going crazy. Came home from work to record and kitty-cohost George is nowhere to be found. He must have gotten out this afternoon. He's never really been out. So worried! I miss my baby boy.
My cats have super-secret-hidey-holes, too. You're panicking, all running around and then out of nowhere they're behind you like "what?" Hope he feels better soon!
He came out for a bit this afternoon, we'll see if he comes out when I get home. (I think that he's a still tad upset with me, heh. I will buy his love again with treats. I have no shame.)
Thank gawd he was inside! My demon does the disappearing act too but her outdoors is blocked off so she's not really outside and it's a small area easy to check.
CronicKnitter: He got some tuna this afternoon and was waiting for me when I got home, so yay! He's hiding again, but he was definitely looking better, just a little lethargic. He'll come out later, hopefully.
CronicKnitter: I think that the shots he got yesterday at the vet are making him feel bad. Hopefully, he'll be back to his crazy self in a day or so! If not, we're heading back to the vet.