drop off point. gotta locate the shop eh location later
Just asked from Nokia Care Chat
Nonid la. I already gt one old phone. The problem is my small sim card cannot fit in all old phones lo
I rarely use phone eh pun
I've found another solution. New sim pack it is. XD
Google map bo accurate eh. Tim wa ki holland.
I still remember when Facebook just launched, I signed up and there was one column stating "Interested in". My English was too weak to interpret the phrase so I put "Men & Women", which made me a bisexual. XD
jz get to know that ...sy 一个人在外,must ve hp one!
for emergency purpose!!!
c ar. then when I free I explore and see any Malaysian brand eh RM100 hp using mini chip eh
or u qincai buy 1 prepaid card to use 1st? rm8-10 shud b able to get it ba
But I no use phone eh. I think it's useless if I purposely buy a new number. If anything urgent most people can't contact me thru new number pun. XD
Speaking of which, I don't understand your new post. Why wanna move geh/
Heard a quote saying "It's not money the root of all evil, it's the love of money the root of all evil"
Hungry. chui jiak seng
its for u to call anybody if u ve any emergency outside la...满一百个comment 了,所以开个新的,第二个要给它满2百个
It's just a sampat eh reason. Noneed care
刚看了AHS 第三季, 果然承袭了一贯的作风, 居然还有点human centipede的gili..
ahaha. 名言from FB feed --> "不经历星期一的崩溃,怎么知道星期五的可贵"
Not me. Saw someone's FB post. ahahha. so 押韵
Don't mess with me lo. I ain't hamid 善男信女...
skyweing Where have you moved your blog?
He's probably the cutest geek I've ever seen. Cuter than Sheldon.
Tribute to Cory Monteith episode is sooooo emotional... T,T
When I first learnt how her daughter is like, I felt sorry for her. Yet, after I connected the dots, I can see where the daughter gets her lying root.
I was really beh song ytd, getting 8.5 periods alone is exhausted, OT lagi to do class teacher thingy.
It's okay for me to help u to buy something but it's not okay wanting me to get that thing immediately.
You're old doesn't mean you get to do that. I've advised u to drink more water in order to have a regular bowel movement. You disproved it and showed abit beh syok face. So I stopped saying anything.
It's obvious you barely drink water daily. You consume those two drugs in regular basis. Your daughter was home last week and you should've asked her to refill or what.
Last night you waited till I was back after tabao, then only you asked me to buy, I said I will do it tmr, which means today.
This morning when I was out for work, you told me the drug store opens at 9 something. I was like I will buy it when I'm back from school. You went all like what?? have to wait till evening ar stuff like that.
You know I stay at school till evening almost every day. How can I not question your intention?
Don't take it for granted, old lady.
And I don't owe you.
Conclusion: If you wanna have smooth pangsai routine like me, drink your water. I wonder if you drink at least 500ml per day.
Rough week with difficult people.
One of the brat is from my class - hyperactive, grades slipping, short attention span, can's stay still, borrow money from classmate and not return it, steal, break classmates' stationary etc
Guess he is the only child. Mom is an Indonesian, dad is from local. From what I heard, his mom is young and his dad is quite old.
Early in the morning, he ran around with schoolmates. The ground was wet because of last night rain. He slipped and knocked his head. A huge blow on the forehead, deep cut, blood spilt.
I felt sorry for him for a few seconds, and gili for a few minutes. Then, all I thought was 活該。
Call me a heartless bitch but you had it coming.
I dunno if it's my school problem. Before the bell rings, during recess and after the bell rings. The one particular scene you won't miss is children running around.
Certainly not discipline teacher's fault. She is the only discipline teacher. I could hardly see any other teachers actually care what is going on outside the classrooms.
The headmaster is play-nice type.
Our neighboring school ain't like this eh. You won't seen kids running around the school.
no 发泄 you will explode, do it more often
yeah i guess running and jumping and playing like a monkey is something in those damn brats' nature, here my students are been reminded from jan till now not to run, but they still run like orang gila
i really hope some of the c-ginnas will fall or hit wall or tiang, they wont learn until they see blood
my law of attraction will work, very soon, they will see blood and they will scare and they will learn, so that i dont need to every wednesday go down and think of 台词 to punish them when i bertugas
Agree... won't learn till see blood.
AhAHHAHAHAH. I should pick up the practice of LOA in no time~~~~~~~
I don't usually eat laksa, but I wanna eat laksa, hokkien me, curry me, subaidah eh rice with red chic, jusco sells eh RM1 per roll eh sushi, jusco sells eh panji pizza, shilin, 蠔煎, char koay teow, charkoaykark
lam mee, kolok mee, penang eh wantan mee, TOMYAM, aman damai eh teh ais, tesco eh panji lemons, ojibala food I get from Jelutong eh Friday pasar malam, the 白咖哩instant noodle I have yet to try, herbal egg,
Jelutong pasar nehneh eh mee goreng, padang eh 釀豆腐, padang eh koko water, neh neh eh coconut jelly, Perak Road pasar eh neh neh murtabak and roti this and that, economic rice all over 大路後alone, 沒有臉的動物 etcetc
Giant asteroids is on it way to hit us. We have 20 years more, so YOLO!!!!!!
Maybe I shouldn't have taken my breakfast while watching AHS..XP
Done ICT competency test, no wonder all the veteran teachers were complaining how they couldn't understand the questions being asked.
Skully helmet seems cool!
The reasons I haven't busted her liar status is to prevent vengeance and to prevent her mom from feeling bad. ,
Now I think it was a wise move. It's funny to watch people lying right into your face and think you would buy it.
It's a contradictory feeling. I hate to see her around during weekends, I no longer greet her since the China thingy. But she need to come back to do her duty as a daughter.
The landlady knocked on my door just now, wanted to collect the rent earlier AGAIN because her daughter wanted to move in KL etc
She didn't say collect, she said wanna borrow the Nov rent first. I made my stand but in the end I said later. But now I think otherwise, I will consult my mom later.
This bitch might be lying to her mom as well. Don't try to sell your pity story thru your mom
I told the landlady, your daughter has been working for so many years, it's impossible she doesn't have any savings. And if you keep bringing the rental prior to the due date, it's confusing.
What I really wanna say is, did your daughter teach u to do so. So that I get confused and end up paying one extra month rent without knowing?
Call me paranoid, but guess who made me this way? Oh wait..It's you!!!
Speaking of which, last weeks the daughter brought her bf back to attend her friend's wedding.
Surprisingly, the BF is a Malay! Made me wonder... My intuition told me this guy is the "landlord" the daughter said.
There were a few times, before I realize her true nature, she asked me to transfer money (online banking) to a Malay male. She claimed that he was her landlord, chasing for rent.
I was like why can't you give him on Monday, it was only 1/2 days diff nia. She said her landlord is like that eh, he said he wants now, which means now. something like that
Last week when she put her wedding gift on the dining table with a card. I sneaked a peek and AHA.... Same name as your "landlord".
How can I not think that you're having 小白脸?
Back to today, I called my mom to consult her opinion about handing in my rent early. I'm concerned about my welfare as landlady never gave us receipts as proof.
What if she suddenly said I haven't paid my rent lei? No witnesses either. What to argue? She is that old d, even youngsters like me can't remember things.
no receipt= dangerous, who knows one day they will 框 you saying you didnt pay money at all, my suggestion, you go buy the receipt mia book, ask her to sign everytime
or move ; _ ; you dont deserve hell after dealing with all the shits from school
The main reason is I just beh sok the daughter. I'm cincai, doesn't mean you can take advantage of it.
The landlady can't even sign. She doesn't know how to. =.=
My mom. I thought she will say no. Manazai as cincai as me, she said cincai, first time ma. next time cannot liao lo. XD
I complaint this and that on the conversation. Maybe the daughter overheard or eavesdropped it. When I finished my call, she knocked on my door.
Said. Sin Ying ar..nonid d. I've borrowed from the opposite neighbour. Because water & electric bill 200++ d, then I need to move coz I can't get my deposit, then I didn't work for a few months ar.
so I spent a lot ar. then my place doesn't have money left d. then my salary only comes on 28th
I pretended playing with my phone and didn't even look at her. Hey, I'm bored.
阿姐, if you wanna lie, can you made up a better story?
From what I heard, you're saying that the money is for the unpaid bill. but your mom said it's for your move.
After saying her nonsense, she went to the back. Using TeowChew talking to her mom, which I know purposely for me eh.
If I'm not wrong, when she borrowed from the neightbour, the neighbour she doesn't have to return it, 当作 buy food for 老人家。thenn blah blah. hamid people know her family eh financial not very good ar.
hamid 20++ years liao ar.
then in the end. she tiao ti used Chinese - 这叫做互相帮忙。
yeah, ada, deposit i also insist her to gimme one receipt
I thought her explanation on my door was the end of it. Manazai...=.=
She talked on the phone just next to my windor. Dunno her friend or relative.
The conversation went like this - You don't have to lend me money d coz I've borrowed it from my neighbour. Don't worry. it's enuf
If it's not enuff. I will borrow from you. You know la. I'm the only child. It's diff to support the whole family with only 千多块 salary. You RM2 also not enuff ma.
No one would ever know how difficult it's to take care of such old mom.. You will know when your mom gets old.
I'm considering to see this house if I really 撑不下去。
So that's how you've been doing all the time? Playing the pity card?
Hey, habitual liar...Next time, try harder. I might buy it.
Oo my god ... I can't imagine if I met somebody like this...
Yday kp n I also agree u shud fast fast 走为上计 lor
Next year la.. this year too rush d. lol
瞎。话说六月去了英文kksr kursus, 过后不懂是烟霾还是puasa其他科目的kursus延后。然后上个星期突然收到信明天又再要出席英文kssr的Kursus. walau eh. 可以不要这样吗。。你是要我去几次喔。。。
Started noticing some traits from the landlady not long ago. She has this habit - curi makan. XD
When I first moved in here, the landlady and her daughter seemed quite nice. They even offered me the meals they cooked a few times.
They insisted so I ate those few times. I felt utterly uncomfortable as I rarely hate owing people. 人情债最难还。
I even asked my mom how much I should pay them. To repay the landlady, there were a few times I tabao for her, and didn't want to take money from her.
She is picky on food so in the end I decided not eat their food so we don't owe each other.
I didn't know when I started get suspicious. At first when I bought ojibala food, I always share with the landlady,
Then dunno since when, my sharing gets lesser. I sometimes share. I sometimes don't. She might have noticed. so when I was cooking maggie, she watched
the whole process. wtf.
Then she asked how it tastes like.
This situation occurred a few times.
I guess that's when I got suspicious.
Yogurt drink is expensive. The first few times I poured her a glass.
Then I told myself, it's her daughter's job, it's not like yogurt drink is cheap or I can't finish the bottle.
I should only share sometimes. Not every time.
One day, I decided to make a little experiment after I bought a bottle of yogurt drink. I peered into the bottle to see till which level I drank.
When I came home from work, AHA. abt 150-200ml was gone.
What bothered me the most is, did she use her mug or her mouth? =.=
Then my orange. Ain't sure about mooncakes, she said they were both gone bad so she threw them away. I forgot to check the dustbin. BUT.....
I'm damn sure one hasn't passed its expiry date.
What I cannot tahan is, I offered her to eat the mooncakes for me coz I really don't like eating mooncake. Why all the 矫情 rejected me, then curi makan? ==
Then she ate my cherry tomato with asking and told me this fruit not nice, I spit it out. ==
Now I've known your daughter's nature. Let's find out yours.
I want to know if you have no idea how your daughter is or you play along all the whil
AHHA. Then my housemate told me, the landlady opened her sealed yogurt drink and drink it, when she confronted her with the bottle. She jumped off the chair and said no
Then she pointed my room and said "Laosu jiak(drink) eh" .
Ytd I really thought it was the end when the daughter left to KL.
Manazai. when I was washing my clothes, the landlady stood beside me and repeated the almost same thing.
The almost same thing her daughter talked on the phone beside my windows. It was a contradictory feeling, when you hear an old lady says things like that, you feel pity.
but after i taobao-ed I beh tong d. I told the landlady using hokkien. It's not that i don't want to help you. I don't trust your daughter coz she's been lying to me so many times.
She was like. lau lu eh looi? I said not lao looi. just lao nia.
She seemed cannot believe it. and she asked why she wanted to "lao" me and what did she "lao" me.
I said it's too many and honestly I dunno why.
1. Like today, we found out that she is 38 years old instead of 32.
2. BF. She said she has one and she brought home during CNY. Her mom said the other round.
3. China thiny
4. She said her salary was 2.8k(she kaki said, I didn't even ask), but she told her friend/relative on phone 千多。 (I assume it means 1k++)
5. 30k- her mom's ang pow looi.
6. etc...
Now I question every single thing she says, even it might be half true.
And just a reminder to myself, beware of the mom.
Like father, like son.
A person doesn't simply inherit genetic traits from the biological parents. The nurturing environment plays the major part.
It's time for brand new post to get rid of the pine lang.
friend around will say " dont trust 100% a person tell u, half will do" i think this is important in your case
dont investigate them liao ba~ waste ur energy & time.
just let them say what they want, stay out of it, dont let yrself lose any $, unless u plan to 布施 that $ to them.
dont ve to offer them any help unless it s emergency case that related to death
heard of so many times of lie... i will lose hope and nvr believe in anything the liars said
Investigation is just to kill time and what I know about them is crucial to me so that I know who I'm dealing with.
I normally wouldn't try to interpret if some1 is telling the truth during conversation, so energy consuming.
I will still help ah po (landlady) to buy bread. I cannot just say sorry har. You ask some1 else to buy. But I will respond accordingly, stand by my principles.
to u
I wanna 修with some1 else la. LOL.