sheepishpodcast wonders
11 years ago
what's the best way to learn to Navajo ply? I want to learn so I can practice on a couple bobbins before I start spinning my Loop batts.
latest #8
sparkeespud says
11 years ago
Not sure of this is the bet way, but I wound up about 150 yards onto my bobbin and practiced on that. I also watched the knitgirllls youtube about 10000 times!
mrsmcelrath says
11 years ago
I like this technique: Sarah Anderson - Navajo Plying
11 years ago
Watch Knitabulls tutorial.... The best one out there. I watched it 4-5 times while I learned!!! It was awesome!
sheepishpodcast says
11 years ago
Awesome! Thank you everyone! I'll take a look at all of them tonight. I'm spinning some the Hobbledehoy that I picked up at MDSW and want to get as much yardage as I can out of the three mini-batts. :-)
elspeth81 says
11 years ago
I practised with some generic acrylic yarn for the actions first so my fingers knew what to do before the real thing.
sillyfru says
11 years ago
I watched a lot of you tube vids
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