even worse than my spelling
goddamn do you even know how long I've been trying to get a signal it's taken me three days to find a cafe with it
but no seriously I am so sorry for not being anywhere
but I am in the middle of nowhere in Frenchville
and now I have to tag like the wind while the coffee is in my veins
and are you gonna time skip Sanji?
tell France to fix their wifi
oh my god I am so behind help me
I haven't even been able to check resetvoid
oh wow I have been off plurk so long
I have forgotton how to link
although hey I can type pretty good with my left hand hey
The parentheses go around the text you want the link to appear as
arw you at least enjoying France?
I am it is lovely and very rural hence no internet
but it's beautiful and the food is godly
you should go outside and sing the song from Beauty and the Beast
except I am in the only town for several miles so they might think it a bit odd in the middle of the street
sing about poor provincial towns and feed a book page to a sheep
fjkasfj I think they would hang me
sounds like they'd appreciate it all the more to me
or not. don't get yourself hung Sam :c
no they would just hand you over to the local beast
all French towns have one of those right?
I'm lucky enough as it is I can speak with a good accent if they cottoned on I'm a limey they might not be so hospitable :/