11 years ago
made a fresh pot of coffee.
latest #44
11 years ago
wrinkled her nose as she followed the scent of a good pot of coffee. She was suppose to find Astrid but somehow ended up at a house that looked at lot like Sve's old one.
11 years ago
had his door open, just letting his screendoor keep the bugs out. He had no idea someone had came to his door.
11 years ago
wandered in quietly, curious if her Sve was there. She usually though the house was empty and slowly made her way to the kitchen where the aroma was coming from.
11 years ago
stopped in mid reach as he heard the screen door close. He was a little bit confused at the sound. Setting the mug down he turned and blinked as he was faced with the blond female. ".. Y' lost?"
11 years ago
tilted her head out of mild curiosity. " Nej." She looked around for a bit before frowning mildly. " Have you seen a woman by the name of Astrid here?"
11 years ago
shook his head, he looked slighty more confused. "Mnmm. I don' know 'nyone by that name."
11 years ago
blinks and nods, " Okay." She smiled after, " The coffee you made smells good." She complimented before starting to leave seeing she had nothing else to do here.
11 years ago
raised his eyebrow. "Not t' be rude.. But who are y' 'nd why are y' in m' house?"
11 years ago
stopped in her tracks as she carefully answered his questions, " I'm-...Dorthe." She had a better look at him, scanning him from head to toe. " And I'm looking for my sister."
11 years ago
made no attempts to move, nor did he take on any threatening stances. "Ah.. Good luck findin y'er sister." He was looking her over too, her wild hair and her eyes were very familiar.
11 years ago
didn't have any ill intentions towards him. " Tak." She shrugs and slowly left the house, limping away as per usual as she wondered where her sister would be.
11 years ago
"What happened t' y'er leg?" He asked her after seeing her limp.
11 years ago
looked down at her leg, " Oh. I caught it on a net while swimming." She shrugs. " It cut a tendon and since I didn't treat it in time."
11 years ago
nodded a little bit. "Did y' cut y'erself?"
11 years ago
nods, " Ja. I'm a bit of a clutz sometimes."
11 years ago
nodded. "did y' clean it?"
11 years ago
nods again, a little curious about his questioning. " Ja...I guess." She wasn't very good because it was hard to reach it.
11 years ago
sighs to himself and motions to the kitchen. "Go sit down.. 'll clean it for y' 'nd then y' can go.. It'd be unfortunate t' lost y'er leg.." He turned and headed to the bathroom to get the first aid kit.
11 years ago
seemed more confused by his generosity but went along since he was an interesting fellow. She plopped herself at a seat by the table, wrinkling her nose again at the smell of coffee.
11 years ago
came back to the kitchen, setting the first aid kit down. "Do y' want a cup?"
11 years ago
raised a brow, " May I?" She didn't know if she was allowed to seeing she had just wandered into the house randomly.
11 years ago
nods, getting her a mug and pouring her some coffee. "What do y' take in it?" He asked her.
11 years ago
watched him as she smiles, " One cream, no sugar. I like bitter things." She was different from the other Dane after all.
11 years ago
nods handing her the cup. "Let's see y'er leg." He said as he bent down looking at the cut on her leg. "Y'er like m' brother. He never cleans his wounds."
11 years ago
held the cup carefully with both hands after accepting it. " Ah really?" She had the cut wrapped and made sure there was at least no infection where she could see. " What's your brother like?"
11 years ago
"Loud, shorter than me, kind 'f obnoxious.." He shrugged. "He's older then me though." He cleaned and redressed her wound. "What's y'er sister like?"
11 years ago
thought that it resembled someone she knew well. " Astrid looks bookish but she's tall and quiet. Kind of intimidating but to me she looks more constipated than scary when she looks at people." She joked.
11 years ago
nods at that, looking away because he almost wondered what his face looked liked to her. "Sounds kind 'f like me, but 'm told I jus' look scary." He finished bandaging her leg and stood up. "There."
11 years ago
shrugs as she sipped away at her cup. " Tak." She carefully moved her foot out of the way after. " You don't look that scary to me but you might to others kinda like my sister."
11 years ago
nods a little. "True.. ah, 'm Berwald by the way.." He remembered he never told her his name.
11 years ago
nods, " Nice to meet you Berwald." She didn't like coercing people for their names.
11 years ago
gets himself a cup of coffee taking it black as well. "Y'er Danish, ja?"
11 years ago
smiles cheekily to him, " Was it that hard to tell?" She wondered aloud before taking another sip of coffee.
11 years ago
shrugs. "M' br.. friend 's Danish. Plus y'er accent 's diff'rent from mine."
11 years ago
might have picked up on his mistake but didn't comment on it, " I guess that makes plenty of sense."
11 years ago
nods quietly. "Y' said y' were lookin for y'er sister, 's she Danish too or Swedish?"
11 years ago
smiles as she looked up from her cup, " Swedish. Sounds odd huh?"
11 years ago
raised an eyebrow. "Kind 'f... Ja. But there 's such thin's as adoptions. So 's not that odd."
11 years ago
shook her head innocently, " She's not adopted. We're related by blood."
11 years ago
raised an eyebrow. "... Ah.. That's diff'rent then, hm?"
11 years ago
nods, " Mhmm."
11 years ago
tried to think of a way to justify that in his mind. "Hm.. Why did y' pick m' house t' come int' 'nyway, Dorthe?"
11 years ago
smiles knowingly, " It's usually empty before you appeared here and my sister used to live in a house almost identical to this one, even on the inside."
11 years ago
raised an eyebrow slightly, he put on a very small smile. ".. Must be a Swedish thin'."
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