11 years ago
VERY IMPORTANT PLEASE READ as of this time, i, mouse, am the only mod of scrib and the game is facing possible, if not likely, closure.
latest #269
11 years ago
skie and usa have both decided to drop due to personal reasons and frustration with the game.
11 years ago
i cannot maintain scrib by myself but frankly see little point in asking for more mods.
11 years ago
activity has been a constant issue with the game due to having no way of enforcing it.
11 years ago
while there has always been a plot, it has been difficult to advance it with very little player input.
11 years ago
and while our active players have been amazing troopers, there are too many inactive players, too many angry players.
11 years ago
it's just too disheartening to see so little response to posts with a game that supposedly has as many players as it does.
11 years ago
the way i see it, our options are as follows;
11 years ago
1) scrib closes. that means no more modplurks, no npc posts, no organized plot. any more rp would be done in museboxes.
11 years ago
2) we skip to endgame. any posts that you wanted to do in the future, you do now. we decide the fate of the characters at large.
11 years ago
3) we continue to limp along.
11 years ago
for this last option, we would still have very little plot posts, but i would be available for direction.
11 years ago
to be honest, i'm not much of a fan of this last option. i don't want to see scrib continue on like a wounded animal.
11 years ago
i suppose there is a fourth option
11 years ago
4) you all suggest something
11 years ago
before i stop wordsing at you all, i just want you all to ask yourself something honestly
11 years ago
do you actually care about the game? do you care enough to put time and effort into it? look past your sentimentality and ask yourself what you really feel.
11 years ago
now i'm not mandya, i can't tell if you're lying, so i'm just going to have to trust that you all will say your honest opinions, assuming you care enough to state them.
11 years ago
if this is the end for scribs, i can at least honestly say that it has been a pleasure to play with you all and i hope to play with you in the future someday.
euryale ☆
11 years ago
Okay, well, I'll be completely forthright, since I don't see any real point in lying about something that's pretendy fun tiemz. This is totally sad to see, even while admitting to my own lack of activity.
11 years ago
it is a very sad thing, i agree
euryale ☆
11 years ago
I'm not going to pretend that that's not a thing, and I am sorry for skye and usa for their frustrations with regards to the game
euryale ☆
11 years ago
since you don't get paid to mod and it's a lot of work, so thanks a lot for that.
doom triangle
11 years ago
euryale ☆
11 years ago
as for what i'd want to see as a player, it's been difficult for me, personally to try and get myself back into it. i want to, but i just feel against this wall? i actually still do keep up with other posts
euryale ☆
11 years ago
fairly frequently
doom triangle
11 years ago
well, I can sympathize, since I know it's been slow and I've not been the most dedicated player
I've been see-sawing over dropping for the last few weeks, because I've been trying and failing to revive my Chrysi muse. I just kept hoping the drive would come back, because I've never liked dropping,
smol stab
11 years ago
I....didn't see this coming at all :-( I feel really blindsided by it
even when I probably should.
euryale ☆
11 years ago
so it's not really a lack of caring, just a not really knowing how to proceed, especially with what i had originally envisioned for my character.
smol stab
11 years ago
especially since I was just plotting and we've put up posts and such
11 years ago
this is pretty sad to see come up
euryale ☆
11 years ago
but yeah, this is still a sad state of affairs. 8(
11 years ago
but I can't say I didn't see it coming from a ways off
11 years ago
i suppose you could say that the other mods just came to a breaking point; there isn't really any one reason this happened, just a long time building up
ghost king
11 years ago
honestly, it's as much out of left field for us as it is for you guys
aw man, i just came back to plurk and now i'm sad, but i understand where the mods are coming from :-(
smol stab
11 years ago
I....don't really want to have anything to do with it
smol stab
11 years ago
you can make whatever decisions you want, i'm going to figure out where else to play what i want i guess :-(
11 years ago
you are welcome to continue playing, of course, we don't have a monopoly on your characters
11 years ago
I really do love Scribs and I'd rather not see it die...but yes, like everyone else, I've seen these problems and the mods' frustration with the game.
11 years ago
Can't the game remain open as a musebox? That's more or less how it's been structured and played as anyways, except mod involvement (and expectations) have been more in line with a regular game. :|a
11 years ago
the thing about keeping it around as a musebox is that it would also imply that people would actually use it and as it stands I can't see that being something that actually happens
11 years ago
as far as i'm concerned, you're welcome to continue your existing threads and even make new ones if you so chose, there just will be no management, no event organization
11 years ago
--and also I have to say that I've never played in SCRIB as if it were a musebox
11 years ago
because despite not having an AC it was a game
euryale ☆
11 years ago
Honestly, I don't see it lasting very long if it becomes a musebox.
euryale ☆
11 years ago
I think it'll fall apart without some sort of structure and direction.
11 years ago
considering how it's been doing even with structure and direction? you're pretty right, I think.
11 years ago
the same goes for me; however if players would like to finish out their characters threads and arcs or what have you, i have no objection to that
11 years ago
i can see how with this coming out of nowhere, many players wouldn't want to just drop their threads.
11 years ago
but i also do believe that activity and usage of the community would eventually drop off and come to a standstill if it were to just become a musebox with no maintainer
euryale ☆
11 years ago
Yeah, this ^
11 years ago
I meant in terms of people only posting/tagging sporadically, mainly. But there is a core of people who are active and take an interest in the game.
11 years ago
yeah but... skie was one of the more active players- if not outright the most active- and he was frustrated to the point of quitting so
11 years ago
...okay this wasn't what I was expecting to wake up to
11 years ago
I can't particularly see many of the other active people sticking around in a musebox setting with no guarantee of tags at all
11 years ago
avispa's journal has far and away the most comments of any of the scrib journals, just for future reference
11 years ago
I'm confused. How is leaving it open as a musebox, even if activity gradually drops off to nothing, worse than the game simply shutting down entirely?
11 years ago
don't put words in my mouth please
11 years ago
I never said it would be worse, I just said there wouldn't be much point
11 years ago
I wasn't even speaking specifically to you, Sig. I just see a lot of people saying it wouldn't do well as a musebox when I don't see that 1) it was doing much better as a game, and 2) closing would be better.
11 years ago
my mistake then, but that's probably why they're saying so- especially considering you yourself said that a lot of players already treated it as a musebox
11 years ago
and in even then haven't been doing much in it so why would they even if it officially became one?
11 years ago
treating scribs like a musebox is what got us to this point
11 years ago
Activity-wise, certainly. I very much preferred the lack of activity checks, since my activity is sporadic at best, but that's a musebox setup, not one for a game that expects regular activity.
11 years ago
I know I've been part of the problem and I do apologize
11 years ago
Which is why I wasn't sure why the mods established that and then expected a different level of activity than they got.
11 years ago
I think the thing about the lack of activity check to be honest is that
11 years ago
the mods had hoped that despite it not being mandatory
euryale ☆
11 years ago
Mouse, what would you like to see, personally? Even if you are considering everyone's opinions, and it's a great thing to do, if you're going to be the only mod, I think what you'd have energy to do/want to do
euryale ☆
11 years ago
should factor into it, as well
11 years ago
people would like their characters and playing them enough to keep their activity consistent?
11 years ago
and yeah, +1 to that
11 years ago
That's the thing, though - even though there have been occasional large gaps in some people's activity, there are still dedicated players.
11 years ago
Also, Mouse, I'd offer to step up and help with the modding, since I can be more consistent with maintenance than I generally am with posting -
11 years ago
- but since I'm going back to work soon, I don't know if I'll have the energy or schedule for that.
11 years ago
honestly, i would like for players to finish their threads, to do the posts they always wanted to do (i know you have them) and to see scribs shut down within a few months.
euryale ☆
11 years ago
Cool. I'm on board for that, then, personally.
11 years ago
there's a difference, I think, between 'still somewhat interested in playing their characters' and 'actually willing/able/dedicated to consistently do things with their characters'
11 years ago
i would even be alright with making a scrib sanctioned musebox/dressing room for the former players to mess around in if they wanted
11 years ago
but i don't think the game can survive another big mod turnover, and i'd rather see things wind down then stretch out into nothing
euryale ☆
11 years ago
I just think the game would do much better with a mod presence than not, and while others may disagree WHICH IS TOTALLY FINE, i'm going to tailor my decision to what the mod(s) have the want/energy to do
euryale ☆
11 years ago
because yeah, stretching into nothing doesn't appeal to me, personally, either, especially if there is an endgame in mind where things can wrap up conclusively.
euryale ☆
11 years ago
again this is just me
11 years ago
^ Basically, for me.
euryale ☆
11 years ago
Maybe after the plot concludes, the game can remain open if there are players who want to thread other/more things?
euryale ☆
11 years ago
that way people who want to stay to see the plot to the end can, while if there are others who have an itch after that can still scratch it
11 years ago
tbh I'd sooner just musebox scrib/scrib-related things in my own musebox than make the game drag on longer than it needs to
11 years ago
whether the game stays open or future activity continues in a dressing room / musebox type scenario can be discussed when it's relevant, but i am open to providing some space for players to mess around in
11 years ago
also, i should mention, if you don't feel dedicated to the game or otherwise have been wanting to drop but felt like you couldn't, please consider this plurk your get out of jail free card
11 years ago
additionally, if you do not wish to continue in the endgame, please inform me somehow so i can manage the proceedings as best i can
11 years ago
I'll stick with the game and whatever iterations it continues in. :|a I'd just been getting into catching up on my tags again.
11 years ago
additionally, Mouse there is also that suggestion I made about possibly scratching the session?
11 years ago
Whether the game itself becomes a musebox or a separate musebox is made makes no difference to me; my main interest is getting to continue playing with people here, so whatever lets me do that is good with me.
11 years ago
though idk how feasible that would be without a lot of the players around but still
11 years ago
I. Personally would rather not scratch the session, if only because I want to keep playing Kappy, but again this is up to the other players/mod.
I think I should bow out here, then. My grip on Chrysi's character still hasn't come back, and I haven't contributed to the game as much as I wanted or should in a long time.
11 years ago
if there is significant interest in a scratch, i believe that it could be done, but as a whole 'nother game done after the end of scribs
11 years ago
Also because a lot of the players aren't around anymore.
Thank you all for a fun year, and an amazing cast.
11 years ago
if that is the direction we go in, i would need more mods and also frankly i would institute rules that make it more of a game, i.e. an activity check
11 years ago
shanatic: thank YOU for playing chrysi as long as you did!
smol stab
11 years ago
I don't want to scratch the session, because I only want to play phylus.
I just wish I still had the drive for her.
euryale ☆
11 years ago
/holds u shana
euryale ☆
11 years ago
euryale ☆
11 years ago
and thanks for all the fics and stuff you wrote ;n; <3
smol stab
11 years ago
so if that's the route we're going, then I'm going to drop
11 years ago
Y...yeah if we are going to scratch I am probably going to drop
11 years ago
I want to finish Kappy and frankly I do not want to play Tulasi
I would be willing to step up as a mod if appointed in a scratch'd or other game that had an AC; though I'd love to find some way to not abandon Avispa. I share in the feeling that I am too big a fan of Avispa.
11 years ago
outside of the occasional museboxing or something
11 years ago
Personally, I agree with Mori in that Lyn's the character I want to play as opposed to his dancestor...but I do like the general concept of a sort of fresh start that's simultaneously a continuation of Scrib.
11 years ago
personally, my feelings is that scrib wraps up as it was planned to, which didn't include a scratch.
11 years ago
but then later, for the players who wanted to, we could hypothetically start another game that included scratched characters (and perhaps new ones???)
11 years ago
What comes to mind for me is, actually, a post-victory setting? Where the surviving players (it would be easily to write off dropped characters as end-game casualties) have a new universe to deal with.
11 years ago
Godly powers to manage.
11 years ago
ah, the scribtheon approach
11 years ago
yeah no thanks
11 years ago
I'm not much a fan of the scribtheon approach so if that winds up happening then I'm out
11 years ago
again, the plan currently is to finish scribs as it was planned, and then afterwards we can discuss future plans
oh man this has gotten long already /o\ I've talked to Skye about my feelings a little, but I do want to say that everyone I've met in scribs has been great
and I'm honestly more interested in the game now than I was when I first joined. and while I'm on hiatus right now, I'd like to continue playing with you guys
11 years ago
I'll stick around until endgame if that's the case, but I probably won't be as active
it's just kinda hard, you know? when the kids cast keeps dwindling :-(
even now...
11 years ago
yes, i understand
but you mods have really done your best and tried to listen to all of us and
you've put a lot of work into this game
really, thank you for that
it's much appreciated!
euryale ☆
11 years ago
yeah, again, thanks so much
doom triangle
11 years ago
yes, thank you guys so much for all the hard work you put in
11 years ago
i'm sure we all can agree that we're glad you appreciate it, and glad you had fun!
11 years ago
also sig, that is not the case, though it is something i'm fine with players playing in their own time or after the game
11 years ago
i'm thinking if nothing else, a 'what if' community might be neat? basically a comm where after the game, you guys can put all your AU and scratch and what if rp posts for the game
11 years ago
as of right now, we do have a plan for the endgame, and anyone who wants to stick around can play through it, albeit in a truncated form
how close are we to endgame, Mouse? if that's not too big of a secret to reveal
11 years ago
I have a few Big Things I want to play out?
11 years ago
Primarily Kappy godtiering
if it is, I completely understand if you don't wanna say
11 years ago
oh, no I meant if endgame was happening then I'll stick around for that, etc
11 years ago
because Rara wouldn't... fail at this game- not unless there was literally no winning it at all ever
11 years ago
honestly, we were very close to a few Very Big Events that would have driven us towards the climax
11 years ago
which could have taken quite a long time to play out normally, but i am thinking to sort of squish things together a bit
11 years ago
I wanted to have Lyn do a pre-godtier memo (that would actually be him posting from the future to characters in the present) that I'd been holding off on based on mod discretion. :|a
11 years ago
(Aka, I'd been told it was too early to be doing that yet.)
11 years ago
Then Lyn going godtier and completing his planet quest.
11 years ago
(Those would happen simultaneously.)
11 years ago
well there was a plan that I discussed with the mods but I was waiting on the dreambubble event for, since that was going to play a part
11 years ago
but no real point to it now- so the only other big thing I had was godtier and then Rara going to go bash Yaldabaoth's face in for being a dick and lying to her about her quest
11 years ago
since irt scribs I didn't try and plot too much other than Really Big Events
11 years ago
i thiiiiiink the way it's gonna go down is that i will do a post for the Very Big Events, and then after you all will be free to do whatever posts you like
11 years ago
just be sure to note when the post is happening to keep the order of events clear
11 years ago
after a time, i will do the needed posts for the endgame
11 years ago
I am gonna be pretty blunt here and admit that I'll probably just be responding to posts
11 years ago
instead of making any
11 years ago
not even the yaldabaoth thing?
11 years ago
how much of Beta would still be a: left and b: actually willing to help Rara with anything?
11 years ago
because let's face it teamwork is not really their strong suit atm
11 years ago
it's true
11 years ago
so like as much as I wanted it to be a cool big teambuilding thing I just don't have the heart anymore to put a lot of effort into something and just not be able to actually do anything with it
11 years ago
well... wow.
11 years ago
I don't know if my amount of activity would change or not; I'm never going to be a super active player. But I would hope to have some chance to see this story through, whether slowly (if that's "limping along
11 years ago
...pretend I ended the quote there... or not).
11 years ago
Well, I can't say I'm really surprised. Sucks, yeah, but I think it's kind of for the best.
11 years ago
I feel a little guilty, actually. My health has been flagging again lately, which is why I haven't really been on Plurk. I'm only on now because I can't sleep. But eh, excuses are just that - excuses.
11 years ago
Part of me doesn't want to just see it end, but honestly if we tried to accelerate things to endgame I think that wouldn't fair much better.
11 years ago
oh no, i hope you feel better :C
11 years ago
I mean don't get me wrong, I'm all for an Avispa'n'Rara's Skulls'n'Punch Adventure
11 years ago
But I don't think even pushing things to endgame is gonna get activity up across the board
11 years ago
yeah, this isn't really an attempt for more activity
11 years ago
more just to get some closure
11 years ago
I don't think the idea is to continue to endgame to revive the game, so much as give people a chance to do what they want to do before it closes/give Scribs an ending.
11 years ago
at this point, it wouldn't really be Avispa and Rara's anything since I think Skie might be dropping entirely
11 years ago
Yeah. I more meant if we give people that chance, how many will actually take it.
11 years ago
Anyways I stand with what the mods decide. And I'd still consider Skie and Usa as part of that even if they aren't officially mods anymore.
11 years ago
It's y'alls baby. I'm just a parasite that occasionally throws dick jokes at it.
11 years ago
dick joke throwing is a v important action
smol stab
11 years ago
I think I will probably just end up dropping
smol stab
11 years ago
that's all...I really have to say
11 years ago
Either way I'll keep everyone around. No hard feelings if anyone wants to drop me from Plurk, but I think I talk to Scrib people more than anybody else on my Plurk. Or really in general on the internet.
11 years ago
So whatever happens, Scrib was awesome for the badass and/or hilarious times and letting me meet you assholes.
11 years ago
seacats: i'm sorry to see you go, but i'm glad that we had you around as long as we did!
smol stab
11 years ago
I am just kind of upset because I feel like the only person who didn't see this coming from a long way off
smol stab
11 years ago
and hurt because it feels like no one bothered to tell me
smol stab
11 years ago
sorry :-( i was just really looking forward to a lot of things that aren't going to happen
smol stab
11 years ago
and a little punished for not being fast enough, I guess
11 years ago
i'm really sorry about all of this, things sort of have a way of piling up without anyone noticing and then suddenly the camel's back is broken
11 years ago
well I think a lot of us while we might have thought this would happen, were kind of hoping it wouldn't
11 years ago
so we're not entirely surprised but we're still really disappointed and just... well, it really does suck, but there really isn't a lot to be done at this point
11 years ago
also irt to not being fast enough I've actually been told that I did too much so really, it was kind of hard to find a middle ground either way
11 years ago
i honestly don't know what the perfect amount of activity for scribs was
11 years ago
scribs has been a very weird game in a lot of ways
11 years ago
me either tbh
11 years ago
also...... to anyone dropping, i don't intend to defriend any of you. part of the reason i love scribs so much, the reason i'm not just closing it fully, is because of how much i value meeting all of you
ghost king
11 years ago
11 years ago
really, thank all of you for sticking around as long as you have, i'll try to do my best to end things right
11 years ago
Yeah, haha. Like I said game or not I think Scribspeeps have become some of my best online bros now
11 years ago
yes, same
11 years ago
I say we do a viking funeral via drunkskype
11 years ago
wow what a good idea
11 years ago
i wish i could drunk rn
11 years ago
11 years ago
actually fuck it, drunk works too
ghost king
11 years ago
i wish i could skype but its been completely broken for me for days
11 years ago
Well obviously not in the middle of the week, haha
11 years ago
lol yeah
11 years ago
but yeah, the end is nigh, i'm sorry it came to this, prepare your bodies for a short endgame
11 years ago
I am always ready
11 years ago
--also if a drunkskype happens I need advance warning to try and get some booze
11 years ago
i have half a bottle of cuervo that has been waiting for its chance
ghost king
11 years ago
i got a wine cooler so id be good
11 years ago
mmm, tequila
11 years ago
I fully intend to keep threading with people, both through the official endgame and into whatever musebox/setup there is after that <3
11 years ago
Probably no faster than I've ever been, but you guys have put up with that so far ;w;
11 years ago
I was really wanting to try to get back into the game. a little lost on how atm. but
11 years ago
I did drop my only other remaining game to focus on Scrib
11 years ago
Oh, man. Uhm. So. This is really sad, for starters.
11 years ago
It's sad that it looks to be closing and it's even more sad that it drove two mods to quit.
11 years ago
I know my activity's been spotty. I never made Scrib my priority game because it was relaxed, and so a good deal of the time I was nowhere near as active as I feel I should've been. But still.
11 years ago
I do love this game a lot.
11 years ago
If we're doing endgame, Aria will be around for it.
11 years ago
And thank you all for hanging on and for playing as long as you did. It was a lot of fun.
11 years ago
I feel fairly guilty, not being the most active person ever (especially in the past couple of months) but it's been difficult to stay in the mood for RPing when rl causes my drive to crash and burn all the time
11 years ago
Not to mention after taking that hiatus I lost Lily's muse and had to try to get it back by playing her in rounds and rounds of IC Mafia (which kind of worked)
11 years ago
idk what I'm going to do right now, I need a few days to decide. I might drop, I might stick around. This summer's been the worst.
11 years ago
Sorry for the inactivity coming from me, and thank you mouse, and the other mods, for putting up with me as long as you have
11 years ago
So I think what I'm hearing here
Kyle is
11 years ago
instead of more moping, it's obviously time for an orgy thread
ghost king
11 years ago
guys, please don't blame yourselves for this
ghost king
11 years ago
i can't speak for skie but my drop is largely due to personal reasons. no singular person is to blame, okay?
11 years ago
UltimateCarl: the true, ahem, culmination of all our endless shipping?
11 years ago
Aw dang I sure chose the best night to not go onto my laptop.
11 years ago
Having legitimate Difficulties articulating my thoughts on this. :/
11 years ago
Not sure if I'll stick around because this game was about 80% of the reason that I'm still in this corner of the internet (because I'm not in any other games or anything) but...
11 years ago
It was definitely one of the most enjoyable ways to spend parts of the last... what, year and a third or so?
11 years ago
unless by 'orgy' you mean 'battle royale' I don't think that's going to happen
11 years ago
Well it wasn't a serious suggestion. :-P
11 years ago
But yeah I don't think anyone really considers it their fault. And if they do they shouldn't.
euryale ☆
11 years ago
phithleico: /HOLDS ON 2 U
11 years ago
small update; i figure i'll give everyone a couple days to decide what they want to do, whether it's drop or finish up, then i'm going to start doing some posts
11 years ago
might start off with an official start to the dreambubble event, since there has already been plotting for that
11 years ago
but i know this is a lot to take in, and i'm sorry it was so sudden, so whatever you all decide you want to do is fine
I've enjoyed my time with you all, in-game and out of it!
I'm always going to remember those first nights when that last batch of us joined, and there were tags flying in all directions while we bantered in the AIM chat..
Joking around about alchemy options and the shipping generator, and all the art and ficlets you guys made for it!
But yeah, it's gotten to the point of feeling like nostalgia. I've seen the strain and sadness from the more active players, so I saw something like this coming.
I hope life goes well for each and every one of you.
11 years ago
After some thought, and after seeing some stuff I'd rather not mention here, I'm bowing out. I'll make an official drop comment to the drop post if needed but. I don't feel comfortable sticking around to the
11 years ago
endgame since I wasn't around for a lot of it even after I got into it
11 years ago
It's been fun.
11 years ago
I mean really fun. Because of this I got to finally complete the OC idea I had unfinished for so long, and she's now my most played character in IC Mafia. So. Thanks.
11 years ago
... Also, the stuff I'd rather not mention here is largely unrelated to the game (almost completely) and is mostly just hurting my general RP drive.
11 years ago
Just realized the vagueness sounded kiiiinda bad
11 years ago
Sorry about that.
11 years ago
But it's been really, really fun, and I've enjoyed plotting with you guys. For as long as I was actually around. I still feel guilty that I was so inactive, and I'm sorry about that.
11 years ago
And I really hate that it's coming to this but I think myself dropping will be better for you guys. I'll be watching the endgame excitedly still.
mintmouse: um about the drops, do they all have to be auto-deaths? or can we just vaguely say those characters are off doing w/e somewhere
because with this many drops, it's crippling to some characters :'-( and it'll make it hard to play out endgame
That's a deciding factor for me as well. If drop means death, I'm going to stick around enough to roll through endgame at least. I'm back together enough to do at least that.
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