[BREAKING NEWS] so, for most people i know, since meeting Kerry, there has been an inevitable countdown to when i decided to move back to Alberta
latest #8
(because having a mountain range in between two people makes the relationship awkward).
there was some question as to whether the moving would happen this season or if i would stick it out another winter in Vancouver.
long story short: i'm not sticking it out another winter in Vancouver.
long story short with more details: two months from now: end of August, beginning of September: the Kat will be packed up from her Vancouver apartment and moved back to Alberta!
(where i will be moving back in with the parents, and getting a job in the Fort, for the time being).
do with this information what you will. cheers. <3
EDIT: this means, however, that i will NOT be attending Animethon. august will be crazy and i should save money.
but i'll be back for Edmonton Expo!!
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