Tangerine8 says
11 years ago
Dude, what's up with 8 year old girls and drama? Isn't this supposed to happen in middle school?!
latest #8
browneyesyp asks
11 years ago
what dude and eight years? I'm so out of the loop!
Tangerine8 says
11 years ago
browneyesyp: dude, as in I'm stuck in the early '90s. And my 8 year old is a drama queen of the highest order. I keep telling her she
Tangerine8 says
11 years ago
Better do something with all that drama later in life, become famous, and take care of me in my old age for all the trauma she puts me
Tangerine8 says
11 years ago
Through! (LOL)
irocknits says
11 years ago
I think girl drama started in upper elementary school, my DD would tell me there were popular girls! at age 8 and 9? what makes them more popular at that age?
Tena says
11 years ago
Nope, I have an 8yo drama queen too. I just laugh because I raised her mother. Who is the queen of drama. Doesn't faze this grandma much anymore.
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