11 years ago
latest #7
11 years ago
i am really sick and tired of people all around me being so openly negative of things that are new and overall things i enjoy but it's always so hard not to feel horrible about it like
11 years ago
because i understand people are entitled to having opinions and expressing them and because i can honestly see where they're coming from
11 years ago
but still i really really hate how i can't just suck it up like a mature person and decide to put up distances or just like. go back to love even more on the new things because i really can't do anything else
11 years ago
i know the persons aren't doing it like some sort of weird personal vendetta against me or any fan of the Things but it still seems so sad to me? just ugh i'm a big baby what's new
11 years ago
okay interjects in own plurk.
11 years ago
slaps self in the face, it's okay to like things.
11 years ago
and if someone doesn't agree then... shrugs i'm sorry we disagree but i won't stop loving what i love!
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